WCMMEA Executive Board Meeting

June 15, 2015

Heroes Restaurant

1 p.m.

Attendance: Karen Dollins, Nathan Long, Kathie Appleton, Grant Maledy, Jacob Crawford, Jon West, Stephanie Sekelsky

The current financial balance is $18,131.15.

Topic 1: Mentoring

There will be a meeting for first year teachers set up by MMEA. Several new directors were listed and will be sent to Steve Litwiller, our mentoring chair.

Topic 2: Redistricting

Only conjecture at this point. May be splitting some big districts for geographical reasons.

Topic 3: Bank account

We will be transferring our account to a new one supported by MMEA. We will keep WCMMEA, but do it under business as MMEA. Our current account at UMB is charging us service fees…so….

Nathan moved that we resolve fee issues with the bank or move to another bank. Grant seconded. Motion carried.

Topic 4: 9/10 Honor Choir will be directed by Nathan Rudolph. District Choir will be directed by Paul Crab. A clinician is still being sought for the Women’s Choir. Oak Grove will host both the auditions and performance.

Topic 5: Junior High Honor Band on January 16th, 2016, may have chair auditions to better the overall performance of the ensemble.

Topic 6: Shawn Harrell will be directing the District Jazz Ensemble. He is also writing a commissioned piece for the group. $1500.00. Rehearsal on January 15th will be at Warrensburg High School. Rehearsal and performance on the 16th will be at Smith-Cotton Junior High.

Topic 7: Music in Our Schools Month – keep promoting!! Thank administrators for support.

Topic 8: 5/6 Honor Choir will be directed by Erin Buffum and Mark Lawley.

Topic 9: General discussions.

MSHSAA enforcing no more than 3 hours outside at a time for Marching Band members with a 1 hour break between.

MSHSAA percussion list changing. Only mylar heads will be allowed for snare solos.

Topic 10: WCMMEA Scholarship.

Viewed a form that NW district uses. Will borrow from that to create our own.

Topic 11: Mileage reimbursement.

Nathan moved that we change the current mileage reimbursement amount from $.35 to $.50. Jon seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned.