Renaissance and Reformation Test

  1. The area known as Flanders includes all of the following
  2. Netherlands, France, and Spain
  3. Spain, France, and England
  4. Netherlands, Belgium, and France
  5. Belgium, Netherlands, and Normandy
  6. Predestination was developed by
  7. Martin Luther
  8. John Calvin
  9. Henry VIII
  10. Ulrich Zwingli
  11. The most prominent Italian city of the Renaissance was
  12. Venice
  13. Milan
  14. Rome
  15. Florence
  16. The Prince was written by
  17. Baldassare Castiglione
  18. Martin Luther
  19. Francesco Petrarch
  20. Niccolo Machiavelli
  21. The painter of the Sistine Chapel was
  22. Michelangelo
  23. Leonardo
  24. Raphael
  25. Albrecht Drurer
  26. The creator of the Printing Press was
  27. Leonardo da Vinci
  28. Johann Gutenberg
  29. Chinese people
  30. William Shakespeare
  31. The painter of the School of Athens
  32. Michelangelo
  33. Albrecht Drurer
  34. Raphael
  35. Donatello
  36. The writer of Utopia was
  37. Baldassare Castiglione
  38. Thomas More
  39. Francesco Petrarch
  40. Niccolo Machiavelli
  1. The painter of Mona Lisa
  2. Michelangelo
  3. Leonardo
  4. Raphael
  5. Donatello
  6. The writer of The Book of the Courtier was
  7. Baldassare Castiglione
  8. Martin Luther
  9. Francesco Petrarch
  10. Niccolo Machiavelli
  11. The sculptor of David
  12. Michelangelo
  13. Albrecht Drurer
  14. Raphael
  15. Donatello
  16. The group, Anabaptists, contain the following religions today:
  17. Baptist, Mennonite, Church of England
  18. Angles Ecclesia, Amish, Missionary
  19. Mennonite, Amish, Baptist
  20. Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran
  21. The engineer who developed plans for a submarine and several flying machines
  22. Michelangelo
  23. Leonardo
  24. Raphael
  25. Albrecht Drurer
  26. All of the following are subjects of the humanities EXCEPT
  27. Grammer
  28. Math
  29. Poetry
  30. History
  31. The sculptor of The Pieta
  32. Michelangelo
  33. Leonardo
  34. Albrecht Drurer
  35. Donatello
  36. Which artist perfected the technique of engraving?
  37. Michelangelo
  38. Leonardo
  39. Raphael
  40. Albrecht Drurer
  41. Changes made during the Counter-Reformation came as a result of
  42. Martin Luther’s 95 Theses
  43. John Calvin’s Predestination
  44. Ignatius of Loyola
  45. The Council of Trent
  1. Ignatius of Loyola founded a group of extremist Catholic’s known as _____ today.
  2. Lutherans
  3. Jesuits
  4. Missionaries
  5. Loyolians
  6. The English Reformation was led by
  7. Thomas More
  8. John Calvin
  9. Henry VIII
  10. Martin Luther
  11. Predestination was a religious idea developed and emphasized by
  12. Thomas More
  13. John Calvin
  14. Henry VIII
  15. Martin Luther
  16. Henry VIII had the Act of Supremacy passed because
  17. He wanted more power
  18. He was tired of the Catholic Church
  19. He wanted an annulment
  20. He wanted to be in charge of the church
  21. All of the following are changes to the Catholic Church EXCEPT
  22. The establishment of schools
  23. A secular bible
  24. End corruption
  25. An inquisition
  26. During the Peasant Revolt, Martin Luther
  27. Asked the royal family to treat the peasants better
  28. Told the peasants to fight for their freedoms
  29. Told the peasants that there was no point because they would get nothing accomplished.
  30. Sided with the princes and detested the revolt
  31. The last tudor ruler in England was
  32. Henry VIII
  33. Elizabeth I
  34. Edward VI
  35. Mary Tudor
  36. The theocracy in Geneva was set up by
  37. Ulrich Zwingli
  38. Thomas Cramer
  39. John Calvin
  40. Martin Luther