Second 9 Weeks (Tentative schedule of Course Topics and State Indicators)

Chapter 7: Plate Tectonics

Indicators: Earth and Space Sciences 9,10,12,15

Weeks 1 & 2

Section 1: Inside the Earth pp.190-197

Section 2: Restless Continents pp.198-201

Section 3: The Theory of Plate Tectonics pp.202-205

Section 4: Deforming the Earth’s Crust pp.206-213

*Rather than taking up homework on a daily basis, we will be having homework quizzes. You will need to study and do your homework because the quiz will be over the actual homework assignment. You will know ahead of time when the quiz will be. The quiz grade will be your homework grade. We will be doing this all year!

Chapter Test

Chapter 8: Earthquakes

Indicators: Earth and Space Sciences 10,13,15

Weeks 34

Section 1: What Are Earthquakes? pp.224-229

Section 2: Earthquake Measurement pp.230-233

Section 3: Earthquakes and Society pp.234-239

Chapter Test

Tsunami’s (video and worksheet)

Project: Spaghetti Skyscraper Project

Chapter 9: Volcanoes

Indicators: Earth and Space Sciences 10,12,13,15


Section 1: Volcanic Eruptions pp.250-255

Section 2: Effects of Volcanic Eruptions pp.256-259

Section 3: Causes of Volcanic Eruptions pp.260-265

Chapter Test

Chapter 18: Studying Space

Indicators: Earth and Space Sciences 8

Weeks 56

Section 1: Astronomy: The Original Science


Section 2: Telescopes pp.558-563

Section 3: Galaxies pp.564-571

Chapter Test

Chapter 14 & Chapter 17 & Chapter 21

Indicators: Earth and Space Sciences 1,3,4

Weeks 6 7

Section 14.4: Tides pp.432-435

Section 17.1: What is Climate pp.518-520

Section21.4: Moons pp.660-667

Section 21.5: Small Bodies in the Solar System


Chapter 20 Section 4: Planetary Motion pp.630-633

Chapter Test

*Chapter 19: Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe

Indicators: Earth and Space Sciences 5,7

Weeks 78

Section 1: Stars pp.582-589

Section 2: The Life Cycle of Stars pp.590-595

Section 3: Galaxies pp.596-599

Chapter Test

Week 9: Quarterly Assessment