YL Summer Camp Fundraising Overview

To Students:

We are very excited that you are interested in coming to camp this summer. If you have never been to YL camp before, we can guarantee you that it is NOT what you’re picturing—it is better. We promisepeople the “best week of your life” and we mean it! We do not want anything to stop people from coming to camp, including the cost. This packet contains a summary of different fundraising opportunities that we are providing this year. We know that if you make the decision to come to camp, you will never regret it. Even if it takes some work to get there, it’s worth it.

Our Pricing:

Due to transportation and the high quality of leadership, service, lodging, food, and adventure at our summer camps, our cost for the trips are $875 for the Young Life high school trip ($825 if you signed up before March 15th) and $600 for our Wyldlife middle school trip. We truly believe that what you will get for the money far surpasses this expense if you compare it to other summer camps or sport camps. But we are aware this still may be a sizeable challenge to afford, which is why we have put this packet together.

To Parents:

Thank you for considering this opportunity for your son/daughter. If you have any reservations whatsoever about the value of this experience, or the quality provided at Young Life camp, PLEASE ask us! We would love to talk to you and answer any questions you have. Feel free to call at any time.

Kane CountyYoung Life Office: 630-262-3939

Dan Griebel – Area Director - Cell:630-815-1125

Beth Dorsey – Parent: 630-947-5873



HOW: you will sell mulch by the yard (4 yard minimum per sale). You’ll make $15 for every yard of mulch you sell, so that’s a minimum of $60 PER SALE. If someone wants mulch, you can offer them the same product at a similar price while you still make a profit (thanks to generous donations from the mulch companies). See the mulch sale info sheet for full details.


HOW: in addition to buying mulch people can pay for the mulch to be installed by Young Life kids. We’ll have five Saturdays that you can come to work spreading mulch and can make at least $10 per hour working. The faster and better we spread the mulch, the more money you’ll make! WHEN: Saturdays April 16th, 23rd, 30th, May 7th, May 21st(and some various Sundays)


HOW: We have a small number of $250 scholarships available for first time campers. We will also have some other scholarship options available (if more or less than $250 is needed). To apply for a scholarship for summer camp, fill out the attached form and turn it into a Young Life leader or mail it to the Young Life office.


Camp Fee$875


Save allowance/ask grandparents/ Birthday gifts (etc.) $205

Sell 18yards of mulch (three sales of 6 yards)$270

Work installing mulch three Saturdays for 6 hours each$200

You can do it! We also have a scholarship application in this packet. We try to distribute this money fairly as families have need. Bottom line: WE DO NOT WANT ANYONE TO MISS CAMP BECAUSE OF MONEY. We are serious about this!!!

Young Life Summer Camp

Scholarship Application

If you have never been to a week-long Young Life camp before and you would like additional help paying for camp, fill out this application for the opportunity to receive scholarship money towards your camp fee.

Give completed application to your Young Life leader or mail to:

Kane County Young Life

1507 Avalon Ct. * St Charles, IL 60174

Kane County Young Life has a few $250scholarship funds available, and some additional scholarship funds as well. If you need financial help, please let us know by filling out this form. We want to make good decisions to help as many people as possible.



How did you hear about YL camp and why do you want to go?

What other ways are you trying to earn money for camp this summer? Are you planning on participating in any of the YL fundraisers?

How much scholarship money would you hope to receive to help make camp affordable for you and why?

Student signature: Date:

Parent Signature:

Young Life Mulch Sale 2016 Information

Here’s what I love about this fundraiser: no one is going to spend $200+ on mulch who doesn’t want mulch. Unlike a candy sale or saver card sale you don’t need to feel like you are convincing people to buy something they might not really want. If someone wants mulch (many people do!) they’ll get a good price while helping you afford camp at the same time. Plus the returns on your efforts are unbeatable! It really is a win-win.

So…How Much Money Will I Make?

1. You will earn $15 per yard of mulch you sell (that’s a minimum of $60 per sale)

2. You will earn at least $10 per hour you work to install mulch.

Last year people made and average of $200 selling mulch, and about $70/Saturday spreading mulch…

You’re about to raise a lot of money for camp this summer! It’s really simple...here’s what you need to do:

Askfriends,neighbors, teachers, parents coworkers...pretty much anyone that lives in the Tri-Cities area.

Sellmulch. Your customers will want to know things like:

  • What kind of mulch is it? All natural, double-processed brown hardwood mulch.
  • What is the cost? $30/cubic yard or $50/yard installed. The minimum order is 4 yards.

There is a $50 delivery fee per order.

  • When do people pay? Have them hand you a check (made out to Young Life) or mail one to:

Young Life Kane County - 1507 Avalon Ct - St Charles, IL 60174.

  • When will it be delivered and installed?

Delivery will happen on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday before installation.

For INSTALLATIONS, the following days are available on a first come, first serve basis:

April 16th, 23rd, 30th, May 7th, May 21st

Someone from Young Life will contact them to confirm their order and delivery/installation date.

Have Them Fill outthe online order form at Ask them to go online and enter your name when placing their order.

Work You can make even more money helping spread mulch on the installation dates mentioned above.

***If you sell mulch plan on working at least 2 of these days.

Important Notes

We can only deliver/sell mulch to people in Batavia, Geneva, and St. Charles

You or your parents can email people and direct them to the website to place orders or

you can take orders in person and enter it yourself. (MAKE SURE YOU GET AN EMAIL ADDRESS)

You can earn $ working to spread mulch even if you don’t sell any mulch!


Call the Young Life office at 630-262-3939 or email . Have fun!