Randomised Trial of IV Streptokinase, Oral ASA, both or either among 17,187 cases of suspected acute MI

ISIS-2 (Second International Studay of Infarct Survival)

The Lancet, 1988 2 (8607): 349-60


-One of the first randomized trials involving thousands of patients

-GISSI trial 2 years earlier had shown mortality benefit of fibrinolytic therapy, but timing not established

-ASA had been shown to be of benefit post MI for secondary prevention, but only one other small rand trial had been done in setting of acute MI.


-Determine “time window” for benefit of fibrinolytics and

-Determine benefit of ASA in setting of acute MI.


-Randomized, Placebo controlled Trial

-417 hospitals, 16 countries, randomized 17,187 patients

-Inclusion: Thought within 24 hours of onset of sx of suspected MI, EKG changes not inc. criteria

-Exclusion: h/o CVA, GIB, recent severe trauma, severe persistent HTN, med allergy

-2x2 Factorial Study:

4300 Placebo

4295 ASA (160mg x 1 month) alone

4300 Streptokinase (1.5mU over 1h) alone

4292 ASA + Streptokinase

-Primary Outcome: Very simply 30day mortality at 5 weeks

-Followup was excellent: All but 206 pts., 97% to week 5 and 96% to end of study

Results in 5-week mortality:

1. SK vs. Placebo – 791 (9.2%) deaths vs. 1029 (12.0%), 25% reduction mortality

-subgroup analysis showed reduction larger in pts received SK w/in 4 hrs

-however, reduction still significant even at 24 hrs

-major bleeds more common 0.5% vs. 0.2%

-CVA also more common 0.1% vs. 0

2. ASA vs. Placebo – 804 (9.4%) deaths vs. 1016 (11.8%), 23% reduction mort.

-no major increase in major bleeds or CVAs

3. SK + ASA vs. neither: 8.0% vs. 13.2 %, 42% reduction mort.


-Although the earlier the thrombolysis, the more mortality benefit, still see reduction in mortality at 24h.

-Mortality benefit of ASA and fibrinolytics appear to be additive.

-Optimum dose of ASA in acute MI never established.

-At a dose of 160mg, ASA had no increased risk of bleeding