Matthews/Prado ComputersApril 21-23, 2010

Welcome to SCRATCH

This is the scratch work space.

What do these icons do?

Rubber Stamp (copy), Scissors (cut, delete), Grow Sprite Larger, Shrink Sprite Smaller

What do these icons do?

Paint a new sprite, Open a new sprite, Get a surprise sprite

Matthews/Prado ComputersApril 21-23, 2010

We are going to make our very first game!

Think of two characters for this game. A character is called a sprite in SCRATCH.

You will be moving this character through a maze to get to the second character.

These are some idea: You can use one of these or come up with your own.

Character 1 / Character 2 / Object of game
Pirate / Chest of gold / Pirate tries to get to chest
Alien / Space Ship / Alien tries to make it to space ship
Butterfly / Rainbow / Butterfly tries to make it to rainbow
Penguin / Igloo / Penguin tries to make it home
Sponge Bob / Patrick / Sponge Bob needs to find Patrick
Dog / Bone / Dog needs to find his bone
Bunny / Carrot / Bunny tries to find the carrot

Click on the paint a new spite icon

The paint editor opens. This is where you will draw your first character.

Matthews/Prado ComputersApril 21-23, 2010

Two of these should look familiar.

Grow Sprite, Shrink Sprite, Rotate Counter Clock Wise, Rotate Clock Wise, Flip Horizontally, Flip Vertically

Here you can choose the brush size

Here you can pick two colors to do a gradient fill.

This is the magnify area. Notice I have mine on the second to the largest setting.

You want to have the magnify on this setting to draw your character or it will be too big or too small. Make sure your character fills the screen from top to bottom (minimum), you will want to pass the top or bottom some. Here is a pirate I started. Notice the magnifying glass setting. My pirate will be bigger than the space, this is good.

Matthews/Prado ComputersApril 21-23, 2010

Your character does not have to face front or forward. You can make your character point left or right. Here is an example of a dog pointing right. The other thing you will notice is that the background is blue. I made the background blue so I could see where I was paintin
g white. If you are going to paint using white I recommend filling the background with a color you plan on not using. When you are done you need to fill in the background with the transparent color. The transparent color is the last color that looks like a checkered-board.

Matthews/Prado ComputersApril 21-23, 2010

Click the OK button to get back to the main screen to see what your character is looking like. He may look small, so click the presentation mode icon to go to full screen mode.

What do these icons do?

Small stage, Full Stage, Presentation Mode.

How do I go back to editing (painting my sprite)?

If your in presentation mode click the gray back arrow to get back to SCRATCH.

Now click the Costumes Tab. Notice you can also change the name from Sprite2 to something more meaningful. I will change mine to Pirate.

Matthews/Prado ComputersApril 21-23, 2010

Now click Edit.

You can also give this costume a name. I am going to call it Front since he is facing the front.

Here is the bottom half of my pirate.

Matthews/Prado ComputersApril 21-23, 2010

If I put the magnifying glass on the center setting I can see the whole pirate. This will make a good size for a game.

Now make your second character. Make a new sprite f

or the second character.

Which icon will make a new sprite?

If you click the scissors and then click a sprite you can delete it. If you still have the cat, delete him.

Matthews/Prado ComputersApril 21-23, 2010

Here is my second sprite. Notice the setting on the magnifying glass.

You can use your mouse to drag them anywhere on the stage you want.

Go to presentation mode to see how they look full screen.

Matthews/Prado ComputersApril 21-23, 2010

Wait! There is more that needs to be done; we need to make a new costume.

A costume is what you use to make a sprite change its appearance. An easy one would be to make the treasure chest look opened when you win the game.

Click on your sprite to edit it and click the costume tab.

Click the copy button and you will get a second copy.

Name your copies something that makes sense. Don’t leave it costume1.

Now click edit on the second copy and change it.

Matthews/Prado ComputersApril 21-23, 2010

There are now two costumes for this sprite.

You will learn how to switch between costumes later, but it’s a good idea to have them ready.

If you made your main character pointing left or right then you can make an extra costume of the character pointing the opposite way; and it’s easier than you think.

Here is the dog again.

First make a copy and then select edit on the second copy.

Matthews/Prado ComputersApril 21-23, 2010

Remember what these do?

Choose the flip Horizontally

That was easy, now name your sprite and its costumes

Matthews/Prado ComputersApril 21-23, 2010

You can make your character look like it is walking by making additional costumes and changing the position of its feet, arms, or anything else.

You can drag the order of any of the costumes up and down the list.

I have a still, left leg up, sill repeated, and then a right leg up.

I will play the walking cycle on the smart board. In the animation the cursor keys control the movement of the pirate. When the pirate touches the chest the chest will open.

Matthews/Prado ComputersApril 21-23, 2010

Matthews/Prado ComputersApril 21-23, 2010

Here is a penguin.

The penguin moves his wing in and out and moves his fee up and down.

Notice I did not make a penguin pointing left. It actually is not necessary. There is a way later that we can tell SCRATCH to point our spite 90 degrees which will be right or -90 degrees which will be left.

I will now demonstrate the penguin.

Matthews/Prado ComputersApril 21-23, 2010

My sprites are examples and not meant to be copied pixel for pixel. Each one of you is to create your own unique sprite and create more than one costume for the sprite.

You will be graded on the quality of your two sprites and if they each have more than one costume.

Your next lesson will demonstrate how to make the cursor keys move your sprite around the stage.


Download SCRATCH to your home computer. Design a sprite that you will need to collect before reaching your goal. My pirate will need to get a key. The dog will need to get a fire hydrant. The penguin will get a fish. If you want a sound file for your game download it at home and save it as an mp3 onto your flash drive.

Your scratch file can be found in the documents folder inside a folder named scratch projects. Drag a copy to your flash drive so you can continue working at home.

Download SCRATCH at