Env Sci 204/LaneFinal Exam

INSTRUCTIONS: Please type your answers to the following questions and bring your completed exam to the appropriate final exam period on Wednesday, June 11th. We will have a class discussion during the first hour of the exam period. Written exam is worth 64 points. Final discussion is 10 points.

Exams will not be accepted by email. Students may work together, but each student must write their own exam. Plagiarism will result in a 0.

Questions? or call 425/922-9993 cell Ms Lane


In 1963 following a treaty to ban nuclear tests in the atmosphere, outer space, and under water, President John F. Kennedy told the U.N. General Assembly: “The effort to improve the conditions of man, however, is not a task for the few. It is the task of all nations--acting alone, acting in groups, acting in the United Nations, for plague and pestilence, and plunder and pollution, the hazards of nature, and the hunger of children are the foes of every nation. The earth, the sea, and the air are the concern of every nation. And science, technology, and education can be the ally of every nation.”

Use the information in Chapter 13 of your text to:

  1. (4 pts) define nuclear energy based on fission and how that generates nuclear power,
  2. (12 pts) compare nuclear power with fossil fuels and renewable forms of energy (biomass, hydropower, solar, wind, geothermal, and tidal energy) in terms of the possible environmental impact to the atmosphere, and waterways (be precise)
  3. (4 pts) explain how nuclear waste is managed and the hazards associated with nuclear waste.

Reflect on how nuclear waste could impact outer space and review information on the components of waste management and our current approaches to management of hazardous waste, industrial solid waste, and municipal solid waste in Chapter 15.

  1. (4 pts) write a short essay describing how nuclear waste possibly could be discarded in outer space and the pros and cons of transporting nuclear waste to locations in space.


Most of the students in class this spring believe climate change is an issue that we as a country need to address better.

  1. (2 pts)In your own words define climate change.
  2. (8 pts) Explain whether or not you believe in climate change and using specific supporting details explain why or why not. Be sure to include information on different indicators of climate change such as weather, physical components of the earth, and biology.
  3. (8 pts) Review what presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton (issues-energy independence and global warming John McCain (issues-climate change Barack Obama (issues-energy & the environment and The Green Party Platform on ecological sustainability ( You may also want to look at websites for Cynthia McKinney and Ralph Nader who are the leading candidates for The Green Party.


  1. ( 2 pts) Define what sustainability means to you.
  2. (20 pts) Write a letter to your possible future children list ten (10) things you are willing to consider doing to provide for a sustainable future for them. Explain to them why you have chosen these ten actions and why or why not you have implemented these changes today.

Good Luck!