Character Descriptions

Please read through the information below and have a good idea what parts you will be seeking during your audition:

Honk has 27 roles, but we’re looking for a cast of 15-ish, with many cast members holding down multiple ensemble roles.

Despite the gender of the characters, I am willing to consider ALL characters as gender neutral. Musical scoring might determine whether a character is played by a male or female, but I want to keep open all the possibilities.

  • UGLY: lead; starts out as outsider with strong sense of self-image and animation, begins to second guess himself as others see him as outcast; loveable and trustworthy despite his obvious “shortcomings”; must be able to sing very well. Tenor to high baritone.
  • IDA: lead female: Ugly’s nuturing, strong-willed and very animated mother. Must have “showy” voice. Alto to Soprano II
  • CAT: supporting role; gender neutral (although this score is written for a low voice (alto/baritone); wise-cracking, self-centered, over the top feline with slick ways and evil thoughts; physically very demanding role; singing can either be quite detailed and Bway style or more character-talkative-to-rhythm.
  • DRAKE: featured male; Ida’s husband; narrator-like; opens the show with song and has a few scenes of fatherly effrontery; fun, smaller role
  • HENRIETTA AND MAUREEN: featured females: “old school” moms who offer support and advice to Ida and carry the “bingo” crowd of tradition in the farmyard; smaller roles for similar character to Ida, but require far less solo singing.
  • GREYLAG: featured m ale; one great and scene-chewing scene; doddering, stuffy, old British air force war lord hell-bent on service for the good and discipline and protocol as a natural part of life; a wonderful role that requires “singing” but is limited to one scene; probably will double up in other ensemble moments
  • BULLFROG: featured male; scene-stealing role that has one great scene and sings the song that becomes one of the major themes of the play; think “Baptist” revivialist/larger-than-life preacher-type with an over-the-top sense of humor.
  • PENNY; featured female; essentially non-singing role; the lovely swan that Ugly finds and saves, only to become the love of his life; good looks are a must for this role who also exudes kindness, gentleness, and support.
  • THE TURKEY: featured male/female; non-singing self-appointed boss of the farmyard who is both stuffy and worried about stuffing; fun, small role who will double in other scenes as other characters.
  • GRACE: featured female; queen of the farmyard and holder of the highest “office” of animaldom in the story; older “Queen Elizabeth”-type who exudes her name; non-singing; will double in smaller roles
  • DOT: featured female; Greylag’s side kick, old fuddy-duddy grandmother type who is always there to help support her air force going husband; “singing” role, one scene; doubles in other parts
  • THE ENSEMBLE: featured roles that required multi-talented actors and actresses who double as the young ducklings, the goose squadron, and frog ensemble; run of the running gags of the show will be that the same four actors play all these roles; must be able to sing in ensemble setting well, create quick characters to identify, and be believable in multiple roles.

Many other smaller roles in the show which the characters above will share.