Regular league meeting #614. Marden Residents Club. 30/03/2015.
Chairman/Treasurer: Gunnar Hosie
Vice Chairman: Gavin Hosie
League Secretary: Martin Elliott
Sport Secretary Maurice Cook
Team Representatives:
Berkeley Tavern: Phil Scott
Bluebell: Mark Fenton
Grey Horse: Andy Hall
Marden Club ‘A’: Gavin Hosie
Marden Club ‘B’: Brian Maddison
Red Lion ‘A’: Brian Falcus
Red Lion ‘B’: Michael Wood
Seahorse: Maurice Cook
The Ship: John Trousdale
Tynemouth Club: Not Present
Whitley Lodge ‘A’: Steve Thompson
Whitley Lodge ‘B’: Brett Sylph
Meeting Opened 8.15pm
First Roll Call –
11teams present, Tynemouth Club not present, no apologies had been forwarded therefore they will be fined at next meeting.
The Chair advised that the minutes of the previous meeting(#613 January) had been posted online and that having been read could be accepted by those present,
Proposed by Brian Falcus – Red Lion A. Seconded by Phil Scott – Berkeley Tavern.
Treasurers Report.
Cash in Bank(DEC 2014) £1580.00
Cash Collected January 2015 £ 810.00
Cash Collected Doubles Comp £ 183.00
Sub Total £2573.00
Cash Collected April 2015 £ 708.00 Includes £40.00 Bluebell July Doubles.
Total £3281.00
Paid out (light bulbs) £ 6.00
Cash in bank Total £3275.00
Treasurer’s report read and accepted.
Proposed by J, Trousdale (The Ship). Seconded by M.Cook (Seahorse).
Secretary’s report.
Mr Brian Spowart, The secretary advised that following on from the sad passing of Brian, his funeral will be held at Preston Cemetery on Wed 1st April 2015 at 9.45 am followed by a gathering at The Red Lion.
See A.O.B for more on “Brian”.
The secretary reminded those members present that only players registered on the cards in his possession are eligible to play. The reason for this reminder follows a recent game where a team had mistakenly tried to play someone who was not registered on the secretary’s card. Fortunately this error was noticed before commencement of game so no foul was involved.
Any Other Business.
Mark Fenton (Bluebell) proposed that the end of season doubles competition be named after Mr Brian Spowart and after some discussion among those present it was decided to rename it “ The Brian Spowart Summer Championship “ and there will be a trophy handed to the winners each year.
The Chairman (Gunnar Hosie ) said he will attempt to include this competition before the end of the 2015/2016 season so that all charity money collected during the season could go to a specific cancer charity.
Brian Falcus (Red Lion A) expressed his disappointment at the recent amount of sponsorship money given by Marden Club especially as the recent doubles competition showed a marked increase in attendance of League members and supporters.
A proposal was put to the League committee to request a meeting with the committee of Marden Club with a view to securing future sponsorship and guaranteed amounts on a sliding scale dependant on bar sales. Also the membership proposed that the club committee include sales taken in the main bar prior to the start of the competition because a number of players practice on the bar boards beforehand.
The committee advised that they would keep the membership informed in due course.
“2nd roll call (Tynemouth not present £5.00 fine will be added).
Meeting closed 9.15pm.