Outlander Project – Business Event Meeting

7th April 2017

Grill 48, Dunfermline

Present – Linn Williamson, Donald MacKenzie, Emma Chalmers,Jenni Steele,Jack Pryde,Jenny Thompson, John Murray, Audrey Peebles, Claire Watson, Karen Williams

Apologies -Elaine Longmuir, Anna Young, Emma Chalmers, Gillian McCracken, Anne Daly,Frank Connolly, Lisa Robshaw, Maeve Duane, Maggie Mitchell

Wash down\feedback from Business Event

Linn stated that overall, the feedback has been positive through word of mouth and over social media. John & Jenni agreed they had positive feedback via their channels also. John will pass over the database of signups to Linn & Donald to follow up on possible fam trip and/or further information about upcoming events.

Future Events (business & fan)

Linn reported that the Dunfermline ComicCon was a success and there high numbers of crowds. Lots of information was given out which has resulted in a lot of engagement via social media.

John has booked a stand at the Glenrothes ComicCon on 19th June. No one currently available to man the stand but it can be un-manned and set up by the volunteers if the information and banners are provided.

Mark Me Events have announced to hold an Outlander Event in Edinburgh, the group will watch developments before considering attending.

Outlandish event in Aviemore takes place in May. Jenni confirmed that isitScotland are more than happy to take information if required.

The group felt that 3/4 smaller and different events would be a good idea to keep engagement and momentum going with fans. Also moving round different Outlander-involved locations i.e. Dysart, Callendar House, Falkland etc. It was also mentioned about the possibility of a screening of Season 3 at Carnegie Hall. Jenni to find out availability and costs.

Linn will speak to Culross Fete organiser and let the group know how this progresses.

Formal group structure

Linn stressed that the group needed a constitution to apply for funding. This would also be required to open a bank account. Linn will explore possibilities for the next meeting.


Jenni mentioned that VS will be working with the Scotlanders – potential match up with Welcome to Fife’s bloggers den

Audrey and Karen from Fife Coast & Countryside Trust mentioned they would like to speak to Jenni about what they can and cannot do in regards to the legalities of Outlander.

John said that this would be his last meeting with the Outlander group and only Gillian would attend from Fife Council from now on. John will still help if Gillian cannot attend.

John showed the new Welcome to Fife app which the group can contribute to.

Date of Next meeting

The next meeting will take place on 8th May at Dysart’s Harbour Master’s House. Time tbc.