There will be a meeting of the Lytchett Minster & Upton Town Council which will be held on

TUESDAY 19 JULY 2016 at 1 Moorland Parade, Moorland Way, Upton at 7.30 pm.

Apologies for absence should be given to the Chairman/Clerk prior to the meeting.

Signed: Karen Wright, Town Clerk

13 July 2016

There will be a DEMOCRATIC SESSION at approximately 8.15 pm when members of the press and public will be invited to raise questions with members of Council.


  1. To receive Declarations of Interest and apologies for absence.
  1. To receive the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2016.
  1. To receive the Clerk’s Report.
  1. Correspondence: a) Clerk Magazine

b) Letter from resident re PDC sale of Land to EBHA (MATCJUL10DOC1)

c) DCC Response re Education Provision for our Town (MATCJUL16DOC2)

d) Pan Purbeck Action Council – PDC Partial Review of the Local Plan Consultation (9-12 August 16) (MATCJUL16DOC3)

  1. Reports of Committees:

a)Environment 28.06.16. – Recommendation 84/16

b)Amenities – 05.07.16.– No recommendations

c)Planning – 12.07.16. – No recommendations

  1. Representatives Reports (including Beacon Association)/Purbeck District/Dorset County Council Matters.
  1. To discuss the sale of PDC land and Town Council owned Hibbs Close (MATCJUL16DOC4).
  1. To receive update from Town Square Working Party.
  1. To consider request from LympWatch for support in sponsoring a neighbourhood forum leading to the production of a neighbourhood plan (MATCJUL16DOC5).
  1. To consider request from Royal British Legion to carry out improvements to the War Memorial in Lytchett Minster Church cemetery and the access path that leads to it for the sum of £2350.00 (MATCJUL16DOC6).
  1. To consider the Town Council’s response to Marking the Death of a Senior National Figure (MATCJUL16DOC7) and to consider the purchase of a flagpole suitable for a lowerable flag for the Town at a cost of £175.00.

12. To receive the latest financial summary of accounts.

13.To approve accounts for payment and to instruct members to sign cheques.

14. Items of report (including publicity opportunities) and matters for future Agendas.

The next full Town Council meeting will be held on 20 September 2016 at 1 Moorland Parade, Moorland Way, Upton at 7.30 pm.