English Language Institute

University of Pittsburgh

Program Goals, Course Goals, and Course Objectives


Level 4
Program Goals / Level 4
Reading Goals / Level 4
Reading Objectives /
1.  Students will learn to analyze, synthesize, and infer from medium-length/multi-paragraph texts. Students also will be introduced to the evaluation of texts. / Students will analyze multi-paragraph texts, charts, and graphs in academic, personal and professional contexts to identify main ideas and specific details that support the main ideas.
Students will analyze devices of coherence and cohesion in academic, personal and professional contexts.
Students will summarize the main ideas of texts in academic, personal and professional contexts.
Students will recognize reduced forms in academic, personal and professional contexts.
Students will make inferences in academic, personal and professional contexts. / Given medium length texts on academic, personal & professional topics.
·  identify the main idea from a series of options
·  discriminate between main idea statements and supporting details
·  extract specific information:
-  to answer factual questions
-  to answer opinion questions
-  to answer why-questions (reasons)
-  identify numerical information
-  complete charts and graphs
-  identify examples
·  identify referents of pronouns
·  recognize a summary that limits content to the main ideas and key supporting details of a text
·  discriminate between inference statements that can be derived from the text and inference statements that cannot be derived from the text
·  discriminate between fact, opinions and inference statements that can be derived from the text
2. Students will learn to create medium-length/multi-paragraph written and spoken texts to express, extend, and elaborate their own ideas, to represent, extend, and elaborate on the ideas of others.
3. Students will interact via responding to written texts and interlocutors & eliciting written or spoken information on personal, practical, social, and general academic topics. Interaction will include clarifying and negotiating meaning. Students also will be introduced to abstract topics.
4. Students will use and interpret language in socio-culturally appropriate ways, including recognizing & using different registers and styles. Students will be introduced to the concept of language variety (e.g. slang, commonwealth & North American varieties). / Students will identify genre and intended audience / SWBAT1:
·  identify the appropriate genre to describe a written text
·  identify the intended audience of a written text
5. Students will use targeted lexical, phonological, morphological and syntactic elements at a high-intermediate level. / Students will comprehend meaning of selected lexical items from the ELI word list2 and additional target words.
Students will recognize part of speech of selected lexical items from the ELI word list2 and additional target words.
Students will derive meaning of unknown vocabulary using contextual cues.
Students will map phonemes and graphemes. / SWBAT1:
·  identify the definition provided within the sentence related to the unknown word
·  identify the appropriate word or definition to complete a given vocabulary-focused activity
·  recognize target words and their inflected and common derivational morphological variants in context
·  use morphosyntactic information (including articles, affixes, sentence position) to distinguish between types of information (reasons, numerical, description, letters, names, etc.)
Students will recognize appropriate word order in subordinate clauses. / SWBAT1:
·  recognize complex sentences using some time adverbials (when, before, after)
·  recognize subject and possessive relative clauses
·  recognize reduced active relative clauses
·  recognize complement clauses using gerunds and infinitives
Students will recognize questions and simple modals. / SWBAT1:
·  recognize correctly structured yes-no and wh questions with do-support when needed
·  recognize simple modals such as can, could, should, must, have to, might, would
Students will recognize negative structures. / SWBAT1:
·  recognize negative do-support in main and subordinate clauses
·  recognize negative modals in simple and complex sentences
Students will recognize appropriate intermediate verb morphology and verb phrases. / SWBAT1:
·  recognize past tense and past progressive sentences
·  recognize simple and progressive present perfect sentences with the indefinite past meaning
·  recognize future tense sentences with will and present progressive
·  recognize sentences using modals and semi modals of possibility (could, may), necessity (have to/must
·  recognize sentences using past modals of obligation and belief (should have/must have + past participle)
·  recognize verb phrases with common adverbs of description, manner and frequency
Students will recognize some noun phrase structures. / SWBAT1:
·  recognize count and non-count abstract nouns
·  recognize article use to distinguish between specific and general
·  recognize articles to distinguish between specific and general meanings in a concrete focused context
·  recognize noun phrases with adjectives
·  recognize adjectival comparatives involving –er, than, as ...as and comparative adjective and comparative adverb structures
·  recognize quantifiers such as most/most of, some/any, many/much, little/few some, all,
Students will recognize some hypotheticals. / SWBAT1:
·  recognize wish structures in present time
·  recognize present unreal conditionals
Students will recognize and recognize passive voice structures. / SWBAT1:
·  recognize passive voice structures in most tenses
·  recognize passive voice structures in present and past tenses
Students will recognize phrasal verbs. / SWBAT1:
·  recognize basic separable phrasal verbs
·  recognize basic inseparable phrasal verbs

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1. SWBAT = Students will be able to ...

2. The ELI word list is a list of very frequently used words and is compiled by feeding the Coxhead list into the BNC Vocabulary Profiler: [http://www.lextutor.ca/vp/bnc/]