Westside High School Backwards-Design Lesson Plan


AP Spanish Literature and Culture
Unit:El Modernismo y la Generación del 98

Estimated Time Frame:1-26 through 2-13

Movements:Modernismo y Generación del 98, Spain and LatinAmerica 19th/20th centuries

Teacher: D. Lara

Stage 1 – Desired Results TS- The Student
Understanding (s)/goals: / Essential Question(s): / Student Outcomes (objectives):
TS analyzes components of a literary work. / EQ1:
How elements from a literary work can convey the message the author intented? / SO1.1: TS can analyze assigned reading from “Nuestra America”,organize ideas, identifying literary devices and explain their use.
SO1.2 TS can explain significance of symbols in “San Manuel Bueno mártir”
SO1.3: Ts can identify literary devices and structure ofpoem “He andado muchos caminos” (listening)
SO1.4: Ts can identify literary devices and structure ofpoem “Peso Ancestral” (listening)
TSsituates and relates Literature of Modernismo movement to its social, cultural and historical contexts. / EQ2:
How did thehistorical context of US imperialism influence the expression of identity? / SO2.1: TS can identify Modernismo characteristics and relate to historic context.
SO2.2: TS can create a prompt with the format of Question 3, AP Exam (Analysis of single text)for “Nuestra América” or “A Roosevelt”.
SO2.3: Ts can identify historical characters In Roosevelt, and explain their significance in “A Roosevelt”poem.
TScompares viewpoints about different roles in Latin America society in the 19th century vs.own society. / EQ3:
What views about male role in society are conveyed in a poem from Latin America of the XX century? / SO3.1:
TS can compare the perspectives of role genders in Latin America of the 20th reflected in “Peso Ancestral” vs. own.
TS explains how author express own ideas and beliefs through characters. / EQ4:
What isthe significance of life for authors and their characters, and how do these views relate to their ideas and beliefs
surrounding death? / SO4.1:
TS can create a comic strip about novel “San Manuel Bueno, martir.
TS can create a graphic organizer relating characters of “San Manuel Bueno, mártir:” to religion and own believes about life and death.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s) and Other Evidence: (Assessment evidence should be collected for each Student Outcome (SO) listed above.)
Formative / Summative (Attach copy)
SO1.1 / TS creates individual notes for assigned reading “Nuestra América” / SO1.1, SO2.2,SO2.3 Students discuss notes with group and create poster for assigned reading.
SO1.2 / Ts creates graphic organizer explaining symbols in “San Manuel Bueno, mártir” / SO3.1 TS creates a comic strip about novel “San Manuel Bueno, martir.
SO1.3 / TS listens and identify structure and literary devices in poem “He andado muchos caminos” / SO1.1, SO2.2,SO2.3 TS writes essay analyzing single text from “Nuestra América” (Question 3, AP Exam)
SO1.4 / TS listens and identify structure and literary devices in poem “Peso Ancestral” / SO1.1, SO1.2 SO1.3 SO1.4, SO2.1, SO2.2, SO2.3, SO3.1, SO4.1, SO4.2 Unit Test
SO2.1 / TS relates “Modernismo” characteristics to historic context
SO2.2 / TS creates prompt with the format of Question 3, AP Exam (Analysis of single text)for “Nuestra América” or “A Roosevelt”.
SO2.3 / TS research about assigned historical character and explain his significance in “A Roosevelt”poem
SO3.2 / TS creates a organizer with main ideas reflected in “Peso Ancestral”.
SO4.1 / TS create a graphic organizer relating characters of “San Manuel Bueno, mártir:” to religion and own believes about life and death.