Implementation of Common Minimum Programme
Monthly Report of KendriyaVidyalaya ASC Centre (s) Month:-AUGUST2016
A / Teaching Learning Materials
1. / Is a list of TLM required for the month prepared by each Subject teacher and handed over to HM? / Yes
2. / Is advance as prescribed given to HM/Senior PRT every month? / Yes
3. / Are the required material purchased by HM
And distributed to teachers? / Yes
4. / Are stock register and issue register maintained? / Yes.
5. / Is a register on preparation and use of TLM maintained in the resource room? / Yes.
6. / Is record of use of TLM maintained in TeachersDairy? / Yes.
B / Equipment in resource room
1. / Is the separate resource room for primary section functioning? / Yes.
2. / Are Heavy duty photocopier/ Digital Duplicator made available Exclusively for primary section in working condition? / Yes.
3. / Is a register for the record of use of photocopier maintained? / Yes.
4. / Is the LCD in working condition? / Yes.
5. / Is the colour TV in working condition? / Yes.
6. / Are the computers with internet in workingcondition? / Yes.
C / Class Library
1. / Is a class library functioning in classes III to V ? / Yes.
2. / Is a separate cup-board arrangement made
as per the requirement of CMP? / Yes.
3. / No of books added to class library during thequarter? / -
D / Supervision and monitoring
1. / Is the supervision being carried out as per the
Requirement of CMP ? / Yes.
2. / Is a record of supervision maintained by HM ? / Yes.
3. / Is any workshop conducted for all PRT’s? / Yes. Demonstration lessons were conducted by four different teachers in four subjects. (English, Hindi, Maths & EVS),Workshop on Cinema in Education By Mr.Chaitanya of LxL on 27-8-16
4. / Are tests/exams conducted as per plan? / CCE for Class 1 & 2, FA-1 completed
FA-2 for classes 3,4,5 for the month of August conducted
E / Time Table
1. / Are block period being used for activity based teaching? / Yes.
2. / Is contractual arrangement made for vacant posts of PRTs? / Yes. 1 Computer Tr.
F / CCA, Sports and games, Health check, Film shows, Study trips
1. / Is the schedule of CCA for the session 2016-2017 followed? / Yes.
2. / Are sports and games activities conducted house wise as per plan? / Will be conducted as per the plan.
3. / Is compulsory health check-up conducted during the quarter? / First health check-up completed.
4. / Is community lunch organized? / Will be organised as per the plan.
5. / Are study trips organized? / Will be organised as per schedule.
6. / Is the CD/DVD player in working condition? / Yes, it is in working condition.
7. / No. of film shows arranged during the Quarter? / Every month two film show are arranged
8. / Special activities / celebrating during the quarter / Various Competition Conducted for Azadi 70 from 9th to 23rd Independence day celebration on 15th August
9. / Achievements of Primary children at State/National/International level? / -
10. / Grand Parents day organized? / Will be celebrated as per schedule.
11. / Are class magazines brought out? / Class IV and V class magazine completed.
G / Cluster level competitions
1. / Is cluster wise newsletter published? / Will be published as per the plan.
2. / Are Cluster level CCA competitions conducted? / School level competitions are being conducted as per the plan.
3. / Are preparations made for celebrating ‘Bal-Diwas’ in grand way? / Will be celebrated as per plan.
4. / Any other ?(please describe briefly )
H / Names of KVS in the cluster
1. / KV. ASC Centre (S) Bangalore
2. / KV. BEML ,K.G.F.Bangalore
3. / KV. DRDO Bangalore
4. / KV. MEG & CENTRE, Bangalore
5. / KV. NAL, Bangalore
6 / KV. K.R.Puram, Bangalore.


Mrs Anusuya K.P ShriP.Ramakrishna

KVASC Centre

CMP In charge Cluster