Councillors:M D Lowe (Chairman)D E Atterbury

N B Bedder MBEJ Brown

S R BrownS A Coombe W B Coupe R Davies

D J HillJ Knaggs

K KnaggsD Maguire

F OsmanC Wooding

M Brookes

ALSO PRESENT:TheDeputy Clerk

4 Members of the Public

APOLOGIES: Cllrs D Knaggs, C A Wooding



PRESENT:Councillors;M D Lowe (Chairman)

D J HillN Bedder

D Maguire S R Brown

R Davies

ALSO PRESENT:The Deputy Clerk

1.To Receive apologies for Absence: The Clerk

2.Disclosures of Interest - To receive disclosures from Members and Officers and the nature of those interests as specified In respect of items on this agenda.

Councillor Hill declared an interest in any business concerning Mrs R Hill

Councillor M D Lowe declared an interest in any business concerning Max Lowe

3.Monthly Expenditure Report – Mrs G M Smith

ACCOUNTS: Expenditure: The Deputy Clerk presented cheque no’s110798 - 110819 for invoices and petty cash and direct debits totalling £40,137.65for February.

4.Monthly Income Report - Mrs G M Smith

The Deputy Clerk presented income reports forJanuary.

Councillors requested a quarterly report to be included for income.

It was proposed and seconded that the Council accepts the accounts.

Resolved:The motion was carried

5.Bank Account Reconciliation Statements;

The Deputy Clerk presented copies of the bank Account Reconciliation Statements for December.

Resolved: Councillors considered and approved the reports.


British Heart Foundation

Request for donation.

A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the Council donates £25.

Resolved: the motion was carried.

Confirmed and signed this day of 2016


Chairman Councillor M D Lowe welcomed all to the Februarymeeting of the Council.

1.To Receive Apologies for Absence:

Councillors: Cllrs D Knaggs, C A Wooding, The Clerk. The Police.

Resolved: Reasons given for the apologies were accepted by the Council.

2. Disclosures of Interest (in respect of items on this Agenda):

Councillor Lowe declared an interest in any Business concerning Charnwood Borough Council.

Councillor K Knaggs declared an interest in any business concerning Leicestershire County Council.

Councillor Atterbury declared an interest in any business concerning the Royal British Legion.

Councillors S Coombe, M Brookes declared an interest in any business concerning Thurmaston Event Team.

3.To receive Reports from the Police

Copies of the Police Report were issued to all members,

4.Questions from Councillors: in accordance with standing order number 27, A Councillor may seek to answer a question concerning any business of the Council provided (7) clear days’ notice of the question has been given to the Proper Officer. None

5.To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting of the Full Parish Council

Pages 128 - 135 Tuesday 12th January 2016.

(make corrections amendments) to be signed by the Chairman enc).

It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be adopted as a true and correct record.

Resolved: the motion was carried

6.To confirm and sign the minutes of the following Committee Meetings

Page 136 - 137 Minutes of the Meeting of Mem & Cem Committee 19.01.16

It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be adopted as a true and correct record.

Resolved: the motion was carried

Pages 138 – 142 minutes of the Env. Committee 26.01.16

It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be adopted as a true and correct record.

Page 138 Parking Ferndale Road

Cllr K Knaggs reported that she had received a complaint from a resident re parking and buses on Ferndale Road area. Cllr Knaggs has assured the resident that she is currently working with the Police and Arriva to address issues.

Resolved: the motion was carried

7. Public Participation - Maximum of 15 Minutes (Meeting adjourned)

Resident of Sandiacre Drive

Re-iterated the issues relating to buses and HGV in the Dales and Barkby Thorpe Lane.

Reported that Eastfield School sign is covered by a tree and the school will be writing to the address concerned.

Requested consideration of traffic calming for Highway Road and expressed concerns about HGV’s in this area.

Councillors agreed that this should be an Agenda item for the Environmental committee.

Resident of Barkby Thorpe Lane

Reported two pot holes, one near the junction of Highway Road and one between Highway Road Junction and the pedestrian crossing.

Representative of Thurmaston Events Team

Reported that Thurmaston Events Team were proposing to organise a party to celebrate the Queens 90th birthday with support of the Parish Council.

8.External Audit Changes – to Confirm Arrangement

The Deputy Clerk reported that the Council has received communication for NALC on the issues for forthcoming changes to the External Audit, internal audit is unchanged. In the spirit of localism the Government have decided to give Parish Councils the opportunity to appoint their own external Auditor in place of the former arrangements of the Governments Audit Commission. NALC and the SLCC have got together and created a sector Led Body to procure external audit taking over the role of the Audit Commission and will procure external Auditors probably the likes of Grant Thornton etc. The fees for this will not exceed the previous fees from Grant Thornton.

The default position is that all parish and town councils are opted in to the NALC/SLCC Arrangement unless they specifically choose to opt out.

The Council now need to confirm that you are happy to remain opted in to the sector Led Body Arrangements for the procurement of external audit.

It was proposed and seconded that that the Council remains opted in to the sector Led Body Arrangements for the procurement of external audit.

Resolved: the motion was carried.

9.Venue for Parish Council Meetings – Cllr B Seaton

In the absence of Councillor Seaton the Deputy Clerk reported had requested that the Council gives consideration to moving the venue for Parish Council meeting as there are no staff based at the Memorial Hall to prepare the room. Additionally, the Deputy Clerk reported that we have received a request from a dance group for a regular booking for the memorial hall every Tuesday evening, which will support the revenue.

The Clerk explained that staff have tested arrangement of tables for the meeting room at Elizabeth and are able to facilitate the full council if required. Centre staff will prepare/clear away the table and a copy of the table layout is available for information.

It was proposed and seconded that future meetings take place at Elizabeth Park.

Resolved: the motionwas carried.

10.Suspension of Bye-Laws Section 164 of the Public Health Act at Elizabeth Park to allow Dog Show to take place at Thurmaston Carnival 13th August 2016.

The Deputy Clerk explained that in order to facilitate the Dog Show within the Carnival, the Council needs to agree to suspend the No Dogs Bye-law for the day 13th August.

It was proposed and seconded that the Council suspends the ‘no dogs’ by law in accordance with Suspension of Bye-Laws Section 164 of the Public Health Act at Elizabeth Park to allow Dog Show to take place at Thurmaston Carnival 13th August 2016.

Resolved: the motion was carried.

11.Planning Applications:-

P/16/0233/2 – Erection of carport to side of detached garage, 115 Colby Drive, Thurmaston, Leicestershire LE4 8LD

Resolved: no comment.


Charnwood Borough Council – Natural Beauty spots to be protected:
Beauty spots in the borough are set to become Local Nature Reserves to help protect them for the future.
Four areas, identified by Charnwood Borough Council, are due to be designated as Local Nature Reserves by Natural England because of their special natural interest or educational value.
The designation will give the areas greater protection from any possible development and could help attract funding for improvements in the future.
The four areas identified are:
  • Stonebow Wash lands, Thorpe Acre, Loughborough
  • Booth Wood, off Ravensthorpe Drive, Loughborough
  • Gorse Covert, off Maxwell Drive, Loughborough
  • Pignut Spinney Marsh, off Moat Road, Loughborough
Councillor Hilary Fryer, Charnwood Borough Council’s Cabinet member for Cleansing and Open Spaces, said: “We’re committed to protecting our environment so it was important to us to take steps to preserve these areas.
“We are lucky to have some beautiful areas in Charnwood which are not only lovely to look at but also a great place to learn about our local wildlife.
“By protecting these places we can ensure they will flourish for years to come. People are enjoying these spaces already, but we hope by designating them as Local Nature Reserves we can make them even more accessible in the future.”
The first area to be designated is Stonebow Wash lands. Its important habitats include semi-natural grassland, standing water bodies, streams and wet woodland.
There is also a good range of grassland species including hairy sedge and marsh
marigold and a significant community of common frog and toad.
The designation is due to be completed this year and the others will follow one per year after that.
Several more potential Local Nature Reserves have also been identified in the borough which will be considered in future and residents will be asked to have their say in shaping their development.

Leicestershire Footpath Association – (Registered Charity No. 235498)

Notice of Annual General Meeting To be held at Evangelical Baptist Church, Main Street Woodhouse Eaves on Saturday 27th February 2016 at 10.15am

1.Future management of the Public Rights of Way Network (Edwin McWilliam of LCC)

2.Any other business

Resolved: Forward information to Councillor Seaton.

Letter from Thurmaston Showstoppers

Please pass on our thanks to Councillors for their support in 2015. Both of our productions were very successful and played to good audiences.

With your help we were able to offer a good quality and very colourful show which entertained many people from Thurmaston and beyond.

Thank you once again for your support.

Press Release – Official opening of new-look council offices – Charnwood Borough Council

MP Nicky Morgan opened the New Look Customer Service Area at Charnwood Borough Council on Friday, February 5th.

The Council Offices in Southfield Road is now home to Job Centre Plus which opened in November. Leicestershire Police also have staff on site.

We are delighted to be sharing Southfields with the Job Centre and the Police. It means closely working together can deliver better services to our customers from the one location.

Press Release – Hunt for environmental heroes returns

The search is on for environmental stars to be recognised at Charnwood Borough Council’s fourth Don’t Muck Around Awards.

The awards recognise the efforts of a range of people and groups and I hope they inspire others to take action in the borough to enrich the community.

This year we’re looking for entries and nominations from across the borough no matter how big or small the project. Whether you have helped with litter picking, increased recycling or brightened up your local area by planting flowers, we want to hear about it.

The deadline for entries is 5pm on Thursday March 31st 2016. A celebration dinner will be held in June when all the finalists will be invited along.

For more details about the awards and to enter visit

For more information please call 01509 634564 or email

Thurmaston (Old School) Church and Community (Developments) Charity

Registered Charity 1001098

Thurmaston Old School, 736 Melton Road, Thurmaston, Leicester LE4 8BD

I would like to invite Cllr Mark Lowe or his nominee to represent Thurmaston Parish Council at the Old School AGM on Sunday 14th February 2016 at 3.00pm.

Whilst voting is restricted to members of the Old School Management Committee, your representative will be most welcome to participate in the meeting.

To help with planning, please would you advise the name of your attendee, or send apologies, once confirmed?

Resolved: Councillor Davies agreed to attend representing Thurmaston Parish Council.

12.To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors (for information only)

Councillor B Coupe

Raised concerns about an overgrown tree and a replacement tree located on Humberstone Lane between the Railway Bridge and DCE. Cllr Coupe has spoken with Mr D Carter (TPO) Charnwood who has requested support from the Parish Council. Councillor Coupe that this is an Agenda item for discussion at the next meeting of the Environmental committee.

Councillor Bedder

Reported that the maintenance work at Churchill Bridge is now complete.

13.To receive Reports from Borough Councillors and the County Councillor (for information only)

Cllr: M Brookes

Reported that the application for the extension of Thurmaston Community Centre for the creation of the new Library has been submitted.

Cllr K Knaggs

Reported that she has been informed (unofficially), that the Post Office is due to close. Councillor Knaggs has not received any feedback re the outcome of the consultation to date.

Chairman Councillor Lowe thanked all present for attending the meeting.

Confirmed and signed this day of2016



PRESENT:Councillors:M D Lowe (Chairman)

B J SeatonD Atterbury

K KnaggsD Maguire

I HayesF Osman

C A WoodingS Coombe

ALSO PRESENT:The Clerk & The Deputy Clerk


1.Election of Temporary Chairman.

In the absence of the Chairman at the start of the meeting, it was proposed and seconded that Councillor Lowe chairs the meeting.

Resolved: the motion was carried.

2.To receive and accept apologies for absence

Councillor D J Hill

Resolved: the reason given for apologies were approved.

3.Disclosures of Interest - To receive disclosures and nature of those interests as specified in respect of items on this agenda.

Councillor Lowe declared an interest in Planning Applications being a member of CBC Plans Committee.

Councillor Seaton declared an interest in Planning Applications being a member of CBC Plans Committee.

3.Planning Applications


Erection of two storey extension to rear of dwelling

11 Forest Avenue, Thurmaston

  • LCC Highways – consider effect on parking provision.

A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the Council supports the comments from Leicestershire County Council and requests that consideration is given to the effect on parking provision.

Resolved: the motion was carried.


Extension and raising of roof with erection of single storey extension to rear of dwelling. 216 Humberstone Lane

  • LCC Highways – consider effect on parking provision

A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the Council supports the comments from Leicestershire County Council and requests that consideration is given to the effect on parking provision.

Resolved: the motion was carried.


Redevelopment of site to provide 8 semi-detached and terraced dwellings with new vehicular and pedestrian accesses onto Garden Street and Margaret Close.

The Old Coal Yard, Garden Street, Thurmaston, Leicestershire.

Comments received from neighbours as follows:

No. 16 Hadrian Road

Concerned that block C will block light to their kitchen window and needs moving to the east of the project.

Moorhouse Construction Ltd 46 – 48 Garden Street

Raised concerns about parking provision in the area, access to the parking provided and vehicles potentially parking outside of his premises restricting access.

A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the Council objects to this application as follows:

The proposed three storey dwelling will have an overbearing impacton neighbouring bungalows causing loss of light and privacy. The three storey building will be out of character and the council feels that it would constitute over development of the site.

Additionally we would like to request that consideration is given to adequate provision of parking within the development as the Garden Street area is already regularly congested with parked vehicles belonging to residents and visitors to the industrial units in the area.

Resolved: the motion was carried.


Erection of single storey extension to rear of dwelling.

67 Sandiacre Drive, Thurmaston, Leicestershire.

  • No Objections

Resolved: no comments.


Erection of five commercial industrial units.

Thurmaston Industrial Estate, Melton Road, Thurmaston

  • The Local Highway Authority to make formal comments in due course

  • Recommendations received from public rights of way re Public footpath 158a which runs along the western boundary of the site.
  • Recommendations from Environmental Health
A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the council submits the following comments:
  • In respect of the close proximity to local residential properties, the Council would like to request that trading hours are restricted (not to extend to 24 hours/7 days).
  • In respect of close proximity to Watermead Country Park we would like to request that lighting is off during the night and that car parks are secured.
  • Car park Wickes – insufficient parking spaces to accommodate staff and customers.
  • HGV’s – Consideration is given to potential traffic congestion problems caused by delivery vehicles queueing on the Melton Road and A607 traffic island.
Erection of single storey extension to side and rear of dwelling.
12 Southdown Drive, Thurmaston, Leicestershire, LE4 8HS
  • No Objections

Resolved: No comments.

4.Checkland Road – Cllr I Hayes

At the last meeting of the committee, Cllr Hayes updated Councillors about matters of concern within the Checkland Road estate, including parking, fencing and anti-social behaviour.

It was agreed that this item remain on the agenda for Cllr Hayes to report any updates.