Assessment for Understanding: Personnel Interview

Priorities and Concerns

1.  What concerns you about the student or class?

2.  Describe a typical day/experience with the student. Include your thoughts, feelings, and actions with the student, as well as the student’s behavior and feelings.

3.  What do you believe are the top three challenges that if improved would substantially impact your classroom/the student?

4.  Are any of these safety concerns?

5.  Prioritize your top concerns from highest (safety issues, if any, and concerns with substantial impacts on self and/or others) to lowest priority (things that need improvement, but are less significant).

6.  When did the problem(s) start? Do you have an idea of what might be contributing to the difficulties.

Identify Existing and Needed Competencies

1.  What competencies are top priority for the student to develop?

2.  What skills would significantly contribute to improved functioning and at the same time assist with lessening the concern?

3.  Has the student demonstrated these skills or prerequisites to these skills?

  1. Under what circumstances – where, when or with whom?

Attitudes, Beliefs & Existing Competencies

1.  Describe your experience working with students with ASD?

2.  How successful have you felt in working with students with ASD?

3.  Looking at your top concerns, describe what you have tried already?

4.  What skills do you posses that will help you in addressing these problems?

  1. What do you perceive are your strongest skills?
  1. Things that aren’t your forte?

2.  Are you aware of strategies that you’re interested in learning, that might help you problem solve these concerns?

Supports/ Teamwork

1.  Are there people you can access to help support you in addressing this concern?

2.  Are there other personnel who are encountering similar difficulties who might also be interested in learning strategies together?

3.  Are there training opportunities that you are interested in that might be helpful in this circumstance?


  1. What are the best times for you to meet and work on these concerns? And where?