August, 2016
Hello!I am your child’s teacher. I have been teaching for a long time. I have taught hearing impaired children, kindergarten/inclusion classes, special education self-contained, and resource. I have also co-taught. This is my tenthyear in the Matteson School district.
The years I have spent teaching regular education, inclusion and special education have helped me become a better teacher. I am able to see the strengths and weaknesses of students and I try to be considerate of each child’s learning style. I LOVE teaching and have never wanted to do anything but teach. I have a bachelor of education degree and a master of education degree and I continue to take classes to keep me enthusiastic and knowledgeable. I love having parents in the room to help support the children’s needs and I have high expectations for all of us. I encourage parent volunteers to support me in the classroom. This year my classroom theme is “Exploring & Detecting Good Learning.” With magnifying glasses in hand we will start our kindergarten exploration by investigating routines, classroom rules and behavior, setting homework goals, practicing our schedule, and taking a school tour. After we establish basic routines, our exploration and detective work will takes us through our Reading Curriculum where we will meet letter names, letter sounds, phonemic segmentation, and nonsense word fluency. We will soon be reading our books in the bag and taking home our letter books. The Everyday Math Curriculum will also be visited very soon and will be supported by daily calendar activities. We will also investigate our new science curriculum. I am the facilitator of our exploration and my students will enjoy their journey through kindergarten. You, the parents, are also the facilitators and will be making sure that this kindergarten journey will be the best!! Together we can all achieve our goal—to move our children forward on a lifelong journey of becoming independent learners. We will detect when to give them support, encouragement, practice, motivation, and love. Their magnifiers will see many academic experiences and successes!
I am lucky to be your child’s teacher and look forward to working with all of my students. Please keep in touch and let me know your concerns. I know we will have a great year. You can contact me by school phone: 708-283-2706 and leave a message. You can write a note and send it in your child’s homework folder. You can also email me at . I will return the note or call you as soon as possible. Sometimes it may be after school hours or in the evenings.
Thanks for your support!
Mrs. Barb Chirillo