It's just as the STASI treatedDissidents in Former East Germany, except this Human Rights Abuse is Happening Here Today
This paper is a blueprint on the use of the Zerzetsen “no touch”Torture Techniqueto break individuals and destroy families. Zerzetsen is a process of character assassination and threats – its purpose is to poison every aspect of a person’s life. Today Zerzetsen is being used by theMI5/MI6Intelligence Agenciesin the UK, and CSISin Canadato persecute a decent family for people in the high establishment. Human Rights Organizations & Politicians are scared to help.
Roderick Russell
#207, 1733 – 27 Ave. SW
Calgary, AB T2T 1G9Canada
Tel: 403.229.0864
Former Police Chief – “[MI5]Infiltrate organizations, people’s jobs and lives. They operate almost like a cancer. At the moment the acorn of a STASI has been planted”
Former CEO of international arms co. on MI6 / CIA – “I was subjected to harassment, burglaries…surveillance, bugging, telephone tapping … my family suffered considerably … my brother was killed in an accident never satisfactorily explained”
Table of Contents
/Zerzetsen Torture – Developed by the Stasi to Pressure Dissidents; being used by MI5/MI6 & CSIS Today
Zerzetsen in Summary (Pages 3to 5)
/3 to16
/Zerzetsen Torture – A Serious Human Rights Abuse
Precedents – 10 other cases of Zerzetsen
Why Zerzetsen is a human rights abuse
Grosvenor & its establishment relationships
/The Big Lie Strategy - Defamation & Slander
The power of the Big Lie
/26 to30
/State Cover-up Conspiracy – UKCanada
To Pervert the Course of Justice
/31to 46
/Zerzetsen Death Threats / Psychological Torture
Multiple Examples of Actual Zerzetsen Threats. How the Intelligence Agencies’ do it
/47 to 53
/Neutering our Human Rights Industry – Amnesty International, CHRC, theGuardian
/54 to 59
/Role of MI5/MI6 & CSIS Intelligence Agencies in Zerzetsen
Sources of proof
/Conclusion - Victim's Request for Help
/64 to66
Chapter 1:Zerzetsen Torture – Developed by the Stasi to Pressure Dissidents; being used by MI5/MI6 & CSIS Today
The measure of a country’s integrity is not whether societies adhere to Rule of Law most of the time, but whether they still adhere to rule of law when it becomes inconvenient for their establishments to do so. ThisHuman Rights abuse relates to tortureand the countries involved are the UK & Canada.
Shots fired, a car run into his house, threatening phone calls to his children, he is under surveillance, and he can’t find work as people are scared to hire him.A true story; it is my story.
In an article headlined “The Persecution of Roderick Russell” a UK periodical describedthis as “a very significant story”.What is so significant is that the threats are being carried out by the intelligence services – MI5, MI6 in the UK, & CSIS in Canada – and 2 governments are trying to cover it up.They use a process of no touch torture that the STASI called Zerzetsen (or Zersetzung).
Executive Summary of Zerzetsen Torture
Zerzetsen is aboutlies, defamation,intimidation, harassment, death threats, surveillance andtelephone tapping– and it never stops.Zerzetzen (or Zersetzung) means “Oppression by systematic decomposition" and its purpose is to destroy individuals and break up families. Rhisiart Gwilym so aptly described this in Media Lens – “Roderick Russell getting precious little help from anywhere, as the Black Dogs of Animal Farm persecute him illegally.”
Zerzetsen is not the bloodier old fashioned medieval type of torture that leaves marks, but a more modern “Orwellian” form of no-touch torture that was developed by the former East German secret police "TheSTASI" to persecute dissidents. Zerzetsen is a very sophisticated torture technique and,as the Stasi reported, Zerzetsen is designed to cause “severe and prolonged suffering” without leaving marks. No touch or not, Zerzetsen poisons every aspect of a person’s life.It combines character assassination and defamation, with threats intimidation – both different sides of the same Zerzetsen coin.
First, the slandering
Zerzetsen starts with slander and character assassination– “It's about manipulating people or groups of people by typical STASI methods (hearsay, gossip, lies, spreading rumors about someone … the list goes on).” The object is to render its victim unemployable and ostracized from his community.Some examples of the defamation program are shown in ‘Chapter 3 – The Power of The Big Lie”.
Then, the threats started
10 years of ongoing Intimidation, Harassment, Telephone
Tapping, Surveillance and Death Threats followed on. Examples of some of the threats are shown in Chapter 5. As one can see from reading this Paper, there are many witnesses to verify the threats.
A quote from: The Boston Center for Refugee Health & Human Rights states –“Direct threats to him/her or to a relative are by far the most common form of torture.”
And then there is OMERTA – a shut down of all forms of help. A cover-up conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, by ensuring that the Zerzetsen crimes are never honestly investigated. Zerzetsen is always a crime of the intelligence services. Once MI5/MI6 & CSIS are on side people are scared to help. Police, politicians, and human rights agencies – no exceptions. The extent (and proof) of the cover-up conspiracy is dealt with in Chapter 4.
As the former CEO of an International Arms Co. (Astra), Gerald R. James, wrote about his Zerzetsen persecution by MI5/MI6 – “I was subjected to harassment, burglaries...surveillance, bugging, telephone tapping…my family suffered considerably…my brother was killed in an accident never satisfactorily explained.”
On Page 2 is a Table of Contents with Chapter Headings, each of which relates to a different aspect of the Zerzetsen story.
Attached to these Chapters are files of correspondence (from police, politicians, etc.) that are evidentiary and back-up points made. Click on the URL links in each Chapter to see this evidence for yourself.
On pages 17 to 20 is a description ofother victims of Zerzetsen torture – Diplomats, Business Executives, Journalists, Police Officers.
“Eternal vigilance is the price of democracy”
Thomas Jefferson
“It is necessary only for the good man to do nothing for evil to triumph.” Edmund Burke
Seizures - Suicide - Murder
TAKE THE CASE OF MARK HIGSON – the former UK diplomat and whistle-blower, a victim of Zerzetsen torture whom the intelligence services persecuted for years. Mark died from an accident caused by severe epilepsy, which was brought on as a result of his persecution. There are many other examples of severe conditions, such as Mark suffered, that are a common development for those who are persecuted with Zerzetsen and epilepsy is only one of the effects that MI5/MI6 & CSIS try to induce in their victims.
My wife is another example. Imagine what she has been forced to deal with over the years bringing up our three children while being subjected to continuous threats and abuse against her family. It is hardly surprising that she has developed a severe health condition. The stress of our situation has weighed heavily on her health and she had her first seizure (in 2001) in the middle of the night, while asleep, and after hearing the previous day that a motorbike had been run at me in London. Although she is not affected by seizures now, this is considered to be a serious health issue and life threatening without proper prescribed medication.
As the Stasi reported, Zerzetsen (or Zersetzung) is designed to cause “prolonged and severe suffering”. So it should be no surprise that some victims of this torture experience seizures. Many other victims eventually commit suicide which MI5/6 & CSIS intend to happen (there is written documentary evidence of suicides caused by Zerzetsen).
Onoccasion victims of “Zerzetsen” are killed; but usually their murder is disguised as an accident.
To see evidentiaryexamples of some of the actual threats, look atChapter 5: “Zerzetsen Death Threats – Psychological Torture”. For a definition of torture and how these incidents relate go to Chapter 2: “Zerzetsen Torture - A Serious Human Rights Abuse”
It started with a Worldwide Slander Job by MI6 & CSIS
In my family's case it all started with a professionally executed defamation job in Vancouver, Canada after I decided to resign as Group Controller of Grosvenor International. At this time, I had no idea what was going on or why it was happening, since I have never done anything wrong (see pages 24 to 25 for explanation). Friends and head-hunters who once eagerly sought after me for senior positions, now avoided me. I applied for thousands of jobs to no avail. I had become unemployable. Gradually I became ostracized from all my friends and from the community.
What effect did this have on my family? Well we began to run out of money, and we were bringing up three children. We had to sell our house in West Vancouver and rent, use up all our savings, sell both our cars and still the street beckoned us. We continued to survive because some relatives stepped in to help. I had gone from being a sought after senior executive to being close to living on the street. This is Zerzetsen Torture, developed by the former East German secret police to pressure dissidents and used by CSIS in Canada, and MI5/MI6 in UK – but I didn’t know that then.
Then Surveillance, Phone Tapping, Intimidation & Harassment
Then the “Zerzetsen” tactics changed. We began to get many hundreds of telephone calls with no one on the other end of the line. Yet people who genuinely phoned me could not get through, but were answered by shrieking fax tones. Stalkers began to follow us around quite openly. We were clearly under surveillance. People in cars staked out the house, and sometimes waited right in our driveway. Street Theatre acts were put on for us (a known intimidation tactic).Our Telephonewas clearly being tapped and mail interfered with. My computer was going haywire with threats appearing on its screen. We feared for our lives; yet not one word was spoken to us – This is the Zerzetsen “no-touch” torture technique, though I didn’t know it at the time. One of the advantages of this technique to CSIS is that it is designed to mirror the complaints a paranoid would make (see page 19, item 8), except that I have plenty ofwitnesses to corroborate.
Death Threats, Shots Fired, Children Threatened
Thinking it was just West Vancouver and Canada; I fled to the UK in 2001. The threats on my family got worse. The old implied threats continued, but now my children and I were getting death threat calls (some recorded) and threats from people in the street, our apartment was smashed into, and shots were fired at my eldest son (in front of an independent witness) and at myself. Now outside witnesses were also threatened. One woman was sexually harassed and threatened twice in 24 hours. Threats of violence or death were implied heavily against my children. Cars and motorbikes were run at me at high speed and right up onto the sidewalk. We were even threatened with helicopters (hovering close beside the bedroom window in the middle of the night).
Threats in the name of the royal family (in view of the cover-up, the involvement of MI5/6 and Grosvenor's close relationship with the Royals, I felt this might be genuine). We reported the crimes numerous times and each time it was covered up. Often the police start being honest; then they get the message – cover-it-up. Police cars fired firecrackers under my bedroom window in the middle of the night and set their sirens off, hoods pointed guns at me in the street
In 2006 we returned to Calgary and there have been a number of threats here though less so than before. For example, people moved in to the apartment block and started harassing us, my daughter was threatened in the street, and much more. Recently I have had extensive computer interference (which I can prove), some open surveillance, and my daughter has had a large nail driven into the same tire on her car three times in one month (Nov 2009).
Imagine what my wife has had to deal with bringing up our three children though this. For 10 years she has had to live with the knowledge that her children have been under constant threat of murder by very powerful people, and that the very people who should be protecting you (government) are the persecutors and are covering-it-up.
A UK-MP brought all this to Tony Blair’s attention in 2005, and it wascovered-up. It has subsequently been brought directly to the attention of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, through intermediaries,and it is still beingcovered-up
It all began years ago when I chose to leave Grosvenor International, a large private company owned by The Duke of Westminster. I had worked in Grosvenor International’s worldwide head office in Vancouver, Canada as Group Controller. Though I had done an excellent job, years of character assassination followed.
Damaging rumors would also circulate behind the backs of other executives who left Grosvenor’sVancouver office. This company is a powerhouse in financial and royal circles. A former Deputy Chief of UK Defense Staff, the Duke of Westminster is reportedly Prince Charles’s closest friend, and has boasted about his intelligence connections.
Then the Zerzetsen threats started. There is sufficient corroborative evidence to prove torture and a government cover-up conspiracy (to ensure that the crimes are never honestly investigated) to the full criminal “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard, several times over.
Before speaking out I made every attempt to go through normal channels - police, politicians.
The late Roberto Calve of Banco Ambrosiano referring to the high establishment said they exercised what he called “potere occulto” – i.e. secret power. A prominent lawyer referring to Grosvenor, said that company “has far too much power”
There is evidence that suggests to me that close Royal Family associates may be involved; I don’t say that evidence of Royal involvement is itself beyond a reasonable doubt, but, in the absence of an honest investigation, there are sufficient grounds for me to have reasonable suspicion.
No touch or not, when you read this Paper you will be left with no doubt that “severe and prolonged suffering” has been the result of MI5/6 & CSIS’s use of Zerzetsen torture in UK and Canada.
When these crimes were reported the matter was covered-up at the highest levels of Government in Canada and the UK.Are the politicians scared of Grosvenor, or perhaps Prince Charles’s associates, or just scared of their own intelligence services?The key that enforces a cover-up conspiracy is the involvement of the intelligence services. To see proof of involvement of the intelligence agencies in Zerzetsen go topage 60 “Chapter 7: Role of MI5, MI6, and CSIS in Zerzetsen”
ZERZETSEN requires an OMERTA (i.e. silence, a cover-up) from Police, Politicians and Human Rights Organizations, so that the victim has no help. Substantial evidentiary proof of this Omerta(the cover-up) is included in this paper. Indeed, once the authorities start covering-up, there is no end to it – the authorities then have to continuously cover-up their earlier cover-ups, and in doing so they create new lies piled upon their old lies.
Police cannot operate where MI5/6 CSIS are involvedand where government is covering-it-up -evidence of the cover-up is outlined in Chapter 4.This is what separates Zerzetsen torture from other crimes; the miscreants in Zerzetsen are the authorities themselves.CSIS have overridden “Rule of Law” in Canada, and neutered our police, our government, and our democracy.
MI5/6 & CSIS - Neutering the Politicians
The key that enforces a cover-up conspiracy is the involvement of the intelligence agencies. The politicians are scared of them. CSIS & MI5 / MI6 must know all the politicians personal secrets; so their ability to blackmail is very real.
Few people (certainly not most politicians) are without some form of skeleton in their past; so if the intelligence services go rogue,the mere thought of what CSIS might disclose would make most politicians tremble.See “Chapter 7 - Role of MI5/MI6 & CSIS in Zerzetsen”.
Those familiar with the well-publicized Grant Bristow (a CSIS Agent Provocateur) affair of a couple of decades ago in Canada, and his likely effect on the election chances of the then Reform Party, are well aware what CSIS can do to SMEAR politicians if it chooses. A former UK Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, complained that MI5 / MI6 were out of control, and out to smear him (and this was 40 years ago).No Prime Minister would want to risk potential scandal with disclosure of his MPs personal secrets, and MI5 / CSIS must know all the politician’s secrets
As Former Astra Chairman Mr. Gerald Reaveley James, who has had similar experiences, writes – “Politicians and civil servants andother leading figures who get out of line can be surveyed or bugged and then threatened, blackmailed, framed up or worse”
But it is not just the politicians who are scared of their own intelligence services - so are the Press and the Human Rights organizations that should be helping. Look at page 54 “Chapter 6- Neutering our Human Rights Industry”