JenningsCounty United Way 2015 Grant Application
Contact Person Telephone
Email Address Federal Tax ID #
By signing below we affirm each of the following:
Total amount of funding requested for our program(s), itemized within,is $______
(The combined total of the program funding sheet(s) included withinfor multiple programs)
The budget within was considered and approved by a quorum of our Board of Directors who were present at a board meeting on (meeting date)
We understand that funds must be used for the purpose granted or returned to United Way.
We will be prepared to submit program and financial reports as requested and/or a final evaluation.
We certify that we have conflict of interest, affirmative action and non discrimination policy’s in place, maintain sufficient insurance and additional provisions where appropriate to protect board of directors, employees, facilities, and agency funds.
We understand this application becomes part of our “Artciles of Agreement” if awarded funding.
We have reviewed this grant application on the date below and certify it is complete and accurate.
- 1 -
Executive Director's Signature (staff)DateTreasurer's Signature (volunteer)Date
Board President's Signature (volunteer) Date Grant Writer Date
Instructions for submitting a complete application:
- The Agency’s Board of Directors must approve budget and application must be signed prior to submission.
- The original grant application with attachments as outlined below must be submitted to Jennings County United Way no later than 4:00pm May 28, 2015. Please retain a copy for your own records.
- Failure to complete any portion or include any of these items will negate your application for funding. Resubmissions will not be considered afterthe due date above.Late applications will not be accepted.
Submit the original, signed application and these attachments; andemail a scanned copy as “.pdf” file(s):
- Current Board of Directors list with addresses and phone numbers and a schedule of board of directors meetings (include dates, location and time).
- Most current filed IRS Form 990 or a board approvedletter of explanation stating why a 990 was not filed.
- A copy of the most recent finanacial audit or alternately an agency with a total budget of less than $50,000 may provide a report of financial status prepared by an outside accountant. A request for a waiver must be submitted in writing stating the reasons for the request, prior to the due date above.
OR: Submit the original as stated above; AND 10 complete paper copiesmade back to back& stapled
Email a complete copyof the signed original as “.pdf file(s)” to:
Mailthe original & attachments to:JenningsCounty United Way, PO Box 446, North Vernon, IN47265
You may also hand deliver to 707 North State Street, North Vernon. A copier will not be available.
For questions or prior to submission: Contact United Way at 812-346-5257or
Agency Program Information
- Agency's mission as defined in by-laws or other legal documents:
- List program(s) and service(s) your agency provides:
- Target population (age, sex, special interests, disability, etc.) :
- Number of unduplicated units of service (# of individuals) provided in Jennings County:
2011/3 years ago(actual)Individual= one person counted once in a year.
2012/2 yrs ago(actual)Define “unduplicated units of service” below:
2013/Previous Yr.(actual)
2014/Current year(projected)
- Percentage of administrative and fund-raising expenses for the past year is:
This % must be computed from most recent IRS form 990 -Part 9 lines 25C and 25D divided by “total revenue” (line 12).
- What specific program(s) or service are you requesting this United Way grant for?
- Which United Way Impact Areas or goals does this program address?
- How does this program address Financial Stability issues or increase self sufficiency?
- What are the specific outcomes or results of this program? (How are lives improved?)
- How do you measure these results? Please attach survey results and any outcomes measurement tools and findings you have.
- How are your programs assessed for effectiveness, for meeting your goals or objectives?
- Please list board development or training your agency has participated in during the year.
- How does your agency participate during the annual United Way campaign?
- Which Jennings County United Way Programs does your agency participate in and how?
- List other United Way events your Board Members or Agency participated in the past year.
- Beneficiaries - Please list the top 3 companies the majority of your clients (or their parents) work for:
- What else would you like us to know?(Any special needs or circumstances your agency might have etc.)
Agency Financial History & Budget
These financials are to include complete agency financials and should reconcile with IRS form990.
An Agency serving a wider regionmust also include an additional copy of this sheet reflecting ONLY Jennings County’s numbers.
- Each column must reflect a complete year (12 months).
- Breakdown all Misc. Expenses or In-Kind amounts in detail on pg 6 if necessary
- You may modify line names and include an explanation detailing what is included in lines if you’d like to clairify
- If there are more than 2 programs, you may use additional pages for Program #3 etc
Calendar year OR
Fiscal year ending:
Month & Day / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20 / Program breakdown / Proposed
United Way
funds within this budget
Income / 2 years ago actual year end / Last year
actual year end / Current year Budget / Agency Budget
(Next year) / Program #1 / Program #2
4000 Contributions -- General
4200 Special Events (net)
4300 Legacies and Bequests
4600 Contributed by Assoc. Organ's
4700 Allocated by Other United Ways
4800 Other Fund Raising
5000 Fees/Grants from Government
5100 Membership Dues -- Individuals
5300 Program Service Fees
5500 Sales To Public (net)
5600 Investment Income
5700 Miscellaneous Revenue
6000 JenningsCounty United Way
Total Income
Expenses / 2 years ago actual year end / Last year
actual year end / Current year Budget / Budget
(Next year) / Program #1
Budget / Program #2
Budget / Proposed use of UW funds within this budget:
7000 Salaries
7100 Employee Benefits
7200 FICA, Payroll Taxes, Etc.
8000 Professional Fees
8100 Supplies
8200 Telephone
8300 Postage and Shipping
8400 Occupancy (Building/Grounds)
8500 Rental/Maintenance of Equipm't
8600 Printing and Publications
8700 Travel, Conferences, Meetings
8800 Insurance
8900 Specific Assistance to Individuals
9000 Membership Dues
9100 Awards and Grants
9400 Miscellaneous (detail on pg 4)
9450 Advertising
9500 Payment to Affiliated Organ's
9900 Equipment ($500 or more)
Total Expenses
Net Gain / (Loss) / Total above = total request on front page
Assets & Liabilities Worksheet
This information should correlate with IRS Form 990.
* Note- Agencies who’s 990 reflects more than Jennings County must complete both columns.
Year ending(date)
Assets / Jennings County Only / * Column 3- Whole AgencyCash
Property, Plant & Equipment
Other Assets (explain)
Liabilities / Jennings County Only / * Column 3- Whole Agency
Property & Plant Loan (explain)
Equipment Loan (explain)
Loan (explain)
Other Debts (explain)
Balance Sheet(year)Form 990
Jennings County / 2007 <990 line: / 2008 >
990 line: / * Column 3- Whole Agency
Net Assets at the beginning of yr / 19 / 22(A)
Gain or Loss / 18+20 / 19
Net Assets at the end of year / 21 / 22(B)
Explanations of line items, miscellaneous expenses or “In-Kind” amounts Explain any miscellaneous expenses or in-kind amounts included in the figures throughout this grant application below.Please note the page number and line being referenced.If desired, you may also explain what’s contained in line items here.
Program funding request
Demonstrate what you’re asking for and what you intend to do with it.
This page sumarizesnext year’s program budget(s) and correlates to the “AgencyBudget” area on the History &budget page.
Submit a copy of this page for each individual program- Program requests combined equal the total request on the front page.
Type here.
Total Program Specific Budget
(modify line item below s as needed) / Agency Contribution / Requested from United Way / Total Program Cost
Salaries Wages
Program Materials
Direct Assistance
Total / /
Funding Sources(list all sources) / Duration / Amount
JenningsCounty United Way / 1 calendar year
Total Funding
AgencyCompliance Evaluation 2015-16
AGENCY: ______
The board of directors and volunteer structure is of adequate size and representation and meets frequently; it is fully engaged, adaptable, and effective in providing the appropriate programmatic, financial and legal oversight and support to the organization.Indicators / Rate how well your agency meets each indicator.
Please provide explanation if you rate indicator a 2 or 3. / 1-completely meets
2 -actively in progress
3 -not at all / Relevant documentation,
evaluation methodology,
tangible support items or proof
A / Authority and Responsibility: The agency is organized and operates according to clear lines of authority and responsibility. / 1 2 3 / By-Laws
B / Legal Matters: The agency fulfills all legal requirements necessary or appropriate to agency operation. / 1 2 3 / 501(C)3, IRS 990, Annual Audit –Finances, Agency Audit,
C / Membership and Organization: The membership, structure, and procedures of the governing board are designed to enable the agency to effectively perform its duties. / 1 2 3 / Organizational Flow Chart
D / Board Diversity: The composition of the governing board works to reflect the diversity within the agency’s geographic service area in terms of gender, race/ethnicity, and area residence. / 1 2 3 / List of Board of Directors, interview
E / Responsibilities: The governing board carries out the functions necessary for the governance of the agency. / 1 2 3 / Regular meeting minutes and sub committees
Executive and management staff are competent, think strategically, adapt to existing circumstances, have adequate procedures and policies in place, and evoke the confidence of the agency’s board, United Way, and the community in general.
Indicators / Rate how well your agency meets each indicator.
Please provide explanation if you rate indicator a 2 or 3. / 1-completely meets
2 -actively in progress
3 -not at all / Relevant documentation,
evaluation methodology,
tangible support or proof
A / Organizational Planning: The agency has a subsequent and or multi-year financial and/or organizational plan / 1 2 3 / Documented long range/short term (2yr) plan
B / Personnel Policies and Procedures: The agency has organizational charts, job responsibilities, and personnel policies in place that address pay and benefits / 1 2 3 / Document
C / Position Classification and Salary Administration: Larger agencies have a position classification system and salary administration plan. / 1 2 3 / Document
D / Staff Competency: The CEO/Executive Director and staff have the qualifications and experience necessary to effectively run the agency’s day-to-day operations and assist the board in developing short and long-term plans that help the agency adapt the changing circumstances / 1 2 3 / Resume, recent training course offered by National
E / Staff Supervision, Evaluation and Retention: Larger agencies have a system of staff supervision evaluation to develop and retain qualified staff / 1 2 3 / Document
F / Volunteer management: The agency has a plan for effectively utilizing community volunteers / 1 2 3 / Volunteer application, vol. list, vol. hours logged, vol. job descriptions
G / Public Relations: The agency projects a positive image in the community, including potential clients, volunteers, and donors / 1 2 3 / Recent surveys, media, scrapbooks, comment box cards
H / Adequacy, Safety and Security: The agency’s physical assets are accessible and adequate for the programs provided and are maintained in such a manner as to promote safety and security for clients, staff, guests, and agency property / 1 2 3 / Observation, Interview, risk management plan, ratios
I / Property Management and Maintenance: The agency’s facilities, grounds, and equipment are managed and maintained effectively and efficiently / 1 2 3 / Observation, Interview, annual maintenance plan
The agency has a good financial plan, is well resourced, has diversified funding sources, a contingency plan for meeting unexpected financial matters, and is flexible and resilient in face of external crises or challenges
Indicators / Rate how well your agency meets each indicator.
Please provide explanation if you rate indicator a 2 or 3. / 1-completely meets
2 -actively in progress
3 -not at all / Relevant documentation,
evaluation methodology,
tangible support or proof
A / Budget Administration: The agency has policies and procedures for the preparation, administration, use, and review of the annual budget and establishes a clearly defined budget for Jennings County. / 1 2 3 / Documentation, Interview
B / Financial Measurement and Reporting: The agency monitors costs to ensure efficient and effective operation of programs and provides financial information to interested parties, particularly for decision-making purposes / 1 2 3 / Documentation, Interview
C / Financial planning: The agency has a funding plan which provides for financial resources that will support services within the agency’s mission / 1 2 3 / Documentation
D / Fundraising Policies: The agency has fundraising policies describing the agency’s responsibilities and those of employee fundraisers / 1 2 3 / Documentation
E / Risk Management: The agency periodically assesses the amount of risk and implements appropriate measures to manage such risk / 1 2 3 / Interview, documentation
The agency responds effectively to existing and emerging community needs, as defined by United Way or through the agency’s own documented experience
Indicators / Rate how well your agency meets each indicator.
Please provide explanation if you rate indicator a 2 or 3. / 1-completely meets
2 -actively in progress
3 -not at all / Relevant documentation,
evaluation methodology,
tangible support or proof
A / Community Assessment: The agency has mechanisms in place to remain aware of community conditions and uses them in its program planning and assessment / 1 2 3 / Interview and/or documentation
B / Inter-organizational Relationships: The agency maintains relationships with community groups, service providers, funders, and organizations / 1 2 3 / Interview and/or documentation
C / Inclusiveness: The agency culture, recruitment, partnerships and other business practices demonstrate inclusiveness (i.e., includes the diversity of the community and clients to be served.) Practices promote inclusiveness in all aspects of internal and external functions / 1 2 3 / Interview
The agency has well-defined, measurable outcomes that are monitored and used by executive staff and the board to evaluate and improve programs and make indicated program changes
Indicators / Rate how well your agency meets each indicator.
Please provide explanation if you rate indicator a 2 or 3. / 1-completely meets
2 -actively in progress
3 -not at all / Relevant documentation,
evaluation methodology,
tangible support or proof
A / Program Planning: All programs are needed, appropriate for the agency, and indicate intended program results / 1 2 3 / Interview and/or documentation
B / Ongoing Program Planning and Evaluation: The agency develops formal plans for all programs, evaluates program implementation, and uses its findings to make program changes as appropriate / 1 2 3 / Documentation
C / Policies and Procedures: The agency has clearly defined policies and procedures for programs / 1 2 3 / Documentation
D / Service Delivery: The agency can articulate the method used to measure the results of service delivery, what the results were and how it is using the information from the results / 1 2 3 / Interview
E / Community Impact Area(s): (circle)
Agency’s programs meet needs in the areas of: / Crisis Education Family Health FinancialStability
F / Community Impact Notes:
STANDARD 6: Jennings County United Way PARTNERThe agency is an excellent United Way partner in meeting both the spirit and letter our agreement(s).
Indicators / Rate how well your agency meets each indicator.
Please provide explanation if you rate indicator a 2 or 3. / 1-completely meets
2 -actively in progress
3 -not at all / Relevant documentation,
evaluation methodology,
tangible support or proof
A / Reporting: Agency submits requested reports and financial statements on time, in format requested / 1 2 3 / Documentation
B / Legal Compliance: The agency complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations; meets state and local standards for licensing as applicable; and satisfies the corporation laws of the State of Indiana as a not-for-profit and the Federal Internal Revenue Code / 1 2 3 / Interview and Documentation
C / Financial Policies for funded programs: The agency complies with all requirements and conditions contained in the “Agency Handbook” and “Agency Agreement” / 1 2 3 / Interview
D / Inclusiveness in Service Delivery: There will be no discrimination with regard to hiring, assignment, promotion, or other considerations of employment and volunteer involvement as defined by state, federal and other applicable laws. Furthermore, the agency agrees there is to be no unlawful discrimination with regard to people who are served. / 1 2 3 / Interview and documentation
E / United Way Support: The agency actively supports the United Way campaign and identifies itself as a United Way partner and funded program through signage and co-branding / 1 2 3 / Interview and Documentation
F / Do no harm to United Way Campaign: The agency (staff or volunteers) takes no actions to bring harm or otherwise jeopardize the success of unrestricted giving toward the UW campaign. / 1 2 3 / Interview
G / Board Review: The agency reviews the agreement with its governing board annually / 1 2 3 / Interview and/or documentation
H / CharityTracker: The agency participates in the Jennings County Assistance Network. / 1 2 3 / 1- yes, 2-interested, 3- No. Explain
I / Financial Stability: Contributes to community efforts to remove barriers to self-sufficiency. / 1 2 3 / Overall Rating
Please note participation below…
Bridges out of Poverty Training workshops:
What % of your current staff have completed:
What % of your current volunteers have completed:
How many staff /volunteers are interested in a 2015 training?
Getting Ahead- Does your agency refer clients? .
Are your staff/volunteers interested in training to facilitate?
Poverty Simulation- Interested in participating? (limit 86)
Circle of Hope Network- Interested in participating?
(Bridges required-Group meeting of mentors and Getting Ahead grads that meet periodically to support efforts towards self sufficiency, and address community issues) / Day 1? Day2? Day 1? Day2?
Day 1? Day2?
How many? .
How many? .
How many? . / Comments / Note interests: