ACIS Template for Panels
28th Australasian Conference on Information SystemsShort Panel title here
4-6 Dec 2017, Hobart
Panel title:1Duration
/ 1.5 hours ( ) Other (Please specify) _____Abstract and Keywords
Insert a 200 word abstract
Keywords: a set of keywords must be included; include no more than five keywords, separated by commas
Panel leader’s information
Postal address:
Brief bio & expertise/views / Insert brief bio and description of expertise/views of the panel leader (as this relates to the overall objective of the panel)
Panel member1 information
Brief bio & expertise/views / Insert brief bio and description of expertise/views of the panellist (as this relates to the overall objective of the panel)
Panel member2 information
Brief bio & expertise/views / Insert brief bio and description of expertise/views of the panellist (as this relates to the overall objective of the panel)
Panel member3 information
Brief bio & expertise/views / Insert brief bio and description of expertise/views of the panellist (as this relates to the overall objective of the panel)
Panel member4 information
Brief bio & expertise/views / Insert brief bio and description of expertise/views of the panellist (as this relates to the overall objective of the panel)
Special requirements
Note: Regular equipment includes a computer, data projector and screen.
( ) Computers
( ) Internet access
( ) Other. Please specify: ______
2Target Audience
Insert a brief description of the target audience
Description of proposed panel (Do not exceed 3 A4 pages):
This should include:
- objectives of the panel
- justification of the importance, currency, and innovativeness of the proposed topic
- format of the session
- presentation format
- innovation in the panel structure
- ways in which the debate/discussion will be encouraged
- ways in which the audience is encouraged to participate
- outcome measures
- references
- etc
The description of the proposed panel should not exceed 3 A4 pages - this is in addition to the preceding sections (i.e. abstract, panellists’ information, target audience etc). The description should be in 10 points Times New Roman with major headings as 12 points bold uppercase Times New Roman and minor headings as 12 points title case Times New Roman (See submission guidelines for formatting details).
Please submit your tutorial proposal by September1st, 2017 using the ACIS2017 submission system. Please refer to the ACIS website ( for additional details regarding tutorial proposals (e.g. submission criteria, review process).[1]
Pannel Chairs
Liz Cummings, Sam Brodribb, and Artur Lugmayr
[1]Acknowledgement: This template has been adapted from the ACIS 2008 template for panel proposals.