October 8,2015

Bowers & Wilkins launches ZeppelinWireless

The best sounding Zeppelin yet, for the connectedage

BowersWilkins,theBritishaudiobrandrenownedforitsuncompromisingpursuit of sound excellence, redefined what could be expected fromanintegratedspeakerdockwiththeoriginalZeppelin.Now,sevenyearson,they announce Zeppelin Wireless—the instantly recognizable silhouette—butwitheveryelementofthespeakerredesignedtodeliversuperlativeaudioperformance, again redefining what is possible from a single speaker system.

As beautiful as it is sonically capable, its sweeping contourscommandaestheticappreciationwhilealsoproducingareassuringroom-fillingsound.Zeppelin Wireless is as comfortable relaying crystal clear music fromthebookshelfasitisthecenterpieceofanyroom,whiletheimprovedsoundquality creates an acoustic experience that belies itssize.

For Zeppelin Wireless the material and shape of the subwoofer hasbeenalteredwithalarger6-1/2”driverandanultra-longvoicecoiltoallowdeepbassto be played at impressive volume, while decoupled double-dometweetersandFSTmidrangedriversproduceremarkablyclean,dynamicaudiothatisperfectforallstylesofmusic.

A new reinforced cabinet has been redesigned with a front fascia 50%thickerthanthepreviousversion,whilespeciallydesignedglassfibreribsstrengthenthecabinetinordertoproduceapuresoundthatisfreefromvibration, synonymous with Bowers & Wilkinsspeakers.

WithDigitalSignalProcessing(DSP)twiceaspowerfulasitspredecessor,ZeppelinWirelesscreatesarichanddetailedsound, atallvolumelevels,ensuring a truly engaging listening experience. All inputs are upsampledto24bit/192kHz resolution – the sort of technology once reserved only forstate-of-the artDACs!

The most functional wireless speaker system yet, Zeppelin WirelessincludesAirplay, Bluetooth aptX and Spotify Connect - meaning flawless sound isonlya few taps away. Control App has also been updated and is available viaiOS,Android,MacandPC,sonowit’seasierandmoreconvenientforyoutocontrol volume and playback functions for the ultimate easylisteningexperience on all yourdevices.

For a one-box solution that defies expectations on sound, theZeppelinWireless is as good seen as it isheard.

The new Zeppelin Wireless is priced at $699.99 (in Canada $799.99)andavailable onlineimmediately

andretaillocations by Oct.15th.

Notes toeditors

For more information, digital brochure, high-resolution images, pleasecontact John or Lucette Nicoll, Nicoll Public Relations, Inc.,781-762-9300, .

Download high-resolution images from or

About Bowers &Wilkins

Bowers & Wilkins is Britain’s leading exporter of loudspeakers andthenumber one imported brand in North America. Since 1966, BowersWilkins’ “Quest for Perfection” has resulted in a succession oftechnicalloudspeaker innovations that have satisfied the world’smostdemanding listeners. Its products’ rave reviews anduniversalacceptance as monitors for classical music recording havehelpedBowers & Wilkins become the dominant premiumloudspeakercompany throughout the world.

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