Session Plan: Team Building (Literacy)

Session plan total time: 2 hours

Activity Time: 1hour Classroom Time: 1 hour

Time / Plans
10 minutes
Classroom / Group discussion on qualities of a good team, these are qualities needed for the team buildingchallenges. Mainly input from teachers and our staff, encouraging discussion.
15 minutes / Challenge 1 (Spider’s web), looking at planning, trust, support and communication.
This is a web created with bungie cord where the whole team has to pass through the web. Some holes are easier some harder, with only one team member to be allowed to go through a hole in the web. The team has to communicate with each other andmake a decision on who will be going through which hole. Trust and support is required to go through some of the harder holes by lifting and carrying each other this will be managed by our staff.Review of the team’s effort.
15 minutes / Challenge 2 (Low all aboard), looking at support, communication and planning.
This is an area on the grounds where platforms are placed and a rope swing connects the platforms. The team members can use the rope swing to travel between platforms. Support is required to help people land on the platforms. As there is only one rope swing with only one team member on it at a time communication and planning is required to decide how best to completely the challenge. Different levels of challenges are set as the group progresses.Review of the team’s effort.
15 minutes / Challenge 3 (Matrix Posts)looking at leadership, co-operation & communication.
This is a challenge done on a grid of 3 by 4 posts (12 posts) about ½ foot of the ground each team member is on one individual post with at least 1 posts empty. Different levels of challenges are set to swap team members around with the whole team on the posts without touching the ground. There are many way of doing this and team members will all have different ideas on how to solve the problem. Co-operation is required to listen to other team member’s ideas. Leadership and communication is required to share ideas with the team.Review of the team’s effort.
15 minutes / Optional challenge (Spokes & walking planks) These activities are filler activities if there is time allowing.These are tasks where all team members have to perform a task at the same time to complete the challenge. This requires all the team to show co-operation with one anotherand one person in the team to show leadership the give clear instructions. Review of the team’s effort time allowing.
20 minutes
Classroom / Group discussion on what each teambuilding quality means to them. In small groupsof 3 or 4 thensharing it with the whole group. Mainly input from Students.
20 minutes
Classroom / Writing a sentence in each box on the worksheet, forwhat each quality mean to them.
N.B. Each activity to be done properly with review, it does not matter if we do not do all of the activities set up.

Resources for session

Classroom / Activity
Team building worksheet, pens / Spider’s web
Low all aboard
Matrix blocks
Spokes and planks