Sample - Board Meeting Agenda Template

ARA of (Your State) Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, August 17, 2016, 9 a.m. Central

Scheduled attendees:

___ Lavon Hayes (President) ___ Eli Gold (Vice President) ___ Mark Cuban (Treasurer)

___ Amy Fowler (Secretary) ___ Ted Mosby (Director/Legislative Chair) ___ Alicia Florrick (Director)

___ RajKoothrappali (Director/Program Chair) ___ Leslie Knope (Assoc. Mem.Dir.)

___ ARA staff: ____ ARA Regional Director:

·  Call to order and roll call – President

·  Mention of Anti-trust statement – President

·  Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting

·  Regional Director’s Report

·  Treasurer’s Report

o  Beginning Balance

Plus: Amounts received (including rebates)

Less: Amounts spent

Ending Balance

·  Membership report—Vice President

a)  New and cancelled members this month

·  Legislative report—Legislative Chair

a)  Progress on our legislative agenda issues & planned state legislative day at the capitol

·  Old business

a)  Continue planning for next meeting, late October or early November

i)  Selecting venue and program – assign responsibilities

b)  Confirm October’s Leadership Conference attendees

·  New business

a)  How to build image of our chapter

b)  Establishing timeframe for fall board election…start discussing nominees

·  News from ARA

·  Scheduling of next board meeting / Adjournment

Sample - Board Meeting Minutes Template

ARA of ______Board Meeting Minutes

Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 – 9 am CST


x___ Lavon Hayes x___ Eli Gold x___ Mark Cuban x ___ Amy F. Fowler ___ Ted Mosby

x___ Alicia Florrick x ___ Raj Koothrappali x___ Leslie Knope x___Peggy DeFransisco (Region 3 Director) x___ Ruth Bloom (ARA) x___ Alysia Ryan (ARA)

I. Called to order by Lavon at 9:05 am

II. Reminder of adherence to Anti-Trust Policies in meetings.

III. Motion to accept previous minutes Alicia Motioned, Amy 2nd Motion Carried.

IV. ARA Regional Director’s Report. Tony encouraged us to consider who would be available to attend ARA Leadership Conference in October…nomination forms have been sent to president; Update on member store visits he had done last month while on the road – all were very busy, appreciated the visits.

V. Treasurer’s Report

a. Beginning balance (as of last conf. call) $26,574.11. Less expenses ($600.00 newsletter; $210. 08 conference calls; $43.24 postage). Plus quarterly rebate from ARA ($3,075) Current Balance $28,795.79

b. Have applied for debit card

c. Discussion about moving some of the balance to a money market, will discuss this more at Tuesdays meeting.

VI. Membership Report – Eli reported that 3 new members joined in June, while 3 cancelled. He has made a welcome call to all three new…reached one. He also mentioned the board tools email from ARA national, with updated member list and map for us to use. All on the call received the email.

VII. Legislative Report

A. Ted not on call, but further discussion held on inviting Senator Corker to attend our fall meeting. At our legislative day, he was supportive of our campaign to make theft of services a crime with stiff penalties. Will ask Ted to pursue the invitation with Sen.’s staff.

VIII. Old Business

A. Spring newsletter –out.

B. Spring meeting at Rent-All in Hammond went well. Alicia F. reported that there were 39 attendees from 13 rental stores, and 6 attendees from 4 associate member locations. Evaluation forms all had positive feedback.

IX. New Business

A. Fall Meeting

a. Board discussed ideas…Raj mentioned that he heard good things about another state’s DOT speaker meeting and that we haven’t covered that in a long time. All agreed that would be good starting point for next meeting. Raj knows a local trooper, will ask about making presentation. Leslie to check our last survey for potential meeting hosts. Further discussion at next month’s call.

b. ARA Leadership Conference…Lavon asked who might be interested in attending. No responses. ARA discussed what the conf. was about – Raj was interested, as newest member of the board. Alicia motioned to send Raj, Amy 2nd…all in favor. Ruth B. further mentioned the benefits of sending two, after some discussion, all agreed that would be beneficial. Mark expressed interested, has been 1x before, but would like to go again. Alicia motioned to send Mark as second person, Amy 2nd…all in favor. Lavon to complete nomination form and get back to ARA.

X. ARA report

a. Other than Leadership Conf., already discussed, they encouraged board to look for email sent from Brock Huffstutler – board tools. Emailed on July 6.

XI. Next Call – Wed, Aug. 17, 9:00 am

XII. Adjournment – motion by Raj, 2nd by Lavon, all in favor

Submitted by Amy Fowler

Sample - Treasurer’s Report

Sample Board Meeting Agenda Minutes – TREASURER’S REPORT HIGHLIGHTED


June 15, 2015 – 10:00 am conference call

I.  Call to Order - by President

II.  Reading and Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes- read by Secretary

III.  Treasurer’s Report

A.  Treasurer reported a bank balance of $28,371.63. The previous months balance was $27,109.60. Rebates from ARA and expenses totaled a net increase of $1,262.03.

B.  Treasurer presented proposed budget for upcoming fiscal year (July 1 – June 30)

·  Expected Income $14,175

·  Expected Expenses $9,980

C.  Motion to approve Budget; Gary Motioned and Debra 2nd. Motion Passed

IV. Committee Reports

A. Membership Committee - 16 members joined,of which 5 were new and 11 were return members. Chairman suggested we should and ask why new ones decided to join and previous members rejoined.

B. Legislative Committee – discuss Legislative Day in capitol at next meeting

C. Education Committee – no report

V.  Unfinished Business - None

VI.  New Business

A.  Review of ARA “Talking Points” items

VII.  Scheduling of next meeting – August 15th, 10:00 am conference call

Sample - General Member Meeting Agenda



5:30 p.m. Call to Order & Welcome (Introductions of board and attendees. Include recognition of host and/or sponsors. Associate Members should be included);

Reading of Anti-Trust Statement

5:35 p.m. Treasurer’s Report (summary of the association’s finances)

5:40 p.m. Committee Reports (if active committees are in place)

A. Membership Committee

B. Legislative Committee

C. Program/Meetings Committee

D. Ad Hoc Committee

1. Christmas Party or Golf Tournament

5:50 p.m. ARA update (utilize ARA “Talking Points” items)

6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Social Hour/Dinner

7:00 p.m.* Program (Main Speaker. Could be a business educational topic expert, ARA regional director or officer, ARA Insurance Services or ARA Foundation speaker, Associate Member, paid speaker, etc. Allow time following the presentation for questions and answers.)

*Distribute speaker evaluation forms appx. 5 minutes prior to the end of speaker’s address

8:00 p.m. Adjournment

NOTE: Your agenda can also serve as your program handout for attendees. Times are usually not printed on the program. However, it is a good idea to include times on agendas distributed to the President and presenters to be sure they understand the time frames planned.