Nutrient Needs Lab

Name: ______Period: ______Date:______

This lab will be worth 2 daily grades!! It is due the day you take unit 6 - digestive system exam

Part 1: What Are My Nutrient Needs???

The Mifflin-St Jeor equations provide an estimation of a healthy individual’s basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR is the amount energy needed to live with no physical activity. Another way to think of this number is the amount of calories your body needs to stay alive. If you just laid in bed all day and did nothing, your body would need some amount of calories to maintain daily living needs (breathing, heart rate, digestion, brain waves). These equations require weight in kilograms, height in centimeters, and age in years.

1.Calculate your weight in kilograms (Weight in pounds ÷ 2.2)

2.Calculate your height in centimeters (Height in inches X 2.54)

3.Calculate your BMR using the appropriate equation below.
Male: BMR = (10×weight in kg) + (6.25×height in cm)–(5×age) + 5
Female: BMR = (10×weight in kg) + (6.25×height in cm)–(5×age) – 161

4.Since BMR is only the amount of calories you need to stay alive, you have to factor in the calories need to MOVE! Calculate your total daily calorie needs by multiplying the above BMR to your activity factor.

•1.200 = sedentary (little or no exercise)

•1.375 = lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week)

•1.550 = moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week)

•1.725 = very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week)

•1.900 = extra active (very hard exercise/sports and physical job)
My Total Calorie Needs are ______

5.A general healthy diet recommends that 25% of your total calories come from FAT.
Calculate how many calories from fat you should have a day.

6.There are 9 calories per 1 gram of fat.
Calculate how many grams of fat you should have a day.
My Total Fat (in grams) Needs are ______

7.A general healthy diet recommends that 20% of your total calories come from protein.
Calculate how many calories from protein you should have a day.

8.There are 4 calories per 1 gram of protein.
Calculate how many grams of protein you should have a day
My Total Protein (in grams) Needs are ______

9.Lastly, a general healthy diet recommends that 55% of your total calories come from carbohydrates. Calculate how many calories from carbohydrates you should have a day.

10.There are 4 calories per 1 gram of carbohydrates.
Calculate how many grams of carbohydrate you should have a day
My Total Carbohydrate (in grams) Needs are ______

Part 2: My ACTUAL Dietary Intake

Attach your own food log to this worksheet or in the space provided below write down EVERYTHING you ate for one day. Be as specific as possible!!! For example if you had a sandwich, write down all the fillings such as turkey meat, mayo, cheese, tomato & lettuce. This includes drinks, gum, mints, condiments on food, everything. Also, be sure to include quantities:

i.e. approximately 30 chips, 3 cups of popcorn, (2) 32 oz. Dr. Peppers.

Food Log Date:______


Morning Snack:


Afternoon Snack:


Evening Snack:

Once you have recorded EVERYTHING that you ate yesterday. Go to:

•First, create a profile. By creating a profile your food log will be continuously saved so that you access it at another time if you need

•In the box entitled “Food Tracker” type in the first food you ate. If you ate something with multiple ingredients you will need to enter each ingredient separately.

oFor example if you ate a sandwich, you will enter bread; then cheese; then deli meat; then mayo, etc…

•When entering food, make sure to include the appropriate portion size and indicate which meal you ate that food.

•Once you have entered all of your food choices, you will need to print you Nutrient Intake Report – the link to this report is located just below the graph on the right of the screen.

•If you are working on a laptop in your classroom, you will likely need to “add a printer” prior to printing.

(click on “printer & faxes” under the

START menu our classroom printer is

called ______-______)

•It is recommended that you choose the PDF format of this report.

Your nutrient analysis from gives you both the amount of nutrients you consumed and their recommended values. These recommended values are not as accurate as your calculated values from step one because they do not factor in activity. Using your calculations from part one; fill in the recommended intake for Total Calorie, Total Fat, Protein, Carbohydrates. Record what your actual intake was based on your nutrition analysis.
In the last 3 blanks, fill in any other nutrient, vitamin or mineral that you found interesting. Record the website’s recommended intake of these nutrients and your actual intake.

(pages 1 &2 of this packet!!) / Actual
(Nutrient Intake Report)
Total Calorie Needs
Total Fat (g) / 25%
Carbohydrate (g)
Fiber(g) / 25-35 gm
Sodium(mg) / 2400 mg
Select another nutrient & report here
Select another nutrient & report here
Select another nutrient & report here

Nutrients Needs Lab
Self Analysis

Theses questions will help you better understanding how your diet compares to what is recommended. Use the calculations from part 1 and your nutrient analysis report to answer the following questions.

1.Did you consume too much, not enough or just perfect carbohydrates? Name 3 foods you ate that are high in carbohydrates.

2.Did you consume too much, not enough or just perfect protein? Name 3 foods you ate that are high in protein

3.Did you consume too much, not enough or just perfect lipids? Name 3 foods you ate that are high in lipids.

4.Name 2 vitamins or minerals that you consumed at the recommended intake or MORE.
Using page 457 in your textbook, discuss the purpose of these vitamins/minerals.

5.Name 2 vitamins or minerals that you did you NOT consume at the recommended intake.
Using page 457 in your textbook, discuss the purpose of these vitamins/minerals.

6.Did you consume too much or not enough calories?

7.Calculate the surplus or difference between the amount of calories you are recommended to have daily and what you actually consumed. (Recommended minus actual = surplus/deficit)

8.If you continued to the same amount of calories for 30 days straight, would you expect to gain, lose or maintain your current weight? (hint: surplus/deficit X30days) If one pound of fat equals 3500 calories, how many pounds would you gain or lose?

9.Did you consume the recommended intake of fiber (25-35gm per day)? Why is fiber beneficial for your health? (Hint: watch All About Poop video).

10.Give one (or more) changes to your diet that would help improve your nutrient intake to meet your recommended intake.