AssessmentStart Date
Applicant 1 Details
Full Name / Date of birth
Other names e.g maiden, Alias / Gender
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island / CaLD
Ethnicity / Country of Birth
Religion / Citizenship / Residency Status
Languages spoken / Marital Status
Applicant 2 Details
Full Name / Date of Birth
Other names e.g Maiden, Alias / Gender
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander / CaLD
Ethnicity / Country of Birth
Religion / Citizenship / Residency Status
Languages Spoken / Marital Status
Applicant Address
Postal Address (If Different From Applicant Address)
Child(ren) in Family
Full Name / Date of Birth
Gender / Relationship to Applicants
Full Name / Date of Birth
Gender / Relationship to Applicants
Full Name / Date of Birth
Gender / Relationship to Applicants
Other Adult Household Members
Full Name / Gender
Date of Birth / Relationship to Applicant(s)
Full Name / Gender
Date of Birth / Relationship to Applicant(s)
Full Name / Gender
Date of Birth / Relationship to Applicant(s)
Has the applicant previously applied to be a Foster Carer or Prospective Adoptive Parent?
If yes, give details of the date, name and address of the organisation, type of application and outcome.
/ Department for Child Protection and Family Support
All foster carer applicants in Western Australia (WA) are recorded on the Department for Child Protection and Family Support’s (the Department) information database.
This allows the tracking of a foster carer applicant history. Strict procedures are in place to ensure confidentiality and relevant information is held on a secure database with restricted access.
Departmental and community sector foster care providers record all applications, the result of each application, what traininghas been undertaken, any subsequent approval and any changes to a person’s foster carer status or personal details.
If a person applies to become a foster carer on more than one occasion each application and subsequent history is recorded. This information will be used as part of the screening and assessment process for each foster carer application.
For further information contact the person who gave you this application.
Acknowledgement and Declaration
- I understand that my application as a foster carer in WA may involve:
- The recording of my personal details on the Department information database;
- The recording of the result of my application and any subsequent applications on the Department Support’s database;
- The recording on the Department information database of any relevant training, changes to my personal details or changes in my foster care approval status;
- The release of information by the Department to participating service providers (i.e. community sector organisations) about any of my prior or current applications or information about my carer approval status or the wellbeing of a child or children.
- The release of information to another state or territorychild protection authority or service provider about any of my prior or current applications or information about my foster carer approval status, and/or any other information held by the Department thatis relevant to my role as a carer or the wellbeing of a child(ren), should I apply to be assessed as a foster carer in another state or territory.
- I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information I have provided in this application is true and correct.
Name of Applicant ______
Signature ______Date ______