/ Welcome to the fortnightly Aberdeen City Alcohol
and Drugs Partnership (ADP) E-Update

ISSUE:15th May 2014
If you have any items you wish to be included in the E-update please contact us.The deadline for items to be included is midday on the Tuesday before the E-update gets circulated on Wednesday fortnightly.The next issue is due out on29th May 2014.
Your feedback is also very important - if you wish to make any comments about the E-update please contactFrank McLean -ADP InformationOfficer. Wherever possible we will incorporate all aspects to enhance the effectiveness of this E-update.
  • Aberdeen ADP/ ACVO Community Fund
    The Aberdeen City Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (ADP) have committed non –recurring funds toward community project initiatives in line with both its alcohol and drug strategies.The application process for the latest round of community funding has begun. Funding will be considered up to a value of £5k.
  • ***SAVE THE DATE***
    12th Annual One-Day Substance Misuse Symposium
    NHS Grampian & Grampian ADP’s
    9th October, AECC
    NHS Grampian Substance Misuse Service in alliance with the Grampian Alcohol & Drugs Partnerships have just announced the date of this year’s SMS Conference, more details will follow in due course but for a brief outline please see link above or email: Susan Dowds, Conference Secretary:
  • Alcohol: ‘Whole Population Approach’ & Brief Intervention Skills
    NHS Grampian & Aberdeen City ADP
    Various dates throughout the year
    NHS Grampian Public Health and Aberdeen City Alcohol & Drug Partnership are delivering the following alcohol training sessions for staff involved in health promotion and providing health related services.Booking form.
  • Street Soccer Scotland – Woman’s Programme
    Aberdeen Sports Village
    Various dates in May
    If you are aged 16+ why not come along and join in the Street Soccer Woman’s Football Programme. No experience necessary, all levels of fitness welcome.

  • Blackout
    29th May –31st May, Edinburgh
    A theatrical play around the effects of alcoholism. Following a successful debut at the Arches in Glasgow, Blackout comes to Edinburgh this Spring. I think it would be suitable for S5, S6 pupils, community groups, prisons, NHS professionals, universities and workplaces as well as for the wider general public. The play was widely acclaimed by a broad range of audiences for its subtlety, power and honesty.
  • Listening To Women
    12th June, Glasgow
    Scottish Drugs Forum
    This conference will hear the voices of women affected by problem drug use, the views of experts on the issues women face, the experiences of staff working to innovate appropriate responses to these issues. The conference will be chaired by Dr Mary Hepburn who will also give a keynote address. Other confirmed speakers include Margaret Malloch, Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research and Joyce Nicholson, STRADA. This event will be of interest to planners, commissioners, managers and staff of services working with women who use drugs, in treatment and recovery.
  • Engaging With Men Who Abuse Women Partners
    Scottish Woman’s Aid
    20th May, Edinburgh
    Historically professionals dealing with domestic abuse have struggled to engage with men who are abusive to women partners. Research suggests that the reasons for this include fear of challenging men who have been violent, fear of inadvertently increasing risks to the men's partners and a lack of confidence/knowledge in how to work with these men. This course aims to deal with these and other obstacles to engaging with abusive men.
  • Crew Training Events
    Various dates
    Award winning Crew engages with thousands professionals each year on the hot topic of drugs. In addition to providing support and information to tens of thousands of people annually through our award winning peer education, outreach and support services, we meet professionals like you every day through our highly regarded Drugs Training and Expert Witness services. These services keep pace with the increasingly complex needs of our community to inform front line workers, teachers, paramedics and police through to our courts and government. See how we can meet your professional needs: meet Crew’s professional team, Crew Enterprise.
  • Finding Our Way Home
    Scottish Woman’s Aid
    19th June, Edinburgh
    Scottish Woman’s Aid is delighted to welcome Wendy Bunston and Karen Glenna to present their work on “Buds on Board”, an intervention for infants and mothers who have entered into refuge, and which was piloted in woman’s shelters in Tasmania, Australia.
  • The Silent Killer: Alcohol Related Liver Disease
    British Liver Trust/SHAAP
    28th May, Edinburgh
    Liver disease is the fifth largest killer in the UK and if current rising trends are not addressed effectively could be the third by 2020. Evidence indicates that as many as 20% of the population have liver disease, but many don’t know it – therefore left untreated, it becomes ‘the silent killer’. This event will raise awareness of the project and help ensure that the key messages about alcohol related liver disease are disseminated as widely as possible.
  • Narcotics Anonymous
    Latest timetable for Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire.
  • Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice
    E-bulletin, Issue 12, April 2014
    The future’s bright for CYCJ - we’ve now published our 2014-2016 strategy, supported by an annual work plan to help us progress our outcomes.
  • The Work We Do
    The Hep C Trust
    An information booklet on The Hep C Trust and the work they do.
  • The Hep C Trust
    Spring newsletter
  • Alcohol Support Limited
    Newsletter 9th Edition.
Visit our website at
The Aberdeen City Alcohol & Drugs Partnership (ADP) is a multi-agency partnership which was formed in 2009 following the publication of the Scottish Government / COSLA document, 'A Framework For Local Partnerships On Alcohol And Drugs'.
To subscribe/unsubscribe to this E-Update or to the ADP newsletter, please contact Frank McLean - ADP Information Officer.

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