Tri-Valley Board of Education Up-Date
June 11, 2008
Treasurer’s Report:
- Approvedminutes from previous meeting
- Approved Financial Report
- Granted approval of the five year forecast.
Public Participation/Recognition:
- Dave Peadon, athletic trainer, gave a presentation concerning his responsibilities this past year.
- Rebecca Norris presented an up-date on Frazeysburg Elementary’s NationalBlueRibbonSchool Application.
Personnel Items:
- Granted approval of a one year teaching contract to MarissaDavis for the 2008-09 school year as Intervention Specialist at Adamsville.
- Accepted the resignation of Ashley Daugherty as Intervention
Specialist @ Frazeysburg Intermediate, effective August 1, 2008.
- Granted approval of a two year limited contract to Jessica
Bennett as Intervention Specialist @ NashportSchool for the
2008-09, 2009-10 school years. (Praxis III completed)
- Approved a one year limited teaching contract to Jennifer Cox as high school English teacher for the 2008-09 school year. Masters, step 1,
- Approved a one year temporary contract for Carolyn
Hopkins as an intervention instructor at Adamsville Elementary for
the 2008-09 school year. Step 6
- Approved the following staff members for extended time for Jacob Flood during the summer of 2008:
Matt Gross - ABA Programming
Betsy Ritchie – Speech
Mary Wright – Reading Instruction
- Granted approval of an administrative stipend for John Kornack as NovaNet Director for the 2008-09 school year, $35,000.
- Accepted the retirement request of Edna Welsch as cook at
Tri-ValleyHigh School, effective June 30, 2008. Mrs. Welsch
has 19 years of service with T.V. schools.
- Approved a one year contract to Deanna Briggs as an educational aide at AdamsvilleSchool for the 2008-09 (going from part-time to full-time)
- Approved a continuing contract to Betty Maurer as special educationassistant @ Frazeysburg School.
- Approved a one year contract to Teresa Pitts as a 3.5 hour
educational aide at FrazeysburgSchool for the 2008-09 school year.
- Approved a two year contract to Jared Hindel as special educationaide at T.V.H.S. for the 2008-09 and 2009-10 school years.
- Approved the following recommendations for additional 07-08summer school instructors:
John Kornack - NovaNet
Alicia Dittmar
Rocky Jarrett (replacing Greg Meadows)
Michelle Helms
Theresa Hinkle
Jennifer Pottmeyer
Kelley Krebs
Angela Stotts
- Issued a supplemental contract to Dave Peadon as athletic trainer
for the 2008-09 school year. Salary as per adopted salary schedule.
- Approved a supplemental contract for the 2007-08 school year to:
Sarah McCurdy – Adamsville Washington, DC Coordinator
Mark Baughman – Adamsville Camp Ohio Coordinator
- Fall Coachesthat wereapproved for the 2008-09 school year:
Mary Yinger -Middle School
Cross Country:
Chris Garber- Varsity Coach
Justin Buttermore -Head Coach
Jeremy Cameron -Varsity Assistant
Nathan White-Varsity Assistant
John Harris-Varsity Assistant
Erin Nezbeth -Freshman Coach
Eric Helms-Freshman Assistant
Pat Reilly-Volunteer Freshman
Ben Kennedy-8th Grade
Bobby Foreman -7th Grade
Ryan Timm-Middle School Assistant
Marcus Brailer -Middle School Assistant
Dan Scott-Volunteer M.S. Assistant
Chad Kincheloe -Volunteer M.S. Assistant
Larry Welch-Head Coach
Leigh Ann Longaberger –Head Coach
Jason Braddock – Volunteer Varsity Assistant
Kirsten McCoy -Freshman Coach
Rachel Smart -8th Grade
Sarah Slaughter -7th Grade
- Approvedextended time to the following personnel for the
2008-09 school year:
Middle School:
Brent Wilson – 15 days – Guidance Counselor
High School:
Amanda Blevins – 20 days – Band Director
John Harris – 6 days – Career Based Intervention
Julie Link – 15 days – Media Specialist
Judy Martin – 10 days – Work & Family Life
Judy Morgan – 15 days – Guidance Counselor
Susan Scott – 15 days – Guidance Counselor
Doug Smith – 6 days – Career Based Intervention
Sarah Whitford - 60 days – Vocational Agriculture
- Accepted the resignation of Diana Dickson as Frazeysburg CommunityVolunteer Coordinator for the 2008-09 school year.
- ApprovedJennifer Hanby as the Frazeysburg Community VolunteerCoordinator for the 2008-09 school year.
Superintendent’s Report:
- Approved all Professional Leave Requests.
- Approved the use of all district schools as a shelter by the AmericanRed Cross in time of a disaster.
- Approved the2009-2010 calendar.
- Granted permission to accept bids for dairy, bread, and fleet tires.
- Granted permission to accept bids for two new school busses.
- Approved the adoption of 7/8 grades and K-6 science textbook
and instructional materials.
- Approved the new elementary report cards.
- Mr. Pottmeyer discussed theTVHS Student Handbook changes.
- Approval of revised Non-Discrimination and Access to Equal
Educational Opportunity.
- Granted approval to reimburse Turner Construction $4,000 for workon elevated track bids.
- Granted approval of administrative salary schedule and all other non-bargaining unit members.