October 20, 2011
Creston School Library
Call to Order
Chairman Kari Struve called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. with the flag salute.
Members present:
Kari Struve
Mike Nelson
Linda Fisher
Eric Nelson
Kim Runkel
William Wadlington, Superintendent
Connie Reed, Recording Secretary
Janet Kenney, Business Manager
Introduction of Guests/Community Input
Aubrey Houger, ASB Representative
Linda Fisher moved to approve the revised agenda. Eric Nelson seconded and motion carried.
Eric Nelson moved for approval of the September minutes, with Mike Nelson seconding. Motion carried.
Fiscal Report
Janet Kenney stated that accounts payable totals for September and October were lower than many past years, but a school/transportation insurance payment will be processed in November for approximately $36,800.00. Revenues for September totaled $165,506.41 and expenditures totaled $182,009.66.
General and ASB Fund Vouchers
October vouchers were reviewed and Linda Fisher moved to approve General and ASB warrants totaling $23,301.75. Eric Nelson seconded and motion carried. General fund vouchers totaled $21,818.79 and ASB vouchers totaled $1,482.96.
Mike Nelson moved to approve the October payroll totaling $148,161.63. Kim Runkel seconded and motion carried.
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October 20, 2011
Resolution No. 2: 2011/2012
Business Manager Janet Kenney has requested in increase in the amount of money held in the Associated Student Body imprest cash account; from $200.00 to $600.00. She noted that the ASB operating budget and petty cash disbursements have increased substantially since the last increase in 1985 and we are quite often short on money to fill all the cash boxes on game days.
Eric Nelson moved to approve Resolution No. 2- 2011/2012 which states in part:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors…hereby authorizes the increase of the size of the Associated Student Body imprest cash account by $400.00, from $200.00 to $600.00.
Linda Fisher seconded the motion and motion carried.
Resolution No. 3: 2011/2012
In the continued effort to update our emergency preparedness, Mike Nelson moved to approve Resolution No.3 – 2011/2012 which states in part:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Creston School District No. 073 hereby adopts the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as its system of preparing for and responding to disaster incidents. Each jurisdiction will be responsible for implementing NIMS for their respective jurisdictions and first responders therein.
Eric Nelson seconded the motion and motion carried.
Supplemental Contract
Linda Fisher moved to approve a supplemental contract for Jan Spencer as the junior high advisor, with Eric Nelson seconding. Motion carried.
ASB Representative Report
Aubrey Houger updated the Board as to the various Associated Student Body activities which have taken place this late summer and early fall, including the Leadership Camp at Chewelah Peak, the planning of the first school day’s assembly, and Homecoming activities. A school carnival was held this last weekend which was well attended and a senior citizen prom is planned for December 3. Other upcoming activities were also discussed.
School Levy Discussion
The upcoming Maintenance and Operation levy was discussed in detail. The estimated valuation of the Creston School District for 2012 taxes is just over $200,000.00. Superintendent Wadlington had charted comparisons of levy history, district valuation, and mill rates since 2000.
The possibility of reduced funding or elimination of levy equalization funding was again discussed. We have currently been reduced to $8,300.00 in LEA funding. There was also mention of furlough days, as well as another possible one percent salary reduction.
There is consensus at this time that the levy election be held on February 14, 2012. Board members were asked to review the various levy amounts presented (with assessed valuations) and approve a levy resolution at the November meeting.
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October 20, 2011
Four Corners Bus Route
Notification has been received from the state Department of Transportation stating that they are putting an end to the four corners bus stop, feeling it is an unsafe location. Superintendent Wadlington and Transportation Supervisor Mike DeBord discussed other alternatives. With the support of the County Road Department, the decision was reached to make the stop to and from school on Spokane Street in Wilbur, which is between the storage units and the Billy Burger. The only other alternative was to eliminate this route entirely. Mr. Wadlington spoke with Wilbur Superintendent Steve Gaub about our reservations with this location and he had reservations also, but understood the decision that was made. It was noted that Wilbur currently travels in to the Creston School District to pick up children.
Executive Session
Chairman Struve requested fifteen minutes of executive session to discuss personnel issues. The Board went in to closed session at 7 p.m. and returned to open session at 7:10 p.m. No action was taken.
Second Reading of Policies
Linda Fisher moved to approve the second and final reading of the following policies:
3122, 3122P, 3210, 3210P, 3412, 3412P, 5010, 5010P, 5253P, 5406P, and 6882. Eric Nelson seconded the motion and motion carried.
ASB Activity Request
Since ASB budgets had been completed by last June, the FFA has proposed a fundraising activity of selling apples. The request form was presented for the Board’s review and Mike Nelson moved to approve this fundraising request. Kim Runkel seconded; motion carried.
Junior High Basketball Coach
With the recommendation of the Athletic Board, Mike Nelson moved to approve Brandy Maioho as the junior high girls’ assistant basketball coach. Linda Fisher seconded and motion and motion carried.
CEA Contract
Linda Fisher moved to approve the 2011-2012 contract between the Creston Education Association and Creston School District No. 073. Mike Nelson seconded and motion carried.
School Board Meeting Dates
With the third Thursday being early in both November and December and the holiday season affecting both months, Eric Nelson moved that the regular meetings be held on
Tuesday, November 22 and Tuesday, December 20. It was also noted that, as has been tradition, the November meeting will be held at the Helen Marie Community Center in Seven Bays. Linda Fisher seconded the motion and motion carried.
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October 20, 2011
Superintendent Report
Mr. Wadlington reminded members that we have been awarded a Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Grant and are proceeding with the purchase of 17 bicycles and a cargo trailer. Softball dugouts have been primed and are ready to paint. The calendar of upcoming events was also reviewed.
Eric Nelson moved for adjournment at 7:30 p.m. with Linda Fisher seconding. Motion carried.
Next Scheduled Board Meeting: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 at 6 p.m. in the Helen Marie Community Center at Seven Bays.
Kari Struve, Chairman Mike Nelson, Vice-Chairman
Linda Fisher Eric Nelson
Kim Runkel William Wadlington, Supt.
These minutes, Superintendent’s Report, annual budget, and other documents are available at