Library Systems Act Advisory Board Meeting

Texas State Library, Lorenzo de Zavala Building

January 22, 2010


Members in Attendance: / Visitors: / Staff in Attendance:
Kerry McGeath – Chair / None / Ed Seidenberg
Ricki Brown / Deborah Littrell
Mark Hanna / Stacey Malek
Greg Mitchell / Susan Bennett
Cathy Threadgill / Bell Clarke

Agenda Item 1. Call to Order

McGeath called the meeting to order at 10:10 am. Due to a scheduling conflict, he needed to leave at 12:30 pm, and asked that Agenda Item 12 be considered first. The Board considered dates for the next meetingand agreed on April 23 for the next meeting. The Board also decided that the summer meeting at which they consider accreditation appeals would be held July 9th.

Agenda Item 2. Public Comment

There was no public comment.

Agenda Item 3. Approval of minutes from September 18, 2009

Hanna made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Threadgill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous to approve the minutes.

Agenda Item 4. Report on public library status on accreditation for LFY2009

Malek reported that to date eleven libraries had submitted reports. Littrell commented that the NCES (National Center for Education Statistics) is no longer handling the data and that now the IMLS (Institute for Museum and Library Services) is in charge of the data. They have a keener interest in statistics and want more data. Threadgill said it would be helpful to know ahead of time of any changes in the data being requested.

Agenda Item 5. Discussion of process and timeline for upcoming legislative session

Littrell led the Board through the steps being taken to submit the agency’s strategic plan and legislative appropriations request (LAR) for SFY2012 and 2013.

Agenda Item 6. Agency response regarding accreditation criteria/proposed library projects

Littrell reviewed requests by two libraries for an opinion on whether a proposed service would meet accreditation criteria. Seidenberg recommended erring on the side of not allowing the projects with the stipulation that appeals could be brought forth for further discussion. All agreed that this is an area of change in library services that will need to be watched closely.

Agenda Item 7. Report of proposed agency administrative rules for system advisory councils

Littrell reported the changes for the proposed rules will be taken to the February commission meeting to be published in the Texas Register, and had distributed the new proposed rules to the systems for changes to their by-laws.

Agenda Item 8. Discussion of procedures for a system to become a multi-type member system

Malek reviewed the forms that had been developed to collect pertinent information from potential system members. Collecting the library’s mailing address was suggested as well as not asking for supplemental (branch) information. For higher education institutions a signature from the director/dean would work best, and for governmental units a second signature from a government authority would be requested. New system by-laws being adopted prior to April 30 would determine when a non-public library would be accepted as a system member.

Agenda Item 9. Update on the implementation of new statewide interlibrary loan system

Bennett updated the Board on the status of the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Task Force’s decision to choose the OCLC WorldCat Navigator as the new ILL program. A pilot group will be ready to go live in April and another group will be added in May, with continuing rollout of groups statewide for the next few years.

Agenda Item 10. Administrator’s report

Littrell commented on the two Gates broadband summits that had taken place in San Antonio. The agency has submitted a follow-up grant proposal to the Foundation.Federal broadband stimulus program (NTIA) grant applications are due in eight weeks. The status of the Loan Star Libraries grants and the grant management system (GMS) were discussed. The agency’s budget for the 2010 and 2011 biennium was reviewed. The state’s economic situation may require difficult decisions.

Agenda Item 11. Update on the Loan Star Libraries Grant Program

Littrell updated the Board on the status of the Loan Star program with the new online grant management system. More libraries are meeting deadlines, and web-based training is planned in the coming months.

Agenda Item 13. Adjourn

Threadgill adjourned the meeting at 2:15 pm.