Biology 3rd Quarter Exam Review Study Guide I 4-3-12

**Answer these questions and submit them to Moodle by the end of the hour. Answers must be in complete sentences in order to receive credit. Use your study guides, the book, internet and old quizzes to find these answers.

  1. Human body cells have 46 chromosomes. From a chromosome number standpoint explain why DNA would need to make a copy of itself.
  2. Explain the difference between a specialized and an undifferentiated cell and use examples in your explanation.
  3. You are asked to be a guest speaker and to use the topic of stem cell research in your speech. Briefly explain both sides of this controversy then choose one side of the stem cell controversy and defend it as scientifically as possible.
  4. Use a diagram of a tootsie roll log to help you explain the difference between a chromosome and a gene.
  5. Diagram and completely label a DNA nucleotide.
  6. Diagram and completely label a section of DNA with the supports and 3 rungs on it. Be sure to include the nitrogen base pairings in your diagram and label the kinds of bonds that hold both the supports and the rungs of the ladder together.
  7. Identify the process (meiosis or meiosis) that produces each of the following types of cells: male gamete, bone cell, nerve cell, egg, muscle cell, sperm
  8. Explain the difference between meiosis and mitosis and where each occurs in the cell.
  9. Write the complement DNA strand to the following: CAATGCATTCCG
  10. An ancient organism is discovered in the ice at the Arctic Circle. The ice sampleis thawed and the cells of that organism are examined under a high powered microscope. Scientists are able to determinethat a cell contained in theovary of that organismhas 16 chromosomes. Based on the information given in this problem is the organism prokaryotic or eukaryotic? Explain your answer
  11. Does the data allow you to identify this species as a plant or animal? Explain your answer
  12. How many chromosomes in the somatic cells of this organism? Explain how you know.
  13. How many chromosomes in the sex cells of this organism. Explain how you know.
  14. Explain what is meant by asexual reproduction and 2 examples of this process.
  15. Give 2 examples of organisms that reproduce asexually.
  16. Explain what is meant by sexual reproduction and 2 organisms that reproduce sexually.
  17. Give the 2 classes of chromosomes contained in all organisms.
  18. What is the name for the diagram below?
  19. Where in a cell would you find the above?
  20. Is the organism that contains the above prokaryotic or eukaryotic? Explain
  21. Is the above a picture of a sex cell or somatic cell? Explain
  22. Was the picture above produced by meiosis or mitosis? Explain
  23. Is the organism above male or female? Explain
  24. How many chromosomes in the sex cells of the organism above?
  25. How many autosomes are shown above?
  26. How many sex chromosomes are shown above? Which ones are shown?
  27. Is the cell that contains the above haploid or diploid? Explain
  28. Give all the phases of the cell cycle and what happens in each stage.
  29. How much time, by %, does the cell spend in each phase of the cell cycle?
  30. Explain what a mutation is and how they contribute to genetic variation.
  31. Give the phases of mitosis in their proper order.