Outline application for an

outdoor commercial event on Council owned land

(open to the public with paid and/or gated entry)

Large (over 499 attendees at any one time) or complex events require a significant lead in time, a minimum of six months notice is likely to be our minimum requirement.

The purpose of this form is to obtain an overview of your proposed event with sufficient detail to determine if the Council feel in principal that your event is appropriate to the location you wish to use. We will then reserve the land for you whilst your application progresses.

Charges for hire of land and administration of the event application will be made for commercial events and will be subject to negotiation.

If an event has the potential to damage the land it is using a refundable bond will be charged in addition to any land hire fees.

Do not use this form if you wish to run a fitness classes or forest school type activity. Please visit www.trafford.gov.uk/park-licence.

For stand-alone markets, car boot sales or table top sales, please complete

the Market Licence application form.

No event must take place on Council land without written permission from the Council and where relevant the appropriate fees paid.

Please send the completed form with any supporting documentation to:

Marketing & Events

Room FF 159, Trafford Council, Talbot Road. Stretford. M32 0TH


If you have any questions please call us on: 0161 912 4502

Before completing this form please read our Privacy Notice

Name of Event:

Proposed Location:

(please also attach a site plan showing the areas you wish to occupy/use)

Event opening times – please insert extra lines as necessary
Day / Date / Open / Close
Choose an item. / Click here to enter a date. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Choose an item. / Click here to enter a date. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Choose an item. / Click here to enter a date. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Event Set up and Breakdown if different to above
Day / Date / Start time / Finish time
Setup / Choose an item. / Click here to enter a date. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Breakdown / Choose an item. / Click here to enter a date. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Event Organiser/Organisation Details
The 'Applicant' is expected to play a leading role in the planning and operation of the event and be responsible for and present at the event.
Title / Click here to enter text.
First name / Click here to enter text.
Last name / Click here to enter text.
Confirm that you are 18 or over / ☐ Yes ☐ No
Day time phone number / Click here to enter text.
Mobile phone number / Click here to enter text.
Email address / Click here to enter text.
Correspondence address including postcode / Click here to enter text.
Type of organisation
If you choose other please describe your organisation. /
Click here to enter text.
Name of your organisation/business / Click here to enter text.
Position in organisation / Click here to enter text.
Questions for businesses registered with Companies House. / Your registration number: enter here
Your VAT Number: enter here
Not VAT registered: ☐
Registered charity number if applicable / Click here to enter text.
Please give brief details which demonstrate your ability to deliver this event
About your event
Please describe your event giving a clear picture of all activities that are likely to be taking place.
Audience capacity?
Include staff and volunteers as well as the audience
Maximum expected audience at any one time? / Click here to enter text.
Anticipated total attendance per day? / Click here to enter text.
For sporting events only:
Maximum number of participants?
Approximate wave size if applicable? / Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
The Council requires that anyone working on or providing equipment for use on council land has a minimum of £5m public liability insurance, depending on the nature and scale of your event a higher level may be required. We will need to see evidence of your own insurance prior to your occupation of our land.
If you already have public liability insurance please provided details here and attach evidence
Name of Policy Provider / Click here to enter text.
Value of Public liability insurance / Click here to enter text.
Start & end dates of policy / Click here to enter text.
Copy of insurance attached. / Click here to enter text.
Selling Things
Markets, Retail and Catering Stalls
If you will have five or more stalls/vehicles selling things at your event you will need a market licence from us. (If we consider the market forms a large part of your event we may require you to complete a separate market application form)
If entry to your event is free and you will have four or less stalls selling things stallholders who do not have an annual street trading consent from Trafford Council may be required to purchase a day trading licence to trade at your event.
For more information or to apply for a Street Trading Licence please contact
the Regulatory Services team on 0161 912 4339 or email
Enter the maximum number of stalls/vehicles you will have selling things at your event. This should include retail catering and charity stalls. / Click here to enter text.
Will food and drink be sold at your event? / ☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes what is the maximum number of stalls that will be providing be food and drink? / Click here to enter text.
NB Under the Greater Manchester Act 1981anyone, other than a charity, wishing to sell second-hand goods must be registered with the council. (This does not apply to car boot/table top sales where homeowners are selling their own property)
Catering/Food and Drink
At least two weeks before your event you will need to provide details of the trading names of vendors, which local authority they are registered with and their food hygiene rating.
Special Equipment/Activities
Will you have any of the following?
☐ / Animals Please specify
Evidence of a riding establishment licence will need to be provided by operators od donkey rides. Operators displaying other animals are required to provide evidence of a performing animal licence.
☐ / BBQ Is this Gas? ☐ or Charcoal? ☐
☐ / Bouncy Castle or other inflatable device
☐ / Fairground Equipment
☐ / PA Equipment
☐ / Special effects including lasers & fireworks
☐ / Other Activities Please specify
☐ / Temporary Structures*
☐ Marquees
☐ Stages
☐ Lighting Rig
☐ Temporary Fencing please provide details of type, length & duration of use:
☐ Portaloos
☐ Domestic Gazebos
☐ Other Please specify – enter your text here
☐ / A parade, procession or sporting event on a public highway that is normally open to the public?
*The use of some types of temporary structures requires us to consult with a structural engineer. There is a cost for this and this may need to be re-charged to you. We will advise you on receipt of your application if this is a requirement and what the likely charge will be.
This fee is in addition to land hire fees and any other charges that may apply.
Road Closures
Will you need to restrict or control parking on any public roads in the vicinity of your event? / ☐
Are there any footpaths, bridleways normally open to the public affected or used as part of the event? / ☐
Are you proposing any directional signing on the highway to direct the public to the event? / ☐
Will your road closure result in the closure of any public car parks? / ☐
Activities Licensable by the local authority
Will you have any of the following activities at your event? If yes, you must complete Appendix 1
Please speak to Trafford’s licensing team on 0161 912 4047 as in most cases you will need to fill in a separate form to acquire an appropriate licence.
☐ / A performance of a play
☐ / An exhibition of a film
☐ / A performance of a dance
☐ / A performance of live music. If yes will this be amplified? ☐Yes ☐ No
☐ / Any playing of recorded music. If yes will this be amplified? ☐Yes ☐ No
☐ / An indoor sporting event (not including boxing and wrestling)
☐ / A boxing or wrestling entertainment (indoor or outdoor)
☐ / Sale or supply of alcohol
☐ / Provision of late night refreshment any time after 23:00 or before 05:00*
Music Licences
PPL collects and distributes money on behalf of performers and record companies for the use of their recorded music. PRS for Music collects and distributes money on behalf of songwriters, composers and music publishers, for the use of their musical compositions and lyrics.
If you will be playing copyrighted recorded music you must contact both PPL and PRS to see if you need a licence.
If you will be having live copyrighted music you should check with your musicians if they have a PRS licence which will cover their playing at your event and if not contact the PRS directly.
PRS: https://www.prsformusic.com/aboutus/contact_us/Pages/GeneralEnquiries.aspx
PPL: http://ppluk.com/Contact-Us/
☐Yes ☐ No / Will you or anyone attending your event be playing copyrighted live music?
☐Yes ☐ No / Will you or anyone attending your event be playing copyrighted recorded music?
If you have selected yes to either of the above you must choose one of the options below:
☐ / I confirm I will have the appropriate PRS & PPL licences in place to cover my event
☐ / I confirm I have spoken to PRS and/or PPL and I do not require licences for my event
Audience Profile and Event Promotion
☐ Family / ☐ Young adults / ☐ Children & Teenagers
☐ Elderly / ☐ Special Needs / ☐ Black & Minority Ethnic
☐ Other / Please specify
How far do you expect visitors to travel from to attend your event?
Click here to enter text.
If you are seeking sponsorship for your event please outline the type of organisations you will be approaching
If there are any resident, businesses or other organisations who may be impacted by your event you will be required to undertake consultation and provide feedback. We also recommend you speak to the local councillors for the area. We would expect you to provide feedback by the first multi-agency meeting.
Risk Assessment
As event organiser you have a legal responsibility to ensure that your event is operating legally and safely
You must undertake a risk assessment as part of your event management plan. This document is critical to your final event approval.
Any other information in support of your application
Please use this space for any other information you may like to provide in support of your application

What happens now?

We should acknowledge receipt of your application within 2 working days of receipt. If you do not hear from us please contact us to ensure we have received your application.

We will ask relevant departments for feedback on your outline application, this may take up to three weeks.

If we do not feel we have enough information on which to make a decision we may ask you for more details and/or invite you in for an informal discussion.

If there are no objections, at this stage we will reserve the venue for you whilst your application progresses and terms and conditions are agreed.

Venue Hire agreement is separate from event approval.

You now need to provide detailed information on how your event will be delivered safely, how you will manage the site and mitigate nuisance. Depending on the scale and complexity of your event this may be achieved through a series of meetings with relevant Council/One Trafford officers or multi-agency meetings including external agencies such as fire, ambulance and police, or a mix of both style of meetings.

You will be expected to provide the first draft of your event management plan a minimum of one week prior to the first programmed meeting. Please see Appendix 1 for an example of an agenda which may be used at these meetings.

You should be aware that your event will not be signed off until all the necessary health and safety, site management and nuisance issues have been addressed to the satisfaction of the Council and our multi-agency partners.

Appendix 1



1.  Apologies

2.  Introduction

a. Contact Details

3.  Summary of Proposed Event

a. Site Plan

b. Concert Details

4.  Safety Management

a.  Event Management Plan

b.  Risk Assessments.

c.  Event Control Arrangements.

d.  Stewarding and Security – Crowd Management Plan

e. Measures to ensure Safe Egress.

f. Any Special Effects/Pyrotechnics.

g. Electrical Certificate.

h. Disabled Access Plan

i. Crowd Welfare Plan

j. Insurance.

5.  Temporary Structures

a.  Stage

b.  Marquees

6.  Fire Safety/Means of Escape

a. Audience Capacity Calculation