/ Server Installation Checklist


  1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION(Asset Management)

Date of Installation : / 28/11/2014
PO Number: / 7906637/SDI/P4
Make & Model : / IBM, H23
Machine Serial No: / 06BTNWA
Purpose / Use of the Device :
Asset Owner : / IT Department
Asset Custodian :
Asset User :
Asset Id & Name :
  1. Hardware Details:

CPU: / Intel Xeon E5-2620, 6 core @ 2.00 GHz
Memory: / Intel – 64 GB
Hard disk: / Intel 600 GB
RAID Level: / Intel – RAID 1
Tape Drive:
Network Interface Card Details / NIC Card Number / MAC Address
  1. IntelBlade 2Port 8 (from I/O 1 & 2)
/ 00-50-56-98-74-9D
HBA Details / HBA Number / WWN Address
  1. Intel Blade 2 Port 1 & 2 (from I/O 3 & 4)
/ 21000024FF558BBC
  1. Virtualization Details

Is this a Virtualization Host? /  / YES / NO
Fill in the following details – If you answered YES above
Virtualization Software and Version / VMware vSphere 5.5.0 u2 Enterprise Plus
Number of guests / 3 (2 Windows, 1 Ubuntu,)


Fill in the following details for each of the Virtualized/Non-virtualized server(s) hosted on the Physical Server.

  1. Operating System Details:

Host name: / WIN-3JDDL0AJFVO(Land server)
OS / Version: / Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition 64 bit
File system: / NTFS
Service Pack:
Member of Domain:
  1. Network Details:

IP Address assigned: /
Subnet Mask: /
Server Zone / User Zone
  1. Antivirus and AV Definitions Details:

AV software & its version:
AV Parent Server
Configured Automatic Scan on the server:
Daily Updates Scheduled:
  1. Server Performance and Management Tools:

Server Monitoring Tools installed if any (with details):
SNMP version used:
Complex community string configured:
Read Only permissions configured for SNMP:
  1. Backup Details:

Backup Agent Used:
System Backup :
Application Backup :
Database Backup:
  1. System Security Details (provide justification where necessary) :

Disabled unused/ unwanted services? / yes
Emergency Repair Disk Backup done?
Alphanumeric password set? / yes
Renamed System Administrator?
Disabled the Guest Account?
Enabled Time Synchronization?
Enforced Strong Password Policy and Account Policy? / yes
Disabled Non-essential Network Protocols?
System Auditing & Logging enabled?
Assigned adequate space for the Event viewer logs?
Installed Latest Patches & Service Packs? / yes
  1. Software Installed Details:

Applications Installed: / Version:
  1. Server Installation Approval Details:

Applicable Sections / Installed/Carried out By / Verified By (SH ) / Approved By


Fill in the following details for each of the Virtualized/Non-virtualized server(s) hosted on the Physical Server.

  1. Operating System Details:

Host name: / Ubuntu
OS / Version: / Ubuntu Server 14.04
File system: / EXT3
Service Pack:
Member of Domain:
  1. Network Details:

IP Address assigned: /
Subnet Mask: /
Server Zone / User Zone
  1. Antivirus and AV Definitions Details:

AV software & its version:
AV Parent Server
Configured Automatic Scan on the server:
Daily Updates Scheduled:
  1. Server Performance and Management Tools:

Server Monitoring Tools installed if any (with details):
SNMP version used:
Complex community string configured:
Read Only permissions configured for SNMP:
  1. Backup Details:

Backup Agent Used:
System Backup :
Application Backup :
Database Backup:
  1. System Security Details (provide justification where necessary) :

Disabled unused/ unwanted services?
Emergency Repair Disk Backup done?
Alphanumeric password set?
Renamed System Administrator?
Disabled the Guest Account?
Enabled Time Synchronization?
Enforced Strong Password Policy and Account Policy?
Disabled Non-essential Network Protocols?
System Auditing & Logging enabled?
Assigned adequate space for the Event viewer logs?
Installed Latest Patches & Service Packs?
  1. Software Installed Details:

Applications Installed: / Version:
  1. Server Installation Approval Details:

Applicable Sections / Installed/Carried out By / Verified By (SH ) / Approved By


Fill in the following details for each of the Virtualized/Non-virtualized server(s) hosted on the Physical Server.

  1. Operating System Details:

Host name: / WIN-DF0M6NL3URL (Windows 2012)
OS / Version: / Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition 64 bit
File system: / NTFS
Service Pack:
Member of Domain:
  1. Network Details:

IP Address assigned: /
Subnet Mask: /
Server Zone / User Zone
  1. Antivirus and AV Definitions Details:

AV software & its version:
AV Parent Server
Configured Automatic Scan on the server:
Daily Updates Scheduled:
  1. Server Performance and Management Tools:

Server Monitoring Tools installed if any (with details):
SNMP version used:
Complex community string configured:
Read Only permissions configured for SNMP:
  1. Backup Details:

Backup Agent Used:
System Backup :
Application Backup :
Database Backup:
  1. System Security Details (provide justification where necessary) :

Disabled unused/ unwanted services? / yes
Emergency Repair Disk Backup done?
Alphanumeric password set? / yes
Renamed System Administrator?
Disabled the Guest Account?
Enabled Time Synchronization?
Enforced Strong Password Policy and Account Policy? / yes
Disabled Non-essential Network Protocols?
System Auditing & Logging enabled?
Assigned adequate space for the Event viewer logs?
Installed Latest Patches & Service Packs? / yes
  1. Software Installed Details:

Applications Installed: / Version:
  1. Server Installation Approval Details:

Applicable Sections / Installed/Carried out By / Verified By (SH ) / Approved By

Checklist Prepared byReviewed & Approved by

Signature(s) ………………………….……………….Signature ………………………….……………

Name(s) ………………………………………..………Name ……………………………………….

Designation(s) ………………………………………..Designation …….………………………………

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