ISD 2170, Room 601

Dec. 2, 2014, 4:30 PM

Present for all or part of the session were: T. DeGeest, K. Lindgren, B Schmitt, D. Bestland, L. Kajer (constituting a quorum) C. Trout, M. Lord, M. Schmitz, M. Schmidt and CHS students, Alan Dumproppe, Obie Calix, and Sammie Stockie.

Absent: J. Hofer, C. Hadfield

Lindgen, called the meeting to order at 4:40 pm

Schmitt moved with a second by DeGeest to accept the minutes of Nov. 4, 2014 meeting. Motion carried.

Marketing Report: Kajer reported there was information about CHS in the “School Pages” published in the Brainerd Dispatch. A letter to the editor is also coming out this week signed by students and staff stating that CHS is not a charter school, which is an assumption by many people in the community. Kajer stated that there still needs to be more marketing done internally to help the staff understand about CHS.

Workstations Reprot: Lindgren stated that Trout, Kajer, and himself checked on the cubicles that Hadfield had stated would be available for use by CHS. There are 14 and they would work well at CHS. Trout sent an email to Hadfield to discuss the terms of use. The staff also believe that working with local business personnel may be the best way to get the remainder of the work stations built by the May deadline.

Financial: Lord stated that there is no new information to present.

Curriculum: The staff is waiting to hear from Hadfield in regards to: the 360 & Production Technologies pilot program, the online courses offered through CCST (College Career Skills Training) at CLC and the other online courses that could be offered via PSEO to students so they can stay at Connections while earning the college credit. Knowing that Hadfield is very busy with the bonding bill, Schmitz offered to contact Jody Longbella to follow up with these discussions.

ISD School Board Report: It was decided to present the CHS update to the ISD 2170 board at their Feb. 17, 2015 in Motley at 7 PM. Student and staff will present. Kajer will email Bonnie Madson to get on the agenda.

Policies: The January 6, 2015 meeting is the annual meeting so a CHS update will be presented along with the election of CHS board, and selection of the executive committee.

The Director/Coordinator as stated in the By-Laws is Mike Schmidt, the principal of the both Connections and SMHS.

Schmitz had arranged for a conference call with Amy Junge from Education Evolving. She explained the Teacher Powered Schools initiative and CHS webpage at

Based on information provided by Schmitz, the autonomy arrangement at CHS is described as: Leadership Goodwill. Schmitt asked Junge to clarify what their research as revealed about what arrangements show schools as being the most successful. She stated that the most successful schools have very clear guidelines because the clearer the structure the less problems or room for presumptions. Lindgren asked her to send examples of MOUs that the staff can review. More conversations are needed with Pam Siepkes, the SMEA president about the possibility of becoming a “Site Governed School”. Schmitt would like the group to discuss what happens when some of the key personnel at CHS retire. An MOU should address how the staff will be replaced. Kajer stated at the present time the staff is just busy making sure that students are getting the credits they need to graduate, standards needed for projects and career information needed for their Individual Learning Plans . There just doesn’t seem to be enough time to get everything done, let alone discuss being a “Site Governed School.”

Kajer stated that the staff should give an update to the SMEA at their January board meeting.

Schmidt stated that he talked with the CHS students regarding the music policy and he was pleased with their responsiveness.

The next board meeting is on Jan. 6, 2015

Lindgren adjourned the meeting at 5:43 PM with a motion by Bestland and a second by DeGeest. Motion carried.