Laboratory Research Report Evaluation

Each category is worth up to 4 points. Your performance will be assessed as follows: 0 = unsatisfactory, 1= poor, 2 = fair, 3 = good, 4 = excellent (with 0.5 points assigned at the instructor’s discretion)

Area of Evaluation / Points Earned
(1) Technical Writing Skills
The paper addresses the correct audience (student, scientific, or expert) and includes an appropriate level of scientific detail
General skill in writing: good sentence structure and correct use of verb tense/tone/voice, and generally free of grammatical errors (spelling, punctuation, subject/verb agreement, and other language tips)
Quality of technical communication: concise (non-verbose) presentation, good use of scientific vocabulary, precise language employed, good use of scientific conventions (abbreviations, units, names/numbers, capitalization, paraphrasing, etc) and corpus linguistics
Organization: paragraphs organized around a clear topic and arranged in a logical sequence (the report includes clearly identified introduction, development of ideas, and culmination) – author employs good transitions throughout the report
Quality of draft: neatness/legibility-- the report shows evidence of being proofread and revised
(2) Format
Report is properly formatted (overall) and organized (sections) according to the accepted JOC guidelines
Methods section contains appropriate information (description of HOW the experiments were conducted), written with acceptable style, and is formatted properly (according to JOC guidelines)
Results section contains appropriate information (restatement of experiment, graphical presentation of results, process of discovery outlined with movement between data and prose), written with acceptable style, and is formatted properly (according to JOC guidelines)
Discussion section contains appropriate information (reiteration of results, reveals critical thinking/analysis by the author: data, results, and observations have been critically evaluated – insightful and interpretive ideas; comparing and contrasting of results; inferences made, facts, data, concepts and speculations are presented with logic, accuracy, and completeness, implications, applications, and conclusions are presented), written with acceptable style, and is formatted properly (according to JOC guidelines)
Introduction section contains appropriate information (defined research area, gap identified, and explanation of this work fills the gap), written with acceptable style, and is formatted properly (according to JOC guidelines)
Abstract contains appropriate information (like IMRD), written with acceptable style, and is formatted properly (according to JOC guidelines)
Chemical structures, equations, reactions, tables, graphs, and other graphics are used appropriately and enhance the quality of technical communication
A good, professional Title is provided. References are appropriately utilized and correctly formatted. Scientific integrity is maintained
(4) Average Score (0-4): A = 3.4 - 4.0; B = 2.7 - 3.4; C = 1.9 - 2.7; D = 1.4 - 1.9; F = <1.4
(5) Score scaled to 100 points