Thursday, 23 April 2009, Is a Red Letter Day

For Content Protection and Security Plans . . .

Frankfurt, Thursday, 23 April, 9.30 AM – 3.30 PM

Content-Owners to announce and discuss content protection - security measures required of supply chain partners.

It Makes Sense for you to be there to hear and be heard!

·  This special seminar on Thursday, 23 April 2009, at the ‘Munich Suite’ Maritim Hotel Frankfurt, Theodor-Heuss-Allee 3, D-60486 Frankfurt am Main, allows film, music, games and software content owners a forum to discuss what content protection and security measures they require from media manufacturers and supply chain partners.

·  This seminar is in direct response to requests from content owners for a better cross-flow of information and updates on what is happening in the industry from a global content protection standpoint – a key issue for content owners, especially when executing supplier contracts.

·  Morning Presentations: Top experts representing content owners, government agencies and regulators outline the broad and changing requirements for protecting content and the security implications for virtually every point on the media-to-market supply chain. It’s the road-map for successfully competing to be recognized as a full-fledged supply chain partner.

ü  Stefan Krawczyk –IFPI Deputy Regional Director Europe, Director Middle East & Africa

ü  Halli Kristinsson – MPA Vice-President, Regional Director, Anti-Piracy EMEA

ü  Phil Lewis – EU Director IP Enforcement Unit

ü  Phil Herbert – Hamlins Law firm Partner and copy protection expert

·  Afternoon Presentations: Senior content owner executives lay out the specific procedures for content protection and security compliance required from supply chain partners. This free-flowing discussion identifies the new facets of the Anti-Piracy and Compliance Programs which satisfy these requirements under the Content Protection and Security Program.

Spencer Mott – Electronic Arts Director of International Security and Risk Management

Ruth Katz – Ruth Katz, Consultant and music industry expert

Gerhard Blum – Sony MusicEntertainment Vice President Distribution Services - Europe

Paul Gathercole – Universal Music Group International Director, Anti-Piracy/Technology

Please complete and return the Registration form below to ensure you have a place at this vital Content Protection and Security Workshop. Accommodation and travel arrangements can be found via

Peter Wallace

CDSA Director, Anti-Piracy and Compliance Programs - Europe, Middle East & Africa
Mobile: +44 (0) 7850 331033Office: 44-(0) 20 7470-7228

Content Protection and Security Workshop

Frankfurt, Thursday, 23 April, 9.30 AM – 3.30 PM


Organization: ______

Address: ______


Main Contact: (name) ______

Email: ______Telephone: ______

Please list names and titles of each registrant:

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

4.  ______

5. ______

Registration fee is 100 € per person for first three registrants (300 € maximum per organization.)

Number of registrants ______X 100 € per person = ______€

Please forward payment to:

Peter Wallace

CDSA Director, Anti-Piracy and Compliance Programs - Europe, Middle East & Africa
Mobile: +44 (0) 7850 331033Office: 44-(0) 20 7470-7228.

One Heddon Street, Mayfair London W1B 4BD. Bank Transfer payments to:

HSBC Bank, P O Box 120, 49 Corn Street, Bristol, BS99 7PP, UK

Account name : Portcullis Consultants – CDSA Account

Swift Code : MIDLGB22

IBAN Number : GB20MIDL40051568881165

Sort Code : 40-05-15

Account no. : 68881165

Note: The APCP seminar is next to Forum Messe, Frankfurt, Germany, to coincide with the Media Tech Expo there 22-24th April. You can take advantage of this added opportunity to meet colleagues. All APCP Seminar registrants are cordially invited to the Media Tech Expo party on Wednesday, 22 April, from 1800 to 2100.