Luncheon Meeting Minutes

June 20th, 2007

{Note: the Club board meeting that usually preceded the luncheon was cancelled – too many board members would be absent. Absentees included the recording secretary, Susan Leigh, and treasurer, Tony Leigh.}

The president called the Meeting to order at 11:48 AM.

The minutes of the May 16th meeting were read and approved by acting secretary, Daryl Moss

Ralph read the treasurer’s report (as submitted prior by treasurer Tony Leigh).

Treasurer’s Report:- Tony Leigh. Balance from May$ 1670.30

Income from dues$ 60.00

Debits submitted & paid $ - 358.91

Balance as of 6/12/07 $ 1371.39

Spring Event (recap):- Ralph recapped for all the Potluck & Bingo Spring Event held May 24, deemed a great success. Forty-nine members and guests attended this year’s event. Members played the first games for White Elephant gifts brought in as prizes, the same as last year. But this year “Special” Bingo was added whereby a single card required a $5 donation. Members and guests were allowed to play for over 12 prizes valued at more than $200. The prizes were donated by some of our members. For these special games, members were allowed to see the unwrapped prizes. One of the top prizes was a Master/Visa Gift Card valued at $50.

Ralph outlined the event expenditures. Many items were bought in bulk and will be held in surplus for future Bingo events.

Purchase of Bingo cards $114.98 Prizes for Special Bingo 39.09

Meat and bulk culinary items 161.96

Vigor:- Lynn asked for News for the Vigor, either by the list being passed around or by e-mail.

Handout:- Ralph read the disclaimer on the first page of the handout on the table entitled, “300 TIPS for SAVING MONEY,” and encouraged all to pick up a copy on the way out.

Day Trips:- Daryl had signup sheets and payment envelopes for June 28th – The Weather Museum , and July 26th – The “Big River” musical in Galveston. The musical has over 30 members and guests signed up.

Christmas Party:- Ralph answered a couple of questions about the Christmas Party location. It is booked at the “The Texas Safari Ranch”, San Antonio Room, Thursday December 13th from 6:30PM - 10:30 PM. The cost is $25.00 per person.

Eulogy: Both Ralph and Israel (former president) gave a very nice eulogy for Barbara Helen Lewis, an active club member and former secretary who passed away June 8.

Birthdays:- Joe Brandt, Tammy Parker, Dorothy Wanza and Eugenia Brown

Anniversary :- Don & Lynn Stefan, Betty Parker

Door Prizes:- 1st- Bill Young 2nd - Daren Welch. Lydia Barker kindly donated two more prizes: 3rd - Kay Cook, 4th - Mary Young.

Regular meeting adjourned at 12:23 PM.

The meeting was turned over to the guest (luncheon) speakers for their presentation.

Luncheon speakers:- Mary Jo Hardin and Paul, a husband-wife team from the Ashton Financial Group (713-522-8712). Their topic was “Living to be 100 and Enjoying It.”

They had two one-page handouts: one dealt with calculating longevity based on lifestyle questions, and the other was a checklist offering further assistance on estate planning and present day money management, the latter collected at the end of the meeting.

They then allowed Ralph to select at random one of the checklist form, each of which listed a favorite charity. The winner was Betty Parker. They will donate $50 to the charity picked by Betty. They plan a short visit to our September luncheon to present the check and take pictures with Betty to put in the local Stafford newspaper.

Respectfully submitted,

Daryl Moss - Recording Secretary (acting)