Document Number: T13/e01124r0

Date: 20 Jun 2001

Reply to: Pete McLean

*Operating under the procedures of The American National Standards Institute.

NCITS Secretariat, Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)

1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005-3922

Email: Telephone: 202-737-8888 FAX: 202-638-4922

Minutes of T13 Working Group and Plenary Meetings, June 19 – 2x, 2001 T13/e01124r0

To: Membership of T13

From: Mark Evans, Secretary of T13, and Pete McLean, Chair of T13

Subject: Minutes of 29th T13 Working Group and Plenary Meetings at Irvine, CA

June 19 – June 20, 2001


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Minutes of T13 Working Group and Plenary Meetings, June 19 – 2x, 2001 T13/e01124r0

1 Opening remarks 4

2 Approval of agenda 4

3 Membership and attendance 4

3.1 Membership 4

3.2 Fees 5

3.3 Attendance 5

4 Approval of the minutes from the previous T13 plenary meeting (e0118r0) 6

5 Document distribution 6

6 Review of previous action items 7

7 Old business 7

7.1 Status for EDD, project 1386-D (NCITS 347-2001) 7

7.2 Status of Address Offset Feature Technical Report, project 1407-DT (NCITS TR-27) 7

7.3 ATA/ATAPI-6 project 1410-D 7

7.3.1 Audio/Visual Model (d99135r5) [Bulik] 7

7.3.2 Single device configurations ( ) [McFerrin] 8

7.3.3 INTRQ assertion, negation, release, pull-up (e01119r0) [Barras] 8

7.3.4 Proposal for a General Purpose Feature Set (e00138r4) [Puri] 8

7.3.5 Review of the draft standard 8

7.3.6 Schedule Review 8

7.4 EDD – 2 project 1484-D (d1484r0) [Stevens] 8

7.4.1 EDD raid option ROM proposal (e01125r0) [Stevens] 9

7.4.2 Packet sending services for EDD (e00143r1) [Stevens] 9

7.4.3 Draft review (d1484r0) [Stevens] 9

7.5 ATA/ATAPI Host Adapters project 1510-D 9

7.5.1 Draft review (d1510r0) [Goodfellow] 9

7.6 Proposal for command integrity checking (e00160r0) [McLean] 9

7.7 Consolidated ATAPI PACKET command set (e00150r0) [Goodfellow] 9

7.8 Extended cable lengths (e00151r1) [Goodfellow] 10

7.9 Larger sector size ( ) [Colegrove] 10

7.10 Errata for ATA/ATAPI-5 (e01122r0) [McLean] 10

7.11 ATA/ATAPI-7 project 12

7.11.1 Project proposal (e01116r0) [McLean] 12

7.12 T13 Reflector, FTP, and Web Site Setup 12

7.13 Open issues list 12

8 New Business 12

8.1 FLUSH CACHE command modification proposal (e01126r0) [Noblitt] 12

8.2 Correction to SET MAX ADDRESS command 12

8.3 Queuing enhancements 13

9 Liaison Reports 13

9.1 T10 13

9.2 SFF 13

9.3 IDEMA 13

10 Call for Patents 13

10.1 Convolve 14

11 Review of Action Items 14

12 Meeting Schedule 14

12.1 Authorization of ad hoc working groups 14

12.2 Long term meeting schedule 15

13 Adjournment 16

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Minutes of T13 Working Group and Plenary Meetings, June 19 – 2x, 2001 T13/e01124r0

Results of the Meeting

1  Opening remarks

Pete McLean, the T13 Chairman, called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, June 19, 2001. Pete thanked Curtis Stevens of Phoenix Technologies for hosting the meeting.

As is customary, the people in attendance introduced themselves, and a copy of the attendance list was circulated. Copies of the draft agenda were made available to those in attendance.

The Chairman briefly reviewed the meeting rules: T13 is a Technical Committee of NCITS and operates under NCITS rules. Anyone with interest in the work of the committee is free to attend and take part in discussions. However, motions and votes are limited to member organizations, one vote per member organization. In addition, the committee complies with NCITS antitrust guidelines. As a result discussions about unannounced products, prices, volumes, vendor relations, etc., are prohibited. The Chairman noted that a set of Policies and Procedures for NCITS are available at the site under the standing documents category as SD-2. The committee is operating under these revised policies and procedures augmented by the T13 procedures at the T13 web site

Approval of agenda

The agenda as reflected in these minutes was approved unanimously.

Membership and attendance

The Chairman reviewed the rules for membership and attendance:

3.1  Membership

An individual from an organization new to T13 must attend at least one T13 plenary meeting as an Advisory Member before requesting voting membership. After that meeting, the representative must request membership from the T13 chair stating expertise and material interest in the scope of the committee and pay required fees to NCITS. Voting privileges begin upon receipt by the NCITS Secretariat of applicable fees for the membership year.

3.2  Fees

Current NCITS memberships fees for Observer, Principal, or additional Alternate are 800.00 USD (the First Alternate is free with a Principal membership). A T13 subscription is available to Principal, Alternate, or Observer Members at a fee of 800.00 USD.

Mailings of committee documents are available to any interested party after each plenary meeting. The cost for mailings for one year is 300.00 USD for mailing in the USA and for 400.00 USD for mailing to a location outside of the USA.

Persons with questions or requests regarding membership fees and/or subscriptions for mailings should contact Monica Vago, Manager, ITI Standards Operations, at 202-626-5739, send a fax to her at 202-638-4922, or contact her by email at

3.3  Attendance

In addition to payment of fees, there are also minimum attendance requirements to maintain voting membership status on T13. A representative from a member organization must attend two of every three meetings and vote on at least every other letter ballot. If a member organization fails to have a representative in attendance at two of the last three T13 meetings or vote on every other letter ballot, they are warned that failing to attend the next T13 meeting or to vote on the next letter ballot will result in their membership being terminated.

Attendance at a working group meeting does not affect membership status in T13.

The following members were in jeopardy due to lack of attendance:

CMD Technology

ST Microelectronics

No members were terminated due to lack of attendance:

The following organizations requested membership and paid NCITS fees:



In addition, Texas Instruments has paid membership fees. Since Texas Instruments did not attend the meeting they did not become voting members.

The T13 membership during the meeting was 24 organizations (changed from 22 organizations at the last meeting).

No company requested new membership following the adjournment of the meeting. T13 membership following the meeting was 24 members.

The following individuals were in attendance:

Phil Gardner / Absolute Software / Mary Morgan / Morgan Link
Ron Roberts / Adaptec / Tony Goodfellow / Pacific Digital
Larry Barras / Apple / Don Doan / Pacific Digital
Brian Dixon / CMD / Bill McFerrin / Philips
Raymond Liu / CMD / Curtis Stevens / Phoenix
Sumit Puri / Fujitsu / Greg Elkins / Qlogic
Seiichi Domyo / Hitachi / Bob Chang / Sandisk
Dan Colegrove / IBM / Marc Noblitt / Seagate
Tim Bradshaw / Iomega / Bruce Perens / Software in the Public Interest
Andre Hedrick / Linux ATA Dev / Emmanuel Coudray / ST Micro
Mark Evans / Maxtor / AaronWilson / ST Micro
Pete McLean / Maxtor / Tasuku Kasebayashi / Toshiba

Approval of the minutes from the previous T13 plenary meeting (e0118r0)

The minutes from the previous meeting, e01118r0, were approved unanimously.

Document distribution

The following documents were distributed:

Agenda and document directory

Meeting announcement for August

e01116r0 Project proposal for ATA/ATAPI-7

e01122r0 Errata for ATA/ATAPI-5

e00138r4 Proposal for a General Purpose Logging feature set

e01125r0 EDD raid option ROM proposal

e01127r0 Packet sending services for EDD

e00151r1 80-conductor cable length extension

In addition diskettes were passed around with soft copies of the above documents.

Review of previous action items

  1. Folks from device vendors are to check on how power-on hours timers are maintained and/or incremented – particularly in regard to Sleep and other power saving modes – completed. This item was closed after brief discussion.
  1. Dan Colegrove agreed to speak with IBM’s representative to CFA in order to get their input on changes that have been made to their command set in the draft standard during the obsolescing of CHS addressing – completed. Dan spoke with their representative and reported that the CFA folks understood that they would have to stay in touch with any changes made by T13 to standards documents, and that they would have to include any additional clarifications in their documents.
  1. Pete McLean is to construct an Errata for ATA/ATAPI-5 for letter ballot that includes the issues from the list as updated at this meeting and the issue with word 126 as identified by Tim Bradshaw in e01117 – completed. This will be covered in agenda item 7.10.
  1. Pete McLean agreed to include the text of agendae and minutes in the body of postings to the reflector – completed.

7  Old business

7.1  Status for EDD, project 1386-D (NCITS 347-2001)

EDD has been published as ANSI NCITS 347-2001. As this is now a completed project, this item will be removed from future agendae.

7.2  Status of Address Offset Feature Technical Report, project 1407-DT (NCITS TR-27)

Address Offset Feature Technical Report has been published as NCITS TR-27:2001. As this is now a completed project, this item will be removed from future agendae.

7.3  ATA/ATAPI-6 project 1410-D

7.3.1  Audio/Visual Model (d99135r5) [Bulik]

No one from WD was in attendance during the meeting. Dan Colegrove volunteered to speak with Darrin Bulik, and, if WD is unable or does not wish to carry on with editing this document, Dan would also volunteer to assume responsibility for editing the document.

7.3.2  Single device configurations ( ) [McFerrin]

Bill McFerrin reported that there had been no input from Jeff Wolford of Compaq. Bill said that he favored that the proposal from Apple that had been included in ATA/ATAPI-6 be removed. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.

7.3.3  INTRQ assertion, negation, release, pull-up (e01119r0) [Barras]

Larry Barras requested that this item be moved to ATA/ATAPI-7 section of the agenda. This item will be moved to that section in the agenda for the next meeting.

7.3.4  Proposal for a General Purpose Feature Set (e00138r4) [Puri]

Sumit reviewed the revision of his proposal that included all of the elements requested by the committee at the last meeting. Minor editorial changes were added during the review. The editor agreed to include the content of the proposal including the editorial changes into the next draft of ATA/ATAPI-6.

7.3.5  Review of the draft standard

The editor reviewed the change bars in the document that reflected differences between the current and previous revisions of the draft standard. During the review several modifications and corrections were recommended which the editor agreed to include in the next revision of the draft standard. Change bars will identify these changes.

The editor will make a second revision that accepts all of the change bars. This version will be used for the “line-by-line” review of the document at the working group meeting in July.

7.3.6  Schedule Review

The schedule for the project was reviewed and no changes were recommended.

Schedule Item / Original / Prior / Current
Project proposal / Oct-99 / Oct-99 / Oct-99
Initial draft / Jun-00 / Jun-00 / Jun-00
Proposal cut-off / Aug-00 / Aug-00 / Aug-00
Stabilized draft / Feb-01 / Feb-01 / Apr-01
Letter ballot / Apr-01 / Jun-01 / Aug-01
Forward to NCITS / Jun-01 / Aug-01 / Oct-01

7.4  EDD – 2 project 1484-D (d1484r0) [Stevens]

Curtis Stevens said that the first revision of this draft standard was made from the last draft of the EDD standard (d1386r5).

7.4.1  EDD raid option ROM proposal (e01125r0) [Stevens]

Curtis provided an overview of the proposal. This proposal was constructed by Adaptec, and is intended to add the BIOS requirements for RAIDs.

Curtis said that he would like to include the content of this proposal into the EDD-2 draft. To this end Curtis requested that the interested parties review this proposal so that it could be discussed in detail at the next meeting.

7.4.2  Packet sending services for EDD (e00143r1) [Stevens]

Curtis said that this proposal is to allow users to use applications to extract device calls from the BIOS functions so that they could be used for various functions (like SMART functions during manufacturing operations). Curtis said that he felt that this could be used for ATAPI, SCSI, 1394, and USB.

Curtis reviewed the proposal in detail. He said that he would like to include the content of this proposal into the EDD-2 draft. To this end Curtis requested that the interested parties review this proposal so that it could be discussed in detail at the next meeting.

7.4.3  Draft review (d1484r0) [Stevens]

Curtis said that he thought there was no reason to perform a review of the first draft in that its content was that of the approved standard. The first review of the new draft standard will be conducted on the next revision of the draft which will include new proposals or revisions that have been accepted.

7.5  ATA/ATAPI Host Adapters project 1510-D

7.5.1  Draft review (d1510r0) [Goodfellow]

There was no document to review at this meeting, but Tony Goodfellow requested that this item be kept on the agenda.

7.6  Proposal for command integrity checking (e00160r0) [McLean]

Pete McLean said that he had nothing new on this proposal but wished to leave it on the agenda for now.

7.7  Consolidated ATAPI PACKET command set (e00150r0) [Goodfellow]

There was no document to review at this meeting, but Tony Goodfellow requested that this item be kept on the agenda.

7.8  Extended cable lengths (e00151r1) [Goodfellow]

Don Doan discussed this proposal. This proposal provides a method for using a 27-inch, 80-conductor cable by using an 80-pin header at the host where the even pins are connected to ground.

There was some concern that the restrictions for hosts and devices need to be expanded because the test data presented was exclusively for new models of hard disk drives only. It was agreed that all would take this back to their analog experts and provide feedback so that this can be discussed at the next meeting.

7.9  Larger sector size ( ) [Colegrove]