Partner:ETI (P6) Date: 30/06/2015
Period Covered by this Review: 1 Jan. 2015 to 30 Jun. 2015
Please complete this form to record the activities and progress in the period.
Communication:Which partners have you had communications with?
How often and in which way have you communicated with partners? / Met all partners at the meeting in Malta, in March.
Phone contacts mainly with SDE and MCAST.
Constant contact with ALL partners via email during the last 6 months, and with the evaluators.
The main communication channel has been through emails, and in these last six months, we have received and answered well over 1000 project-related mails from partners.
We were also in touch with all the partners individually to peer review their scenarios. In the case of all Primary scenarios, several emails were exchanged regarding detailed language-editing by ETI. Re the VET scenarios, ETI was responsible for peer-reviewing, which we carried out in a timely manner, and communicated to the respective VET teams. We also continued to liaise with the Cypriot team and the SDE team, and with all partners, about fine-tuning the CLIL Guidebook.
We also had quite a good amount of communication with all partners and the evaluators about the CLIL4U courses we developed. We asked all teams for feedback on the CLIL4U Pre-Course online Language Course we had developed.
We also asked all teams to work through the 10 modules on the main CLIL4U Main course, in order to be able to run the face-to-face component during the meeting in Malta.
With SDE, there was frequent communication about the 3rd course – the Exam Qualifications and Practice. We were also in touch about how this would be communicated on the website.
There is frequent communication and feedback between the majority of the teams on this project. We extended communication to all teams for any democratic decisions.
We have also been following any updates in Dropbox.
Innovatory aspects:
Describe any innovatory aspects to your activities. / In a meeting in 2014, partners all mentioned how difficult it is to get participants to set aside and commit to a whole week of time to attend the main CLIL4U course. Often this is not possible because of their work commitments, however much they would like to.
ETI then suggested and decided to work on a Blended Learning CLIL4U course, to enable interested parties to attend the CLIL4U course, but minimising the F-2-F component as much as possible. They could thus work on the Modules asynchronously, and only commit to a day or two.
As a result, we reverse engineered and designed an online 10 Module CLIL4U course, where participants read about aspects of CLIL and systematically work through a Learning Diary (available on the website) and build up an electronic portfolio (which we called the PAPeR), which they would both bring with them to the F-2-F component of the course.
In this way, the main part of this Project deliverable will always be available to teachers to learn about CLIL. The only aspect missing would be the F-2-F component, and feedback on their assignment. Although this aspect will not be present after the course, the bulk of learning about CLIL and CLIL4U will still be available for use long after the Project is over.
On the website, we also incorporated backlinks to:
The Primary & Secondary scenarios
The CLIL4U Guidebook
The main CLIL4U project webpage
We hope that anyone who comes across this site without being directed there from the CLIL4U page will then be encouraged to go to these links in order to find out more about CLIL4U.
Do you feel that information relating to the management of the project is sufficient, relevant and effective? (Please comment). / Absolutely. As in my last two reports, the use of Dropbox with a clear taxonomy of folders is extremely useful, and this centralised online place where we can access all official and necessary documents is marvellous.
Whenever we have had a question related to management or any other issues, it was immediately answered. Feedback is timely and immediate.
All aspects of project management are being excellently handled, and the Project Leader is always available. He is also pro-active in his approach, which is a great asset to the team.
The ongoing management and coordination has been implemented through frequent contacts with partners.
List of dissemination activities you have been engaged in. / Newsletters:
We produced 2 articles for the Newsletters for the period Jan to Jun 2015.
So far, to date, we have disseminated face-to-face and in small groups, to 569 teacherswho came from 40 COUNTRIES from all over Europe and internationally (RO, FR, SE, SI, PL, HU, LV, CZ, FI, DK, DE, IT, ES, NO, NL, BG, AT, LT, TR, SK, GR, ES, IE, EE, BE, CY, MK, HR, PT, IS, UK, MT and even RU, CA, AR, AU, US, CL (Chile), Oceania (New Caledonia – FR), French Caribbean (Guadeloupe– FR). At the last Biannual Report, this figure was just over 300, with less nationalities disseminated to.
Proof of their attendance is in the Dissemination folder in Dropbox.
We also pointed out the link to the Pre-Course Language Course to all participants, and have shown them the CLIL4U Main course, the scenarios and the CLIL4U Guidebook.
We have had some activity on the CLIL4U Facebook, and also on our ETI Facebook, as listed in the dissemination document.
Additionally, we have also disseminated on our main ETI website besides our ETI Facebook, and our News items (see dissemination record document).
We have contributed to every newsletter and have supplied a Blog Article (see dissemination).
External impact/mainstreams:
Any multiplier effect/impact. / We estimate that the 569teachers we have disseminated to up to now will show their colleagues the website and related materials, and create a multiplier effect.
We have also invited any of our trainees who come from partner countries to contact us if they wish to get in touch with our partners for the Main CLIL4U courses. We know for a fact that we have had a participant contact the Danish Primary Team, and an Italian school contact and visit the ICMG team. We expect more people to contact us about this.
Because of the fact that the trainees we disseminated to are both European and international, we feel the CLIL4U message will be widely disseminated.
Overall comment: / Thethird six month period has been extremely busy with lots of activities and transnational cooperation.
We have continued to widely and consistently disseminate and exploit CLIL4U through various media.
We have created a Blended Learning CLIL4U Course to help all our partners run courses effectively in their own countries, besides the Online Pre-Course Language Development Course we are all recommending.
We have made amendments in the CLIL4U GuideBook after feedback and completed it.
We have peer reviewed all scenarios submitted, and have language edited all the Primary Scenarios.
Summary of Local Activities in the period:
-Helped contribute to newsletters
-Wrote a Blog Article
-Developed the Blended Learning MainCLIL4U Course
-Monitored the scenarios development, suggesting improvements where suitable, and contacting every team directly
-Peer-reviewed and language-edited all the Primary scenarios and peer-reviewed all the VET scenarios
-Had meetings & discussions between ETI members working on the project
-Responded to emails from teams with suggestions & advice
-Widely disseminated activities with teachers from several countries in Europe
-Written 2 articles for the newsletters
-Posted on Facebook
-Amended and finalised the CLIL4U Guidebook after feedback
-Started planning how to deliver our next major deliverable – the CLIl4U Main Courses to participants
Milestones met:
-Participation in Malta Meeting
-Conducting the Face-to-face component of the Main CLIL4U course as a model for other partners at the Malta meeting
-Preparation of the Exams info section of the website for teachers wishing to qualify
-Peer-reviewing scenarios & Language-editing tasks
-Dissemination of activities with teachers from several countries in Europe and outside Europe
-Production of 2 newsletter articles
-Contribution to social media
-Submission of Half-year Financial Report
-Produced Biannual Content Report
-Posting on Facebook
-Production of CLIL4U Main Course as a Blended Learning Course
-Amended the CLIL4U Guidebook and completed it
Delays (if any) in planned activities and outputs (If applicable how will the team compensate for the delays and catch up):
Other comments:Our participation on the project is on track
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