EDTE 447 Textbook Evaluation Rubric

General Information:

Title: ______

Author(s): ______

Publisher(s): ______

Subject/Grade Level: ______Copyright Date______

Instructions: On a scale of 0 to 3 with 3 as the highest, use the items listed to evaluate a textbook of your choice.

Organization / 3
fully evident / 2
mostly evident / 1
partially evident / 0
little or no evidence / Overall rating
1 / Textbook provides a useful table of contents, glossary & index
2 / Layout is consistent and chapters are arranged logically
3 / Chapters contain clear and comprehensive introductions and summaries
4 / Textbook contains references, bibliography and resources
5 / Information is accurate & current
6 / Reading level is appropriate for age/grade
7 / Size and format of print is appropriate
8 / Format is visually appealing & interesting
Other (please specify)
Content Criteria
9 / Real-life applications are given
10 / Information and directions are clearly written and explained
11 / Activities are developmentally appropriate
12 / Non-text content (maps, graphs, pictures) are accurate and well integrated into the text
13 / Lessons/activities are interdisciplinary
14 / Activities apply to a diversity of student abilities, interests and learning styles
15 / Activities include guiding questions which encourage the development of higher-level thinking skills
Other (please specify)
Inclusion Criteria
16 / All groups are presented in broad scope
17 / Nouns, adjectives, terms and illustrations are non-stereotypical and non-prejudicial
18 / Children of both sexes and various cultures and physical conditions will use the materials without feeling excluded, estranged or diminished
Alignment Criteria
19 / Textbook content aligns to district/organization curriculum
20 / This textbook will be a useful resource in preparing students to meet the requirements of the Michigan State & the SDA standards, and statewide assessments
“Money, like oxygen, isn’t everything”
Rating Scale: Excellent (60-51), Good (50-41), Fair (40-31), Poor (30-0).



Textbook Evaluation Tool. Retrieved from 10-15-07 from http://www.state.nj.us/education/njpep/classroom/text_eval/textbook_evaluation_tool.html 9/24/2007

Lake Union Elementary Textbook List. Retreived 10-15-07 from http://luc.adventist.org/site/1/docs/Elementary%20Textbook%202007-2008.pdf

Created by Dr Hyacinth Rose, Teaching and Learning Department, Andrews University, 2007 Page 2 of 2