Middle Managers Section
Business Meeting Minutes
Friday, May 12th, 2017
White Oak Library District, Romeoville Branch
Meeting called to order @ 2:10PM.
Introductions – Tom Kochinski, Michelle Roubal, Neena Nagpal, Jane Malmberg, Anna Behm, Brittany Smith, Dianne Ludwig, Carlen DeThorne, Wyatt Fertig, Alex Svec, Nicole Wilhelm, Linda Ling, Candy Van Tine, Ellen Kaiser, Kristi Miller
- Minutes of 3/24/2017 meeting – Brittany moved, Michelle seconded. Approved.
- Financial Report. Current balance of $3,144.64. 3/24/2017 program total expenses: $3,198.19 and revenue $1,001.70. Net loss of $2,196.49. Now that we have a more streamlined process, we can take registrations until a few days prior to the event.
- Program Planning
- 2017 – 2018 Program Ideas: Programming Meeting at the end of this meeting
- RAILS Grant Opportunities – Brittany will reach out to Joseph Filapek.
- Updates
- LACONI salary survey update – We heard from the HR Roundtable that the LACONI and Management Association salary surveys may be combined in future? Brittany will contact Pilar Shaker at Forest Park for more information.
- Officer Elections –
- Vice President/President Elect: Anna Behm
- Secretary: Wyatt Fertig
- Planning Meeting: Finalize four programs for the 2017-2018 programming cycle
a. Fall Program 1
Date: September 8, 2017
Program: Onboarding & Orientation
Location:Joliet Public Library, Black Road Branch
Length: 9AM-12PM
Chair: Candy Van Tine, Brittany Smith
Speaker: Panel of Elmhurst (?), Brittany (HR), Vicki Rakowski (Operations / YS)
Flyer needs to be out by: July 28, 2017
Lunch catered by Panera
Breakfast and coffee catered by Joliet PL café
Cost: $15 members / $20 non-members
b. Fall Program 2
Date: November 14, 2017
Program: Performance Reviews Unconference
Location:Fox Lake Public Library (?)
Length: 9:30AM-3PM
Chair: Michelle Roubal, Carlen DeThorne
Facilitator: Michelle Petersen
Speaker: Tom Kochinski (Oak Lawn), Scott (White Oak), Amy Byrne (Crest Hill)
Flyer needs to be out by: October 3, 2017
Lunch catered by Panera
Breakfast and coffee catered by Joliet PL café
Cost: $30 members / $40 non-members
c. Spring Program 1
Date: March 9, 2018
Program: Career Advancement: To Infinity and Beyond!
Location: Woodridge Public Library
Length: 9:30AM-3PM
Chair: Jane Malmberg, Linda Ling
Speaker: Executive Search Firm – John Keister & Associates, Lynn Elam, Alice Calabrese, Bradbury Associates?
Flyer needs to be out by: January 6, 2018
Lunch catered by Panera
Breakfast and coffee catered by Joliet PL café
Cost: $30 members / $40 non-members
d. Spring Program 2
Date: May 23, 2018
Program: Project Management for Middle Managers
Location: Batavia Public Library
Length: 9AM-12PM
Chair: Rebecca Bartlett, Wyatt Fertig
Speaker: Project Management Institute?
Flyer needs to be out by: April 11, 2018
Lunch catered by Panera
Breakfast and coffee catered by Joliet PL café
Cost: $15 members / $20 non-members
Meeting adjourned @3:34PM
Meeting minutes submitted by Rebecca Bartlett