Tangerine Test

1)  ______Where did the Fisher family move from? A) Huntsville; B) Houston; C) Dallas; D) New York
2)  ______What is wrong with Paul? A) He can’t read; B) He can’t see; C) He is legally blind; D) He is blind
3)  ______What scene does Paul remember while he is waiting for his mother in the driveway of his old home? A) Paul remembers playing goalie in the soccer championship; B) Paul remembers the last time his family moved in the middle of the night; C) Paul remembers riding his bike when a car almost smashed his head with a bat; D) Paul remembers swimming in a pool and Erik tried to drown him.
4)  ______Why are the tangerine trees burning? A) They are covered with termites; B) Someone threw a cigarette into the field; C) Lightning hits a tree during a storm; D) Developers bought the land, and they are clearing it.
5)  ______Which best describes the muck fire burning behind Paul’s home? A) It’s a fire that burns on water. The lake contains lignite which is similar to gasoline, and the frequent lightning strikes keep the water burning; B) It’s an underground fire that is always burning. The land is made of lignite, which is similar to coal, and the frequent lightning strikes keep the land burning underground; C) It’s a fire that leaves behind a thick muck. D) It’s a fire that burns green instead of orange due to the lignite that is similar to coal.
6)  ______Why does Paul have a hard time believing the story his family told him about how he damaged his vision? A) Paul finds a hidden newspaper clipping that makes it seem like something suspicious happened. B) Paul’s parents laugh at him when he tells the story, making him think it is fake. C) Paul thinks that if the story is true, he should be able to remember it happening. D) Paul’s brother is known as a liar.
7)  ______How does Mike Costello die? A) He is hit by lightning during football practice. B) He is killed instantly when a football hits him in the head. C) He breaks his neck being tackled. D) He is hit by a big SUV while walking to his car after football.
14)  ______What upset Paul so much after he heard that Mike Costello had died? A) He was worried about how Joey Costello was going to play soccer since his brother was dead. B) He was afraid he would get hit by lightning at soccer practice. C) He heard Eric and Arthur laughing about how Mike had looked after he got hit by lightning. D) He didn't like the new house or school and wanted to go back to Houston.
15)  ______Why is Paul kicked off the Lake Windsor soccer team? A) He gets angry at another player for making fun of him and starts a fight. B) He is labeled as handicap because of his vision and isn’t covered by the school’s insurance. C) His grades are too low to be eligible. D) He isn’t good enough to play.
16)  ______What happened to the middle school after the sinkhole? A) It went on a split schedule. B) It had to close down. C) It fell in the sinkhole, too. D) It was business as usual.
17)  ______What surprises both Paul and his mother about the Tangerine soccer team? A) The team has a boy with an artificial arm. B) The team has a coach who knows nothing about soccer. C) The team is a mix of boys and girls. D) The team has a lot of rough kids.
18)  ______Why do Victor and Tino fight at practice? A) They argued over a girl. B) They argued over whether or not Victor made the goal. C) They argued about who would take Shandra’s place. D) They argued about who should be team captain.
19)  ______What happened when Joey Costello decided to go to Tangerine Middle? A) He made the soccer team and was made a starter. B) He didn't fit in and didn't like being the minority. C) He got straight A's and was on the honor roll. D) He got into a fight and was suspended. / 8)  ______Why does Paul go over to Tino and Theresa’s house? A) To work on his soccer skills with Tino and Victor. B) To meet Luis and learn more about tangerines. C) To eat dinner. D) To hang out with Theresa
9)  ______Why did the War Eagles win the District Championship? A) They had a 9-0-2 record. B) They had a 9-0-1 record. C) They were undefeated for the season. D) They beat the Lake Windsor Middle School team.
10)  ______Paul’s old coach tells his new coach that he isn’t eligible to play due to his handicap and his address in the Lake Windsor district. How does Paul get to stay in the game? A) Ms. Bright threatens to turn in Antoine Thomas for not living in Lake Windsor Downs. B) Paul’s mom threatens to sue for discrimination against handicapped people. C) Paul’s mom threatens to get him fired for holding practices in the lightning storms. D) Ms. Bright threatens to tell everyone about Gino’s steroid use
11)  ______Why does Erik punch Tino? A) Erik and Arthur are saying bad things about Theresa. B) Paul, Tino, Theresa, and Henry are kicking the soccer ball and it hits Erik. C) Luis accidently hits Arthur’s Land Cruiser with his truck when he pulls in the driveway. D) Erik and Arthur make fun of Tino and the other kids for being farm-labor kids.
12)  ______What happened to Luis Cruz? A) He died after being hit by a falling tangerine tree branch. B) He died after Arthur Bauer hit him in the head with a blackjack. C) He died after falling out of an orange tree. D) He died after falling out of the back of his truck.
13)  ______What do Tino and Victor do at the awards ceremony? A) They take the microphone away from Mr. Donnelly and tell everyone what really happened to Luis. B) They break in to Arthur’s Land Cruiser and find evidence to prove Erik and Arthur were behind Luis’s death. C) They run up to the stage in the middle of the presentation and severely beat up Arthur and Erik. D) They hide fireworks underneath the bleachers where the football players are sitting.
20)  ______What action does the Commissioner’s office take after Antoine tells them of his ineligibility throughout his high school career? A) They make the team forfeit their victories against Tangerine High School. B) They nullify every victory while Antoine was playing. C) They notify the colleges Antoine is interested in and have them revoke their offers. D) They nullify all of Antoine’s records, but allow the other players to keep their records.
21)  ______How was Erik finally caught? A) Paul finally tattled on him. B) Luis went to the police about him. C) The football coach caught him. D) Mom found the stolen items in the storage unit.
22)  ______What happened to Paul as a result of the Senior Banquet? A) He was expelled from school. B) He was cut from the soccer team. C) He was suspended for two weeks. D) He was grounded for six months.
23)  ______Why was Paul excited about going to St. Anthony's school? A) He was finally going to be the bad kid. B) The school was closer to his house. C) The school had a great soccer team. D) He was going to have to wear a uniform.
24)  ______What do Paul’s grandparents say when they hear about all the trouble Erik is in? A) They are very upset and begin to cry. They blame themselves for not being around. B) They tell his parents they should have sent Erik to a doctor when he first hurt Paul. C) They tell his parents Erik was in trouble because of his passion for football. D) They are shocked and can’t believe their grandson would do something like that.
25)  ______What does Paul write in his statement for the police? A) He tells them what happened but lies and says it is more Erik’s fault than Arthur’s. B) He tells what happened and then offers ideas for ways Erik could be punished. C) He tells what happened and then talks about Luis’s life and how he influenced others. D) He tells what happened and then describes other bad things Erik has done.

Vocabulary- Match the definition with the word

____ 26) receding A) practice session or informal game

____ 27) disbelief B) in a threatening way

____ 28) vicious C) suddenly or unexpectedly

____ 29) abruptly D) ferocious; unpleasantly severe

____ 30) perimeter E) stiff or hard

____ 31) irregularities F) amazement or astonishment

____ 32) rigid G) seriously; in a somber manner

____ 33) solemnly H) extending in the same direction, equally distant at every point

____ 34) parallel J) rise up or swell bulge or lift

____ 35) intervened K) came between to help or mediate

____36) agitated L) upset or disturbed

____37) ominously M) border or boundary

____38) elated N) very happy or proud; in high spirits

____39) scrimmage O) becoming more distant

____40) heave P) things that are not within the usual words or customs

Answer the following questions in complete sentences: 3 points each!

41) After the cold weather hits, we see the differences between the people of Tangerine and the citizens of Lake Windsor. What are some of the differences? ______



42) Why do you think Paul goes through his own ceremony during Luis’s funeral?______


Please respond to one of the following questions in an essay. I’m looking for 5 paragraphs… introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Make sure you include all the important things we remember when writing a paragraph. Please write these responses on lined paper.

1)  Some might say that Tangerine is about appearances - that if things look good from the outside, then everything will be okay. What do you think about that idea? Where do you see it in the book?

2)  Paul's mother calls Paul legally blind. Think about the idea of seeing things -- seeing past stereotypes and into people's hearts. How was Paul able to do this? What did he see?

3)  Is Paul a hero? Why or why not?

4)  What lessons do you think Paul's parents have learned?