Associated Student Body


1499 N. State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 - (951) 487-3800 (front desk)

28237 La Piedra Road, Menifee, CA 92584 - (951) 639-5800 (front desk)


Minutes for Regular Meeting

Monday, August 25, 2008

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Associated Student Body of Mt. San Jacinto College will meet, commencing at 11:00 A.M. on Monday, August 25, 2008 in Room 130 MVC, and room, 1111, SJC the starting time listed for the meeting is approximate. Public testimony will be invited in conjunction with discussion on each item.

I.  Opening of Meeting

A.  Call to Order

B.  Pledge of Allegiance—flag not available

C.  Swearing in of all ASB officers and Senators

i. President Reynen was sworn in office by JoAnna Quejada

ii. Executive officers and Senator sworn in by President Reynen

D.  Roll Call

1.  Executive Branch

President –Tara Reynen

Vice President –Sarah Welton

Secretary –Katie Holmes

Treasurer – Andrew Ames

Public Relations Officer (s)–Heather Elam (MVC)

2.  Legislative Branch

Senator (SJC) – Malakai Unland

Senator (SJC) –

Senator (MVC) –

Senator (MVC) –

3.  Judicial Branch

Chief Justice – Vacant

4.  Board Representative

Student Trustee (SJC)-Francisco Alvarado

5.  ASB Advisors

JoAnna Quejada, Dean of Student Services

Donna Wilder, ASB Advisor

6.  Members at Large

Pricila Chavez

E.  Review and Approval of ASB Minutes –NO PREVIOUS AGENDA

m. motion passed

F.  Review and Approval of ASB Meeting Agenda

m. motion passed

II.  Information Items

A.  Executive Officers’ Reports

i. President Reynen will send out email to the ASB regarding the upcoming BBQ’s

ii. Vice President Welton advised the ASB the Interclub Council (ICC) will not meet until September 8 due to the Labor Day Holiday

B.  Senators’ Reports

C.  Justices’ Reports

D.  Student Trustee’s Report

E.  ASB Advisors’ Reports

i. ASB Advisor Donna Wilder reported receiving a club charter from the LaPuente Club and three pages of student

names interested in the ASB.

ii. Dean of Student Services, JoAnna Quejada reported a very successful recruitment effort on August 19, 2008 at the San Jacinto Campus. She was surprised by the unprecedented number of students interested in the ASB.

F.  Committee Representative Reports

III.  Public Comment

This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Associated Student Body on issues not already appearing on the agenda. A limit of 5 minutes per speaker and 20 minutes per topic shall be enforced.

i. Dr. George Kozitza, Vice President, Business Services informed the ASB the Board of Trustees requested more input concerning the bookstore operations, in particular with regard using outside contractors. A committee will be convened to study the bookstore’s services, in October the committee will review proposals and goals for improvement. Dr. Kozitza will be asking the ASB to participate on this committee.

IV.  Discussion Items.

A.  Agreement that Executive Branch be granted voting privileges not to exceed September 8, 2008.

i. The ASB unanimously agreed to permit the executive branch voting power not to exceed September 8 in order to execute the business of the organization and provide more time to recruit new senators.

B.  Dr. George Kozitza, Vice President, Business Services will provide information about a proposal from RTA bus service.

i. Dr. Kozitza submitted a proposal for the ASB to fund 1/3 of the cost of a bus stop shade structure (District and RTA will fund 1/3 of the cost each); $2,000 without lights--$3,000 with lights. He will provide pictures of the proposed structures. President Reynen will review the proposal with the ASB and consider current revenues for the year. She will respond to Dr. Kozitza’s request after thorough consideration of all information.

C.  Welcome Back BBQ—August 27 at MVC and August 28 at SJC: ASB task assignments.

i. President Reynen has established a list of who will be working both BBQ’s.

ii. JoAnna reported 10 tables for vendors and 4 clubs have confirmed for MVC

D.  Bonfire Celebration—October 23, 2008: ASB task assignments.

i. President Reynen stated she would contact the DJ Vince used last year; Ron will be cooking; JoAnna will pursue the fire permit. Maintenance told JoAnna there are plenty of wooden pallets for the fire. President Reynen asked that the ASB request donations from retail stores such as Big 5, Sports Chalet, etc for prizes. Will need additional help for set up and clean-up.

E.  Omar Mendez to provide the ASB with information concerning participation in the Student Senate.

i. JoAnna spoke with Omar and he is willing to do a 20 minute presentation at the next meeting regarding the Student Senate.

F.  $1800.00 request from Dean Patrick Springer for November basketball tournament costs.

i. President Reynen would like to review this request after a revenue report beginning July 1 is available.

G. Attendance at the California Community College Student Affairs Association (CCCSAA)—October 17-19, 2008, San Diego, CA

i. Donna advised the ASB we will need to make reservations by September 25 to take advantage of the low registration fees and room rates.

ii. President Reynen acknowledged that a limited number of the ASB will be able to attend due to budget constraints.

V.  Action Items

A.  New Business

1.  ASB Expenditures

i.  Approval of $750.00 for an open purchase order for Mobile Mini storage ($53.88 past due, $696.12 for current year monthly charges) to Mobile Mini, LLC-CA

m. --H. Elam motion passed –S.Welton

ii.  Approval of $150.00 past due invoice: Spring 2008 Student General Assembly –registration fee for Omar Mendez to the Academic Senate for Community Colleges

m. –H.Elam motion passed --S.Welton

iii.  Approval of $5,700.00 Utility Chargeback for fiscal year 2007-2008 to Mt. San Jacinto Community College District

Annual expense for ASB utilities encumbered by Business Services—PAID

m.—A.Ames motion passed --M.Unland

iv.  Approval of $899.87 Scholarship Breakfast Academic Year 2007-2008 to the Foundation

Annual expense for scholarship breakfast encumbered by Business Services—PAID

m. –M.Unland motion passed --A.Ames

v.  Approval of $500.00 for August 22, 2008 Athletic Forum—emergency approval given by T. Reynen

m. –M.Unland motion passed --H.Elam

vi.  Approval of $4,200 for Welcome Back BBQ’s (700 students x $6.00 each) to Ron Guglielmana, caterer

m. –A.Ames motion passed --M.Unland

AS AMENDED—see corrections

vii.  Approval of $600.00 for Bonfire Celebration (100 students x $6.00 each) to Ron Guglielmana, caterer

m. –M.Unland motion passed --A.Ames

AS AMENDED-- see corrections

B.  Club Charters and Memberships (BLOCK VOTE)

1. Approval of New and Renewed Club Charters

(i)  Eco Club—new club charter

(ii)  Child Development Education Club—renewal of charter

(iii)  Upward Bound Students—renewal of charter

m. –H.Elam motion passed --S.Welton

VI.  Adjournment

Additional information or available background material regarding any item on the agenda may be obtained by contacting the ASB Office at (951) 487-3800 prior to the meeting.

MSJC Associated Student Body meetings are open and minutes recorded per The Brown Act of California. Minutes shall be subject to inspection by members of the public in accordance with The Brown Act.

The next scheduled meeting WILL BE POSTED.

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August 25, 2008

ASB Minutes

Associated Student Body


28237 La Piedra Road, Menifee, CA 92584 - (951) 672-6752, Ext. 5800

1499 N. State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 - (951) 487-6752, Ext. 3800

Page 1 of 4

August 25, 2008

ASB Minutes

Associated Student Body


1499 N. State St., Rm. 1114, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752 Ext. 1520

28237 La Piedra Rd., Rm. 1018A, Menifee, CA 92584 (951) 672-6752 Ext. 2225

Page 1 of 4

August 25, 2008

ASB Minutes