Networking Basics
CCNA 1 Companion Guide
ISBN: 1-58713-164-1
3rd Printing
(Entries in this section apply to the 3rd printing)
Page 19, Enterprise Network Basics reads “The network created and owned by the college, school, or training company at which you are taking this course mostly has a network.”
Should read “The college, school, or training company where you take this course probably has a network.”
2nd Printing
(Entries in this section apply to the 1st and 2nd printings)
Pages 53-54 – tables 1-16 and 1-17 – both table show the wrong values for the 4’s and 2’s digits. In both tables, the 4’s digit value should be “0”, and the 2’s digit value should be “1”. Note that the text leading up to each table describes the correct digits, respectively, with the table simply showing the wrong value.
Page 208 – figure 5-16 – just to the right of the icon in the center of the figure – the arrows that meet at a point should instead point in the same upward direction, completing a path from Betty to Wilma. Also, the icon in the center of the figure should be a switch icon, as shown in figure 5-15 on the previous page.
Page 255 – figure 6-11 – lower left PC icon, labeled “Betty”, should instead be labeled “Barney”.
Page 299 – figure 8-1 – the “thought bubbles” beside PC’s Wilma and Betty would not occur, because the frame is not forwarded to the right by the switch in the center of the figure.
Page 337 – 1st term in the Key Terms section – “Internet Activities Board” should be “Internet Architecture Board”.
Page 447- 452 – heading at the top outer edge of the page reads “Chapter 6: Ethernet Fundamentals”. It should instead read “Chapter 10: Routing Fundamentals and Subnets”.
Page 506-507 – The list of answers to Chapter 10’s questions has one too many answers. The answer for question 13 should be deleted, with the answers listed for questions 14 through 20 instead applying to questions 13 through 19, respectively, from the end of Chapter 10.
Online – Answers to Extra Practice, Appendix C - Table W-24 - The answer to question 2 is listed as – it should instead be The answer to question three is listed as – it should instead be
1st Printing
(Entries in this section apply to the 1st printing only)
Page 49 - table 1-6 – last row – the second to last digit in the binary number should be a 1 instead of a 0. In other words, the numbers in the last row should read “1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1”, not “1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1”.
Page 137 – figure 3-7 – Text “19BASE5” and “19BASE2” should instead be “10BASE5” and “10BASE2”, respectively.
Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide
Errata - 2/28/2007