Degree Programme in Nursing

Rokkila Minna

Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Center for Social Services and Health Care


+358 50 364 0347

Diversity and technologically-enhanced teaching have been into existence at the Social and Health Care faculty for a long time. Since Lifelong Learning has shown great prominence lately, the faculty has been involved in designing diverse learning pathways more strongly. There is a clear need of nurses’ labor outside the provincial center and as a matter of fact, the Multi-Model Learning pathways provides an excellent way to study for students living further away.


Normal Undergraduate Student groups (NUS) started to integrate with the Open University Student groups during the early 2000s. Subsequently, the development of the Multi-Model Learning pathways started through which nursing studies can be accomplished. Learning Pathways blended with Multi-Model Learning by using available technology. Moodle learning environment (previously known as Moodle Allu) provided a learning environment through which students were able to carry out their studies. Lectures were provided through Adobe Connect video conferencing system for students living further away.


The next step was to set up a group of adult students with the provincial higher education institution. The aim was to set up groups of students away from the province center (Lieksa). Students studied about 4-5 weeks study weeks per semester and the rest through homework, Adobe Connect lectures and practical training. Multi-Model learning Adult groups has been into existence in the Social and Health Care fields since 2010. Lecturers working with Multi-Model learning groups received training through the University of Applied Science and also from their respective faculties. Moreover, expertise has been updated during national training events.


During spring 2011 Savonia University of Applied Sciences and Karelia University of Applied Sciences (formerly known as North Karelia University of Applied Sciences) collaborated to design a Degree Programme in Nursing curriculum. The aim was to form a multifunctional joint implementation and the planning stage made use of technology amply. Some of the working sessions took place through Adobe Connect during which plans were prepared. The meetings included nursing experts and one person in charge of the technical aspects of Adobe Connect. The early planning made use of Google Tools and we were able to write the core curriculum. As the work progressed, a dedicated Moodle work area was opened where different parts of the curriculum were put together.

During the studies, the teaching responsibilities were divided between the two Universities of Applied Sciences. Since part of the teaching took place in another city, real-time lectures were sent through the CISCO - video conferencing system to the two other campuses. The system enables real-time audio and video transmission through a three-point system, in which one is the lecturer. During the first remote-weeks teaching took place through the Adobe Connect system and independently through Moodle learning environment.

In autumn 2013 the group started using tablet computers. Students are trained for tablet use and video recording & editing. During the courses offered in autumn, a variety of short videos are prepared and distributed to other students through Moodle and as such; a joint discussion and reflection is possible. Lecturers have started to use tablet computers in their teaching. They have been in the workshops during which they could share experiences and ideas concerning the use of tablets.


Pedagogical education handbook guides how each and every course should be designed. Firstly, the main objectives of the course should be determined. Only then, one can think about what methods can be used. In Multi-Model studies the advantages of technology is taken in many ways. At the same time the student has to take responsibility for their own studies and be able to search for information independently. At Karelia University of Applied Sciences the use of technology is made in a versatile way so that it would support the core competencies of learning. Students are provided with a Moodle Student Portal as an e-learning environment “home-place”. From there, the academic year courses, important study modules and the Group's shared calendar are linked. The calendar is based on the Google Drive platform and the student is responsible for it. Students schedule and synchronize their studies and mark their joint agreed principles concerning assignments, exams and other important issues related to their studies. The portal documents all the issues that have been raised during their study period.

During the studies different elements are used that support diversity. Wiki templates are used as a common writing surface, or they can be used to plan joint events etc. Social writing tools (e.g., etherpad, Google Drive service) allow the formation of joint reports. VPN connections supporting virtual classroom allows the use of various programs from different places in addition to computer classes (e.g. Mediatri). Moodle tools can be used to form a course into desired sections and topics. Moodle e-exams have made it possible to do remote exams from your home or workplace by hand. Carefully designed e-exams save time and teachers workload. Various e-desks have allowed the teaching of medication counting related lectures online. In these situations, the lecturer makes use of Adobe Connect and the related writing platform.

The simulation environment provides an integrated learning environment in which the simulation takes advantage of new educational technologies. The learning situations, i.e. cases are viewed live by students in the debriefing room, in which, some of the students can observe the actions of others. In these learning situations, the simulator can also be used to simulate a variety of treatment-situation scenarios; thus learning preventive measures thereby improving patient safety and care.


Different supports exist to help Multi-Model teaching. Multi-Model teaching working Group meets on a regular basis. This working group discusses the challenges related to Multi-Model teaching. Different training programmes are provided to the lecturers at the University of Applied Sciences and also at the national level. In the University of Applied Sciences each faculty has a trainer who helps lecturers and look into Multi-Model teaching challenges. These trainers have a group called ePeda and they also organize meetings in which they share experiences and knowledge among the different faculties.


Increasing diversity; Living with technology, keeping up with it, choice of compatible applications and tools for teaching aid. Equipment maintenance development and Teachers' continuing training.