Sierra-Sacramento Valley EMS Agency

2010 – 2011 HPP LEMSA Project

Advisory Committee (Web Conference)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010 – 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Meeting Summary

  1. Attendance:

Shawn Joyce, S-SV EMS Agency Ron Grider, Region III RDMHS

Lynn Corliss, Siskiyou County Shelly Lima, Region IV RDMHS

Dana Carey, Yolo County Tom Hoffman, CDPH-EPO Region IV

Susan Murphy, Tehama County Doug Buchanan, Consultant Team

Patti Carter, Nevada County Richard Murdock, Consultant Team

John Anderson, Yuba County Kelly Cosgrove-Waddell, Consultant Team

Jeff Kennedy, Sutter County Susan Watson, Consultant Team

Jennifer Broussard, Sutter County

  1. Welcome/Introductions
    Doug Buchanan thanked everyone for joining, and asked each member of the group to introduce themselves and their role. He reminded participants of the 16-line limitation in web conferencing and encouraged those from the same county to meet together at one location to join future conference calls.

Doug presented the observations in the Improvement Plan for the HAvBED portion of the November 18th Statewide Exercise:

Observation 1.1.1 –Facilities outside of Region IV left off initial HAvBED poll:

Shawn Joyce shared ongoing coordination/communication issue between Region III facilities and the Region IV system, pending some changes in EMSystem. There is a current coordination process in place, and the RDHMS agreed to include all facilities in future polls.

Observation 1.1.2 –EMSystem HAvBED data set differs between Region III and IV:

There was considerable discussion regarding the differences between “licensed”, “staffed”, and “available” beds, and the difficulties in interpreting the federal definitions for HAvBED and the current data set differences between Region III and IV EMSystems. Participants agreed that standardized data is necessary to lend value to the information reported. Over the next few weeks, Shelly Lima and Ron Grider will compare the reports and discuss possible solutions. Doug will work to obtain data set definition clarity and report back to the project group by the end of January, 2011.

Observation 1.2 : Some facilities delayed in HAvBED response time:

The group discussed the current communication strategies and possible alternative strategies to ensure hospitals are receiving and responding to HAvBED requests in a timely manner. It was agreed to review training and protocols for response as well as to continue to monitor and provide feedback to the hospitals. These measures will be augmented with periodic adhoc exercises to test response times.

4.  Resource Guide for FTS, MFH and ACS:
Richard Murdock presented a matrix to clarify the differences between Field Treatment Sites, Alternate Care Sites, and the Mobile Field Hospital. The tool addresses the activating authority for each resource and defines three major areas: Purpose of activation; Triggers for activation; and Steps for activating.

The matrix is meant as a tool to help local representatives understand the differences between each facility type. Participants were asked to email Doug with suggestions for improving the matrix, so the resource guide can be revised as a priority item.

Tom Hoffman was encouraged by the work on the resource guide and asked to share this work at the state level to obtain “buy-in” for these definitions. Doug will provide the draft of the revised matrix to Tom so that he may share with CDPH and EMSA.

5.  Next Meeting:

Web Conference, Wednesday, January 12, 2010, 2:30 p.m.

·  Review of the draft FTS Plan

·  Preliminary look at Medical/Health Situation Reporting Process – reference new EOM (merge of previous CDHOM and CDMOM)