WESTAR Planning Committee
Conference Call Minutes
August 7, 2003
Rita Trujillo, NM Tina Anderson , WY Dan Johnson, WESTAR
Bob Lebens, WESTAR Don Arkell, WESTAR John Bunyak, NPS
Edie Chang, CA Annette Liebe, OR John-Paul Huys, NV
Rick Boddicker, SD Dave McNeil, UT April Matsumura, HI
Call to Order:
June 5, 2003 meeting minutes: John Bunyak (NPS) indicated that the first line of the second page should read, “and identifying when key decisions need to be made.”
Action Issue Items:
Model 308 SIP: Don Arkell (WESTAR) discussed the draft proposal for a 308 STIP template project involving a 2-step process. Step 1 would involve forming an initial work group of state, tribal and EPA staff with rule development and planning expertise. Step 2 would involve development of a work plan and budget for the full project and would help coordinate efforts between WRAP and 308 states and tribes. Comments on this proposal should be submitted to Don by the end of August.
Ozone Implementation Rule: Edie Chang (CA) indicated that OR and UT had submitted comments on the ozone 8-hr implementation proposal and that EPA has provided sample regulatory language. Edie will be leaving the WESTAR planning committee because her job position has changed.
PM 2.5 Implementation: Annette Liebe (OR) indicated that an EPA proposal for PM 2.5 implementation will be coming out in a few months and suggested that this be marked as a future agenda item.
Rural Ozone: Bob Lebens (WESTAR) discussed a draft agenda for a possible mid-November conference on ozone trends in the western states. The conference would cover regulatory updates, regional ozone trends, case studies, and other special topics. It was suggested the conference be rescheduled to sometime after January 2004 because of the December 309 SIP deadline. Edie indicated that California would not have the resources to participate.
Tracking Issue Items:
Regional Haze Development Update: Don Arkell summarized issues in the Clear View newsletter, such as NOx and nitrates, WRAP involvement in NOx initiatives, mobile sources, and 309 STIP development.
107 PSD Baseline Areas: Tina Anderson (WY) discussed the Chicago meeting focusing on baseline area redesignation policy. Conference calls with EPA followed and consensus was maintained on a list of broad principles. Participants included representatives from WY, NM, NV, MT, and WESTAR.
Discussion Items:
WESTAR Fall Technical Conference: Bob Lebens discussed the fall conference that will include topics such as PSD issues, multi-pollutant bills, NSR reform, natural events policy, Mobile 6, transition to the 8-hr ozone standard, PM 2.5, and online SIPs. In regards to online SIPs, EPA will be posting SIPs on the internet, which raises concerns over posted SIPs that are superseded or outdated.
Open Microphone:
Mike (AZ) inquired about public education materials on PM-10 and several committee members offered assistance.
Next Meeting:
Thursday, September 4, 2003, 2:00pm - 3:00pm MST