Global History & Geography Name: ______
World War I Date: ______
Ms. Masseo

World War I- The Western Front

World War I- The Eastern Front

Germany & Austria-Hungary vs. Russia & Serbia


-  more mobile than western front

-  the “frozen front”

-  similar slaughter and stalemate

o  Germany was defeating Russia

o  Russian initially defeating Austria-Hungary

The Russian War efforts collapse by 1916

-Russia had yet to industrialize

-army was short on food, guns, ammunition, clothes, boots and blankets

-Russia had one asset- # of people- were able to continually send more people to the front to get slaughtered

-this forced Germany to continue fighting on two fronts

If you were German, would you have preferred to fight the British and the French on the Western Front or the Russians on the Eastern Front? Why?

World War I becomes a WORLD War

-fighting spreads around the globe

-Africa, Middle East, and SE Asia

-Allies fought the Ottomans (allied with Germany & Austria-Hungary)- Gallipoli

-Allies fought to gain German colonies in Africa and SE Asia

-United States enters the war because

-  German policy of unrestricted submarine warfare

o  Said they would sink any ship near Europe-including passenger ships

o  Were trying to stop supplies from getting to Great Britain- blockade

-  May 1915 a German u-boat sunk the Lusitania= a British passenger ship with Americans on board- outraged Americans

-  Feb 1917- Zimmermann note was intercepted- note to Mexico from Germany promising to help Mexico reconquer land lost to the US if they would ally with Germany

-  President Woodrow Wilson asked congress to declare war on Germany

Did Woodrow Wilson make the right decision to enter the United States into World War I? Why or why not?

World War I- a “total war”

-countries devote all of their resources to the war effort

-the entire focus of the government is on winning the war

-government takes control of the economy

-tell factories what to produce and how much

-other facilities turned into munitions factories

-every able-bodied citizen is put to work (unemployment disappears)

-rationing- only small amounts of goods that are needed for the war are sold to the citizens (butter to shoe leather)

-suppression of anti-war activity

-censorship of news about the war

-use of propaganda (one-sided information intended to persuade and keep up morale)

-women replaced men in the factories- built tanks, munitions, plowed fields, paved streets, ran hospitals

-women worked on the front as nurses

If our recent War on Terrorism became a “total war”, how would your life change?

A closer look at propaganda…

What is the message of these examples of propaganda?
What is the purpose of this example of propaganda?
What is the message of this example of propaganda? Its purpose?
What is the purpose of these examples of propaganda?
What is the role of women during World War I according to these posters?

Extra credit: Create a propaganda poster for a nation of the Allied forces. Be sure that your poster has a message and a purpose and is relevant to World War I.

Problems in Russia

n  Revolution ignited in 1917 but the fuse had been burning for a long time

n  Social unrest because of cruel, oppressive rule of the autocratic czars

n  Secret societies were developing

Czar Alexander III

n  Autocratic leader

n  Strict censorship

n  Secret police

n  Watched high schools and universities

n  Teachers sent reports on each student to the gov’t

n  Sent political prisoners to Siberia

n  Russification

n  Policy to unify Russian culture

n  Made Russian the official language

n  Forbade the use of any minority language in schools (ex. Polish)

n  Pogroms- organized violence against Jews

n  Citizens allowed to loot and destroy Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues- police did nothing

n  Eastern Orthodoxy

Czar Nicholas II 1894

n  Continued the autocratic leadership style of Alexander III

n  Tried to industrialize, but Russia still lagged behind western Europe

n  1863-1900, factory production doubled

n  Steel production increased drastically

n  1891-Trans-Siberian Railroad- longest continuous line in the world

n  Negative effects of industrialization

n  Poor working conditions, low wages, child labor

n  Unions are outlawed

n  Rise of revolutionary groups

n  Bolsheviks

n  Based ideas on Marxism

n  Wanted the proletariat (working class) to rise and overthrow the czar

n  Create a “dictatorship of the proletariat”

n  Led by Vladimir Lenin