March Reading Project

March Theme: Science Fiction/Fantasy

Amount of Books to Read: 1

Projects: Choose one of the following projects.

  1. Design, write, and illustrate a picture book of the novel you read. The mini-book should be 10-12 pages in length. Each page should contain a picture of a main event which you have drawn and colored, and 30 words describing the scene or telling the story. You should have a front cover and back cover. They do not count as part of the 10-12 pages. I can supply you with the paper.
  1. Do a character trait poster on the main character of the book. I can give you a sheet to explain how to do the poster. You should also give a brief summary of the story and why you liked or didn’t like the book. Be specific in your explanation. The typed portion should be at least 350-400 words.
  1. Make a poster of your book. The poster should contain four scenes from the book and they should be colored. Give a short explanation of each scene. (No more than 30 words.) The poster should have a title and main characters displayed in the center of the poster. Your report should be at least 350-400 words.
  1. Choose five “artifacts” from the book that best illustrate the happenings and meanings of the story. Be prepared to present them to the class. Your typed report should explain each artifact, what they represent, and why you chose the artifacts. Your summary report should be at least 350-400 words.

**The posters or mini-book should be colored and you should be as creative as possible with your drawings. Try to be as accurate as you possibly can, so your pictures tell the story along with the written portion.**

Picture Book Rubric

  1. The mini-book is well designed, neatly assembled, and contains at least 10-12 pages.


  1. The artwork is neat, colorful, more elaborate than simple drawings, and helps to explain the story.


  1. The front and back covers contain the title, story summary, and book reviews.


  1. Your short story summarizes the story and is easy to follow and understand.


  1. Spelling, Punctuation, Capitalization, and Sentence Structure


  1. The rubric is attached to the project.

2 Bonus Points

Student Name______

Total Points_____

Project Grade_____

Character Trait Poster Rubric


  1. The main character is accurately displayed and well-drawn


  1. The poster is neatly colored and is creatively displayed.


  1. The poster contains all of the necessary quotes about the character.


  1. The spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar are well-done.


Poster Total______


  1. It gives a good summary of the story.


  1. The report follows the 5 Paragraph Essay form (Intro, 3 Body Paragraphs, Conclusion)


  1. The necessary information is in the left-hand corner. (student name, teacher name, class, date)


  1. The report is in correct paragraph form, correct length, uses default font, and is size 12.


  1. The spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar are well-done.


  1. The report states why you liked or didn’t like the story.


  1. The rubric is attached to the report.

2 Bonus Points

Report Total______

Project Total______

Project Grade______

Student Name______

Poster Rubric

  1. The title and main characters are neatly displayed in the center of the poster.


  1. The poster is divided into 4 equal parts containing for important scenes from the book, and explanations of the scenes are provided.


  1. The poster is neatly colored, creatively displayed, and contains more than simple drawings.


  1. The upper left-hand corner contains: student name, teacher name, class, and due date.


  1. A title is correctly formatted at the beginning of the report, and the title and author is punctuated correctly in the report.


  1. The 5 Paragraph Essay Form is followed and summarizes the story. (Intro, 3 Body Paragraphs, Conclusion)


  1. Spelling, Punctuation, Capitalization, Sentence Structure


  1. The rubric is attached to the project.

2 Bonus Points

Total Points_____

Project Grade_____

Student Name______

Artifact Rubric

  1. Your five artifacts represent the story.


  1. Artifact explanation


  1. Class Presentation


4. The upper left-hand corner contains: student name, teacher name, class, and due date.


5. A title is correctly formatted at the beginning of the report, and the title and author is punctuated correctly in the report.


6. The 5 Paragraph Essay Form is followed and summarizes the story. (Intro, 3 Body Paragraphs, Conclusion)


7. Spelling, Punctuation, Capitalization, Sentence Structure


8. The rubric is attached to the project.

2 Bonus Points

Total Points_____

Project Grade_____

Student Name______