Cindy Young, President Susan Nisan

Ken Fitzgerald, Vice-President Principal of Valley Charter High School

Flerida Arias, Member and Executive Secretary to the Board Terri McNabb, Member 108 Campus Way, Modesto California 95350

Craig Orona, Member 209-238-6800


Tuesday, April 14, 2015 – 5:00 p.m.

Lion’s Café, Valley Charter High School, 108 Campus Way, Modesto, CA 95350



In order to ensure that members of the public are provided a meaningful opportunity to address the Board on agenda items or non-agenda items that are within the Board’s jurisdiction, agenda items may be addressed at the public comment portion of the agenda. The Board shall limit the total time for each agenda item to 20 minutes. The maximum for any one speaker is 2 to 5 minutes. The Board requests any person wishing to speak fill out a Public Presentation Request Card and give it to the secretary or Board President prior to the meeting. It should be noted that each Board member expresses only his/her opinion and not the opinion of the entire Board. Complaints against specific District employees should be resolved through the Schools’/District’s Personnel Complaint Procedure. The right to address the Board does not exempt the speaker from any potential liability for defamation. The proceedings of the Board are recorded and are a part of the public record. The law limits the response of Board members and prohibits the Board from taking any formal action (Ed. Code Section 35145.5). This meeting is held in an area accessible to the disabled. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in the meetings, call 238-6800 48-hours in advance of the meeting.

Please address the board from the podium. / Estimated Timeline
1.0 / OPENING BUSINESS – Cindy Young, President
1.1 Call to Order
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance by VCHS Fashion Club / 5:00 PM
2.0 / Reports
2.1 VCHS Fashion Club Report—Julie Swift, Advisor
2.2 VCHS Student ASB Report—Noah Saenz, Grade 12 / 5:05 PM
3.0 / School Goals Progress
3.1 Staff Mental Health Training—Karen Gordon
3.2 WASC Visit Update for April 15-17, 2015—Susan Nisan
3.3 VCHS LCAP Results—Susan Nisan / 5:15 PM
4.0 / Public Comment:Members of the public may address the Board on agenda items or non-agenda items. The maximum for any one speaker is 2 to 5 minutes. The Board requests any person wishing to speak fill out a Public PresentationRequest Card and give it to the secretary or Board President prior to the meeting. / 5:30 PM
5.0 / Discussion Items
5.1VCHS5-Year Charter Renewal—Susan Nisan / 5:35 PM
6.0 / Consent Items—All items are approved by a single action. Any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion upon request of a member of the audience, staff, and/or Board.
6.1 Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting held on January 13, 2015
6.2 Approval of Agenda
6.3 Approval of 2015-2016 VCHS Calendar
6.4 Approval of Advisory Board meeting day and time for the 2015-2016 school year
6.5 Approval of CAHSEE ELA in lieu of CST English scores for CELDT reclassification / 5:45 PM
Action: Approval of consent items.
MOTION: _____ 2nd: _____ AYES: _____ NOES: _____ ABSTAIN: _____
7.0 / Other Reports by the Principal – Susan Nisan
7.1 California Gold Ribbon School Report
7.2 Summer School Plans
7.3 Current VCHS Numbers and Enrollment Outlook / 5:50 PM
8.0 / UPCOMING EVENTS for 2014-2015
  • WASC Accreditation Team Staff Reception, Wednesday, April 15, 2015at 5:00pm at VCHS
  • WASC Accreditation Team Parent Meeting, Thursday, April 16, 2015at 5:00pm at VCHS
  • VCHS Cultural Festival, Friday, April 17, 2015 at VCHS
  • VCHS Senior Graduation by Exhibition, Thursday, May 7, 2015 from 12:00 to 5:00pm at VCHS
  • VCHS Senior Awards, Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 6:00pm at VCHS
  • VCHS Graduation: Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 6:00pm at Modesto Junior College
  • Last Day of School for 2014-2015: Friday, May 29, 2015
/ 5:55 PM
9.0 / Next Regular Meeting–9/8/2015 (Upon Board Approval)
10.0 / Adjournment / 6:00 PM