Public Relations and Education Committee (PREC)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Meeting Minutes

1.  Call to Order – Margaret Larsen

April 15, 2009 PREC Meeting Minutes

Motion / To approve April 15, 2009 PREC meeting minutes as presented.
Made / Rick McCarty
Second / Amie Dugan
Vote / Passed Unanimously

2.  Margaret Larsen

·  CEO Calls – Potential Dates (June 22nd & October 12th); Topic: Social Media

·  2009 Public Relations Conference – November 10th in Connecticut

·  Eunice Kennedy Shriver Website – July Launch

·  Emailing: 2010 SONG –Twitter

CEO Calls - Make sure your Executive Directors/ Presidents participate in one of the two conference calls scheduled for ED's and PR staff, at either 11AM or 3PM (ET) on June 22nd and October 12th. Information was in last week's Manager's Memo and you can RSVP to Marlene Mitchell at . Call-in information: Conference Call +1 (641) 715-3625 / Access Code 230116#. The topic will be social media: strategies for social media plans, resources, recommended techniques, sitesand tools, budget and staff impact. SOI is having a guest consultant join the call to answer your questions. Any questions that you would like answered, feel free to e-mail them to Kirsten Seckler at SOI, prior to the call, so they can research and respond to your question(s).

Kirsten Seckler mentioned that we need a “program” best practice in order for the calls to be extremely successful. We also need a Q & A document established of typical questions that we anticipate from PR staff or CEO’s. Please send any feedback to Kirsten as soon as possible. One best practice mentioned, used Vincent Martella, was to do a “twitter chat” where they discussed the R-Word. Another best practice discussed was “mobile giving”.

The one-day PR Conference is "on," and will be held in Connecticut, November 10, 2009, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Margaret encourages all to attend if possible. More information will come from SOI and/or PREC regarding registration.

Special Olympics is assisting in the design of a website that will honor the work and legacy of Eunice Kennedy Shriver. The site is set to launch by or on July 10th (Mrs. Shriver's birthday). The exact URL has yet to be determined, but SOI will share details in the coming weeks.

3.  2009 PREC Priorities – Margaret Larsen

·  Host one Public Relations Conference and host two informational conference calls for U.S. CEOs.

·  Provide support to U. S. Programs/Campaigns such as “Be A Fan,” World and National Games.

·  Establish a national communications partner in cooperation with the Public Relations Department of Special Olympics International.

4.  Online Task Team – Chris Smith (on-going)

The online task team has not had a call since February. Kirsten will ask Olga and Joan when they plan to reconvene.

5.  Robyn Markey

Organizational Values (Update)

Robyn Markey, SOI, is taking the lead in creating organization-wide values and is actively soliciting the feedback of the U.S. Programs. Robyn has specifically requested your input on the attached "Proposed Values" document. Please e-mail Amie Dugan at our recommendations/feedback or insert your comments into the document itself and e-mail it back to Amiewithin the next week or so. She willgladly forward all of your input to SOI.

6.  Kirsten Seckler

·  Save the Date (SONA Memo)

·  Regional Communications Call / Minutes / Update

·  Sports Illustrated Reprints

·  Be A Fan (Usage Tracking)

Following the current testing phase, SOI will be dramatically improving the "Program Locator" function on its website. This is the second most visited page on the site. They will begin by migrating each program's basic contact information, as it's displayed now, and will provide an array of customization options, so each state canpopulate their program's pagewith additional info like upcoming events, volunteer information and possibly even interactive elements. Some elements will be input by the SOI staff and some options may be able to be updated by the programs themselves. The goal is to provide a more engaging, interactive way for the public to locate and gather information about your program and to facilitate an even easier on-line donation process for your program. Plans are to unveil the revamped Program Locator this summer.

Be A Fan Update (Customized TV PSAs): For those programs that requested the customized "Be A Fan" TV PSA’s from SOI, the PSA’s should be mailed to stations within the next couple weeks. The company that was set to do the customization pro bono did not work out; now that a "Plan B" was devised, things are back on track! SOI is working towards a $200 million goal to support an ad campaign. A Google doc spreadsheet will be created for PREC’s access. The spreadsheet can be updated with information on the number of hits from each region, such as number of website hits, number of times annual reports are distributed, etc….which then will be contributed towards the goal for the ad campaign.

SOI will no longer publish print editions of the Spirit Magazine. It will be available on-line on the SOI website, in a more web-friendly format.

Sports Illustrated reprints are fifty cents per copy.

7.  National Games

·  National and World Games

·  Operational / Strategic Plans

·  Global Summit, June 6 – 10, 2010 (Morocco)

SOI staff is assisting with the development of the 2010 National Games communications strategy. Everyone is encouraged to follow the Gameson Twitter for updates at "2010SONG".

Margaret asked the PREC that if they have an operational/strategic plan to please send it to her.

The Global Summit scheduled for June 6-10, 2010, in Morocco, will be hosted and paid for by Princess Lalla Amina and her family. Kirsten will be in Morocco next month to help plan the event.

The National Golf and Softball Tournaments will be held together this year in Lincoln, Nebraska, July 31st through August 3rd.

8.  Regional Questions

Updated Regions List

9.  New Business

Amie Dugan mentioned that there have been no new updates to the Protective Behaviors Parent Guide from American Specialty.

10.  Next Call – August 12, 2009

11.  Adjournment

To adjourn

Motion / To adjourn the
Made / Rick McCarty
Second / Margaret Larsen
Vote / Passed Unanimously

Mark Your Calendar:

2009 PREC Conference Calls:

August 12th, September 30th, & November 3rd. (All PREC calls are scheduled for 3 p.m. EST)